I know I'm a nut.... but I'm looking to buy a large keep! lol. PM me ( or @Lord Krake ) with the goods. Or reply to thread, whatever.
They're either in my bank box on Gambit, or in a house I accidentally let fall. Will PM you tonight with the final answer.
let me know where your new keep is, so I can camp it like an IDOC (updates on char location would be appreciated too, in the event of a dump all item frenzy)
If I were to sell this, all of its contents would go with it (minus the 4th red anniv mask dye) I would be looking for around 20mill S/B. You interested? I also own a bunch of houses south of it. Awesome location just Southeast of dungeon Ice
The secret is out! For some reason, for a while, I thought Puck might have been Gambit. Sorry Puck, lol.
Well, the boxes don't have much loot, but there are 4 Arctic Ogre Lord Mage statuettes, Fluffy IV Stat, Beholder Stat, 2 Minion Stats, 200+ holiday coins, a bunch (6 i think) of rare chests (scorched, web covered, etc), Halloween candles from this year, Ichor: the green blood- (from abyss level 7 map), and some slayers, vanqs and power weapons. No one will believe this part, but the CY is secure, minus the three tiles open right now. I moved this keep a LOT when I purchased and put boxes down immediately, so I am 99.9% sure its secure. Of course, if someone marked a rune on every tile here over the years, it might change, but i doubt it. Also, a head of @Deathboy is included. A Set of Christmas scrolls, 2 Turkey statues (savage and wild). The diseased elemental statue is not mine. I stole it from @Pill , so it is not included. Thats about it, but I am sure thee is more. I guess we can call this another "Mystery Keep Auction" if I do it.