Brigand Encampment [brg]

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Bayara, Dec 6, 2016.

  1. Bayara

    Bayara Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2016
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    Hail to all!
    this is my first time posting on this forum. but I am also this same name in game, so some of you may recognize me that way.

    I have started a brigand based partial RP guild and am looking to see if there is interest from anyone else to come play along.
    a little bit about what I am looking for and interested in seeing grow below...

    * people who are comfortable with partial RP playstyle. not stuck in character 24/7, break and re-enter as you see fit. be open to AND give opportunity to engage with other RPers and flex your whit/banter.
    * NPC brigand names are not usually things like "Run Loser" or "xXxnoobrocketxXx" so not trying to join a character with names as such... but something more like Roderik, Farrel, Marcus, etc you get it!
    * strong appeal to thief thug builds [NOT that you have to have stealing on your template]. red or blue doesn't matter, but I think while being red is extremely RP accurate, is also extremely limiting with starting up some in-town shenanigans (and besides, can't steal with murder counts)
    * traditionally brigands don't use magic... so for the moment... dexxers only! but due to shard population I may have to bend on this as excluding magic users may be a bit too limiting.
    * because we aren't playing for all the loot/bragging rights/platinum in the game, we can be mentally in-control and not go berzerk when we die. we also don't need to res kill [unless the newly risen provokes it], dry loot, or grief beyond reason. we want people to have a cool experience dealing with us even if they die and lose their weapon or reg bag from it.

    looking to occupy some roadway by the infamous X-Roads and see what kind of trouble we can get into. I already have a guild-house placed directly outside of the Brigand Fort near Yew Lich Ruins and the INFAMOUS Orc Fort. So I feel we are already off to a strong start.

    most important thing here is coming in with a good attitude and wanting to have fun. haven't pvp'd before but this sounds cool??? no problemo! that's what practice is for! I have a big place in my heart for oddball templates so NO.... you're template doesn't have to be super combat effective. this is your chance to play a club wielding beggar thief or blow the dust off that stealth archer herder you've put aside for a rainy day.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2016
    wylwrk, Fuji Flu, Antos and 6 others like this.
  2. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    So you're the one hiring all the thugs to capture noble men and women. there seems to be no end to these kidnapping operations...

    Good luck out there. We'll be keeping an eye out for your activities.

  3. Bayara

    Bayara Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2016
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    just some light ransom driven kidnapping...
    are we supposed to get JOBS or something??!?
    ::laughs herself directly off the bar stool::
    Alice Asteroid and Jupiter like this.
  4. Alice Asteroid

    Alice Asteroid Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 23, 2015
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    Hi Bayara, welcome! Feel free to join #UOR-RP on IRC if you're ever looking for more like-minded people who enjoy RP (from casual to 24/7, no distinction is made).
    Ragar, PaddyOBrien and Jupiter like this.
  5. Bayara

    Bayara Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2016
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    thanks for the warm welcome Alice!
    I have been trying to use IRC by using the link on the uoren website. but it has not been working. some more tinkering on my behalf and I should have it.
    Jupiter and Alice Asteroid like this.
  6. Alice Asteroid

    Alice Asteroid Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 23, 2015
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    There are also free programs/apps for IRC you could look into. mIRC is one for PC. I use LimeChat for Mac. Hope to see you around!
    Bayara likes this.
  7. Alex Caember

    Alex Caember Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Welcome Bayara! Your idea is a great one and I look forward to seeing you out and about! Just don't travel east past the mountain pass lest you wish your brigand band be rounded up by the King's Knights...
    Bayara and Jupiter like this.
  8. Bayara

    Bayara Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2016
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    ::yawns:: though I adore strong-arming and swindling the bureaucracy... I don't find myself prowling around Britain much. The crowds have moved on and the streets look lonely these days. The mercantile and bustle... all gone! where did it go?! ::lips tighten slightly::

    buuut, I ::coughs in correction:: WE, do thank you for the invitation! is that famous bank still standing? you know, the one with all the money??
    Alice Asteroid likes this.
  9. Alex Caember

    Alex Caember Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Hard times have fallen upon Britain on this facet of the Shard. Tourism is at an all-time low and the crime rate is up (I tend to run into a lot of thieves in Britain, which is strange because there are fewer players there than elsewhere...)

