Elf Hunting Pro-Tips - Provo Archer Style MAJOR UPDATE: Wandering Healers and Elves sign a Non-Aggression Pact!!! Sidney now acts like he don't know me... just 2 days ago he was my boy.. .helping me rid the world of elves (see 4th screenshot below this one) Elves are DUMB - They cant seem to navigate terrain Elves CANT JUMP - Elves cant jump a hedge - Mongbat eventually found his way around... Elves are HATEFUL - Wandering healers are your Friend, heal them & they will fight for you - No Provo needed Elves are WEAK - Battle Mage and his little minion are no match for Sidney and Me Elves get CONFUSED - Everytime he pathed to one end of this berm, I ran to the other end on my side, he would then stay on his side and run to me. When he got close, I went to the other end... Rinse and Repeat Elves love to DANCE ! - The Power of Repond Commands Thee !!!! MOAR Dancing Elves Elf Archers suck at duels - Archer Duel To the DEATH ! No healing. Got me to 80% before he died... he stood in till the last Archer Battle ROYALE - Elf Ranger dropped some nice leggings Elves are POOR - Know why all 4 of his little buddies are beating up on this Knight ! THEY HAVENT BEEN PAID ! Little do they know, that Knight has no Phat Lewt on him either - I checked all their pockets
ROFL he's hiding from us. "Nuh-uh! It was a slaughter last year. I'm just gonna chill back here until this infernal holiday is over."
No story. Just the photo. Santa was good to me this year. I got the book and mask as drops yesterday! Also, take note of my title on my thief! I must be doing something wrong.
Disregard my previous entry for top shot, because this is just weird. I'm out fishing in the middle of friggin nowhere when I come across this, floating on the water: That is small fish, just sitting there. You can't pick them up, and they block boat movement. They had to be placed by GM because otherwise they would decay or be moveable. I included my whole screen because it was the laziest way I could just give you the UOAM and the game window.
After Peace advised that Wandering Healers had signed a peace-agreement with the Naughty Elves, I found Blythe having a disagreement with a Dark Elf. of course I had to help Blythe so I stood by and applied Bandages to ensure his survival, he's come to my aid more than once, it was the least I could do.
December Top Shots Winners: 1. @Zyler 2. @ReZon 3. @LanDarr Contact Telamon on IRC for trophy creation.