Why hello there! Thought I'd make one of these to say hello and introduce myself. I've been playing this darn game off and on since '99. Played live on Atlantic from 99-01. Around 01 (or was it 02?) my brother and I with our group of RL friends left for DAoC sometime after Third Dawn came out. We were a small guild (Imperial Conclave I^C) who always focused on PvP but never got into Order/Chaos or Factions (outside of a small month or two period where we went Minax and kept getting ganked). We left because we didn't like the direction UO went after Renaissance what with the split and changes to stop macroing (stupid 5x5). After that I came back multiple times over the years with IPY, Hybrid, etc... usually starting over every time b/c of wipes or I simply forgot logins. Anyway over Christmas I got the UO itch again and started up here. Not sure for how long but I definitely hope to have some fun. In my old age (30's hah) I can't handle the stressful uber-competitive way I used to be so PvP is out for me. Plus now that I've created offspring I can't be as dedicated as I once was. I hope to come across some of you in my PvE travels, so don't be shy to say hi if you see a Paul running around being generally noobish. Paul Oh and when you slaughter me mercilessly and have your way with my lifeless corpse (I wouldn't expect anything less in UO), toss a friendly res my way
Welcome... or welcome back, in a manner of speaking. If you need assistance in getting equipped, Yew is currently collecting donations for the Winter Clothes Drive at Empath Abbey. I would be happy to supply you with a few items in advance of the event. (I may as well give a few items away to a player who actually took the time to register on the forum!) PM me here or seek me out on IRC (Antos) and let me know what your armor needs are. I will see what I can do to supply you with a set of random magic gear!
Hello Rin, If you want to hop into PvM content very fast, and if youve had pvp experience in the past then id suggest starting out on a Provomage. For example: http://www.uorenaissance.com/player/26451 You will be able to do quite well in a lot of situations with a template like this, even if you get ganked. There are also some pvm challenges available. Provo Dexxers do pretty well on these, since you will have a timelimit. Fishing, Mining, Crafting, BODs, Treasure Hunting, Player Vendors... all of those are viable too. If youre more interested in Champ spawns, or farming BIG amounts of Gold in the shortest amount of time, then id suggest starting a tamer sooner or later. They take a long time to train, but there is also a lot of endgame content for those available. Ergo: Great shard, lots of good content to explore, and a great diversity of viable playstlyes/templates. You will like it here
welcome back. I am in the same boat as you, but I have now been here almost 2 years ish. There will be some months where I might not play at all, and others that I play 2-3 hours a day after kids in bed. Take your time and don't burn yourself out... Ohh, and write down your username and password, etc
My character right now is a Bard Dexxer. I always make one first when starting on a shard as it is quick and cheap. I am; however, changing things up slightly from my normal build: Music Peace Provo Magery Tac Anat Mace Going with Magery for utility and healing so I can also have Provo instead of my usual which is only Peace and Healing w/ Magery. Also Mace instead of Fencing; just need something different. I don't know about Taming though after making both a 7X Mage Tamer and Dexxer Tamer on my last stay on Hybrid. Kinda got burned out on taming bulls. But here we have 8 pet slots... Farming with 2 dragons is enticing
that build later on can do ironman amib instance events!! oh, fishers are great money early on. hope all is well!
@RIN I will pk you and desecrate the body just because you made no mention of who your Atlantic characters were. As a fellow Atlantic citizen, I need to know!!!
Hi and welcome back to UO. You will find a fantastic staff here, great community and lots of fun regardless of your play style.
I had three characters I ran on: Paul (Red Dexxer), Saella (Blue Dexxer), & Van Clyde (Professional Moongate Sitting RPer). I doubt you knew me, as I was probably no more than 4X GM on Paul, 3X on Saella. Poor as sh*t. My biggest claim to fame was I beat out the competition and planted a log cabin in the mountain clearing near Wind when Tram opened. That was my guild's stomping grounds.