    The popularity and bustle of the town of Ocllo has captured much of the banking foot traffic these days, with Skara Brae and Moonglow being middling seconds to it due to their relatively close proximity to the moongates. I think Serpent's Hold bank is somewhat popular as well.
    Jupiter likes this.
  10. Bayara

    Bayara Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2016
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    HAH! hard times have hit Sosaria like a Tsunami! I think most settlements have been left to the tumbleweeds and rats...
    ::bloats cheeks out and grins::

    Ocllo appears to be the last refuge ::scoffs:: they may as well put the moongate directly in the center of town and hand out free soup!
    Jupiter likes this.
  11. Bayara

    Bayara Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2016
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    re-decorated the Yew brigand camp house into something less homely and more fitting of a squat where some criminals are hiding out.
    I will still be spending some time stocking it up with the usual supplies [potions, arrows, bandages, etc]...
    as of now there is an armory table inside where members can grab some stock weapons [nothing too fancy, but decent enough to get you into a fight] and even a few impressive ones.
    also some misc armor pieces so you can throw together a lean mean road warrior machine!
    I do try and keep with the theme of surviving off the loot we get from pillaging travelers and raiding supply wagons.
    you know, brigand business!
    so it really is a hodgepodge of random loot from corpses and backpacks.

    the big thing now is just getting a few members that will be active on their characters.
    I've had a couple people show some interest though, which is great!
    helps me want to keep reinvesting energy in it.
    and if nothing else, finding some new friendships.

    I definitely still want to keep with most of the themes from the original post...
    but I was also thinking more about the kind of templates that fit in best with the brigand-ish theme.
    I will say that some sort of combat discipline is a must, not just recommended.
    straight up dexxer melee pk types and thief thugs are the most suitable.
    and brave souls out there that want to double up on things like a macer-fencer-noxxer or a swords archer, very cool.
    if you want to have stealing on your character go for it but not necessary.
    of course there is still room for the oddball skills as I love this style... but you must be able to swing a weapon.
    brigands never traditionally had exposure to magery as mages would just teleport or walk through moongates and not walk the roadsides.
    therefore it was extremely uncommon to come across reagents as loot, at least in any quantity that would facilitate effective training.
    if your character does have magery, you can use it to recall and open moongates.
    [we can RP around this by stating we saved up a bunch of money and sent you into the city to attend a class on magic but all we could afford was transportation spellcraft 101]
    it's just too bizarre and out of place for a brigand to be dropping spell combos.

    once I can get a few reliable people together and we get situated...
    then we can start doing some events!
    maybe an old fashioned road block where we stop all travelers on the road and demand payment for them to pass.
    this is a classic, and easy to prepare for/participate in.
    perhaps we will plan to raid a town and due to loose lips word of our plan to strike makes it to some brave heroes who gather a force to arrive at the town just as we do...
    ::dramatic noises::
    maybe a badly injured traveler stumbles through the woods and into the clearing of Spirituality.
    her caravan just down the road is currently under siege by brigands and she needs help!
    of course all this stuff would be announced ahead of time with a specific start and end time so there is no waiting around or guessing games.

    if any people are just starting out on the shard and want this to be a character they would be starting out with... I don't mind helping to get you situated and settled.
    that's what the armory is for after all.

    ::blows a kiss but then steals it before it reaches anyone::
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2016
    wylwrk, Vandalin, Antos and 1 other person like this.
  12. Antos

    Antos Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Could you provide coordinates for the camp? I am curious if it is near Yew Harbor.

    Yew Harbor is North by North-west from the Yew Moongate on the coast. (Just look for the ships by the small stone tower we call the Yew Lighthouse... if you arrive at night, there will be no question as to which is the lighthouse!) I am currently decorating/redecorating both the Lighthouse and the Harbor House behind it, so there is not much to see at the moment, but you are welcome to visit... long as you keep your hands to yourself! :D
    Alice Asteroid and Jupiter like this.
  13. Bayara

    Bayara Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2016
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    brigand camp1.jpg

    5 32'S, 33 2'W
    X: 853, Y: 1687

    If one were to begin their journey at Yew moongate...
    they would want to follow their compass south [as in left down diagonal] until they reach the graveyard.
    from there follow the road straight down until the fork.
    take the turn towards Skara Brae and continue following the road for a ways.
    you will pass some ruins inhabited by lichs but they should leave you alone until you wander into the woods.
    the camp is situated on the south-western side of the road and cannot be missed.
    if for some reason you reach another fork in the road...
    you have actually missed it, and should keep going because there is no hope for you at all........

    If one were to begin their journey from Skara Brae's financial center [bank]...
    simply head down to the docks and take the ferry across [say cross on the little boat].
    from here simply stick to the main road as it heads east [again, by your radar, so right down diagonal].
    eventually you will reach a split in the road where there is a divergence north towards Yew.
    take this option and be on the lookout as you will soon approach the camp on your left.
    if you wind up surrounded by orcs instead...
    that means you fell asleep and your horse led you into a trap.

    this is why one should always avoid traitorous horses and travel by llama instead.
    or do the world a favor and reduce your poop-print by going on foot!
    Antos, Jupiter and Alice Asteroid like this.
  14. Antos

    Antos Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2016
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    You and I clearly need to arrange a meeting for some OOC discussion after the holidays. After all, a band of Brigands seems like a superb RP counterpart for the CIty of Justice!

    ...and if your blade is as sharp as your wit, you are sure to keep me on my toes!:D
    Bayara and Alice Asteroid like this.
  15. Vishakt

    Vishakt Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Nov 23, 2014
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    Hrmm... dumhed humies bak agin?



    Peep uu laytur panzee!
  16. Bayara

    Bayara Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2016
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    Awww you just missed me!
    Lucky lucky you...

    Not Vito!
    Gah ::looks for the words::
    He was... always good for... carrying twenty stone of junk?
    ::smiles cutely::

    well it's good to know there are still orcs in these woods...
  17. Antos

    Antos Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Brig 1.png

    I find you all guilty! The sentence is...

    Vas Corp Por

    Brig 2.png

    Justice has been served.

    (Just couldn't resist! :D)
    Vishakt, Alice Asteroid and Jupiter like this.
  18. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    * returning back from routing merchants to their deaths on the nearby roads you notice a young boy waiting for you on the door step of your "shack" of a guild house *

    Are you... the bucket-ed-boss-lady? - the boy bemoans. You can't help but notice the child's neglected state. He lacks the energy it takes to look up at you with his black-ringed eyes. The pitch matches the color of bruised fingerprints marking his neck and arms. This whipping boy has been handled recently and roughly.

    I'm the only one allowed and bucket-headed proud 'round here, boy - you declare.

    * The boy labors to take a deep breath as he prepares to speak ; as he begins, you quickly pick up that these monotone words are certainly not his own. You can tell that any life he has left in him is dedicated to reporting these memorized words without flaw. You speculate his plumbed limbs remark on his ability to remember these important words. *

    You are new. I've taken that into consideration and know it is the only reason your head is not rolling before my road agents instead of receiving this missive from one of my gallied goslings. Clearly you're mistaken by taking up business in my wood. It must be a mistake. In your undetermined future when asked, say it was a mistake otherwise we'll revisit my road agent option.

    You offend me thus, you owe me all. I offer you one chance to both repay me for your error and apply for employment. Prove yourself and your band will see earnings more noble than any good-sir's you've ever given a red smile too.

    * The boy's fixed eyes begin to drift closed as he sways and loses balance ; instinct and fear quickly revive him. With newfound energy and "motivation", he continues... *

    We share a common enemy... tamers. I want you to hit these foul devils where it hurts. Scour their known haunts and suss out the objects of their desires before they do. The next time one of them drones through one of their well-traveled-passes, let them find the gored remains of a once spectacular beast. With visions of horror and terror pass unto them all a personal and hellish nightmare they'll never forget!

    Send word to me via the artist's guild. They will render media to mark each occasion and serve as objects of import to our cause. Let the terror spread! Down with the vile beast en-slavers! Their time has come. Fail me and you will meet a rending fate!

    * The boy grabs his stomach as if in pain. An unusual sound emanates from him as you catch the familiar scent... of sulphur? The boy's stomach begins to expand as he cries out his last words that are not his own *

    Long live O'haha Allama

    * the boy explodes *

    Challenge: Terror With Nightmares

    Travel to the lost lands, find, and kill nightmares.
    Post your exploits to receive payment of 100,000 gold per nightmare.
    Secret bonus for posting lored stats considered "l33t".
    Secret bonus for >= 5 nightmares proven slain.

    STATUS: 0/5 (max) nightmares
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2016
    Rex, Jupiter, Bayara and 1 other person like this.
  19. Bayara

    Bayara Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2016
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    So you invite me over for a chat...
    But first you want to drop by and burn my camp to the ground?
    The warmest of welcomes indeed!
    ::the others in the room begin laughing::
    When the orc does it... I chuckle and put it on the back burner.
    ::laughter builds and heads nod... someone is heard shouting "fucking animal!"::
    When a government official does it, my blood runs hot.
    Hotter than normal anyways.
    :: picks up a hatchet laying beside her and throws it, burying it deep in a wall::
    I wonder how all this will play out?
    ::the camp erupts into shouting and the clanking of glasses::

    *the crowd had not been present to whitness the boy... Nor knew of the story that had been ramshackled to him. The present moment was all their ever was for Bayara... but tonight her her thoughts dominated.
  20. Rex

    Rex Active Member

    Sep 18, 2014
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    Last edited: Dec 24, 2016
    Bayara, wylwrk and Vishakt like this.

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