Searching for Active RP.

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Grym, Nov 2, 2013.

  1. Grym

    Grym New Member

    Nov 2, 2013
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    Just wondering what the rp is like on this server. I wouldn't mind some good roleplay tavern nights, a little story, maybe some old fashioned caravan ambush scenarios.
    If there isn't, and you want one, lets get in touch.
    If there is and you want more, lets get in touch.
    Meet me by the nacho cart.

    (I hope at least one person gets the reference at the end) :p
  2. Wise

    Wise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 21, 2012
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    Hail and welcome!

    Paws is by far the most active RP group on the shard although many others occasionally play 'in character'.

    Village Of Paws Guild Forum

    While mostly out of character on the forums and in IRC, in game I can switch to role playing at the blink of an eye :D

    Looking forward to adventuring together.

  3. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    # a bare foot messenger arrives and delivers a message #

    Indeed there is a lot going on at Paws but I must admit the activity is in large part owing to many others. One of my primary goals with Paws is to establish a hub to connect the brilliance of the RP cloisters. I am merely reporting the activity that was already happening.

    Much of what I have found on this shard (and others) is that pockets of RP exist everywhere, and they are all built on glorious premises and unique stories so that it makes it difficult for them to all 'merge' in one guild. Also, many RP folks are much like myself and want to focus on the adventure and not the headache of 'enforcing' a rule set among their guild members. but if you wish to interact with them, and prove your mettle here is my review of what I have found so far. I hope I don't offend anyone in this candid review. look for these players in game, on IRC, etc and you can expect to find the kind of interaction described below:

    FOCUSED RP GUILDS/Players - these are guilds/players who focus on RP while in game
    Ciet Fife - OUT - high focus on "in character" interaction. He commands the out riders of the north. A chaotic force from the north. The observe their own set of law but have high sense of honor.

    Godric, Vlar, Robbin Redding of Stormhold - Guild of great force and wealth. Primary focus is on clearing the dungeons of evil and general support of all decent RP efforts.

    Jebidiah - a one man show focusing on all things relating to merchant classes

    Aeritas - (no guild) - elusive but will always accept an honest RP interaction. Honorary member of Paws

    Borin Drake - elusive but always will always accept an honest RP interaction. Honorary member of Paws

    Draco Neone - Paws - along with the Lady Abby

    Sir Orrin - Paws - (Sir Orrin and his family are high supporters of anything RP)

    Ascher Kraw - honorary member of Paws (just providing him a home until his watch over Paws is concluded)

    Byrmstone - highly elusive member of the undead class. He has sought to break the shackles of necromancy that bound him eternal as a corpse.

    Ebron Stonefist - (no guild yet) Ebron is a trusted merchant at Paws. He is a tried and true mountain man with a cantankerous wife who refuses to cook him a decent meal after a long day mining in the mountains.

    Aidan Moonspell - (been missing for several weeks now)

    PVP RP - guilds who are part of RP but focus on PVP (and thus might be seen as 'not' RP by haters)
    Liberation of Grimoire - a highly themed RP village. Hosts and supports a wide array of PvP efforts. If I want to engage in an RP PvP story or event, I look to him for support against evil :)

    RP Support - this are guilds who will participate in and support RP, but are involved in many other aspects of the game (PvP, PVM, hanging out, etc)
    C^V - Company of the Vigilant. They are very involved in the shard community, providing support, helping players, they have many "RP" type operations such as their themed new player housing, vendor shops, etc.

    A^T - Same as above. High focus on community support, hanging out, etc. Many members of A^T will support RP events at the drop of a hat

    Uncertain - these are folks i have interacted with, but not completely classified
    Order of the Silver Serpents - OSS is only mentioned under this section because I haven't had any direct ingame interaction with this Order, but they have indicated that it is reserved for RP and I have seen or heard any reports that the guild has been involved in anything to the contrary

    Jackson Trawl - member of -J- (Brotherhood of Justice). he has traveled with me on several adventures

    I will add more as I see them, but this is the most lively bunch I can think of off hand.
  4. Jebidiah

    Jebidiah Active Member

    Oct 1, 2013
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    A one man show? Fine complement hehe
  5. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    And I'm your trusty side kick!
  6. Godric Greycliff

    Godric Greycliff Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Oct 22, 2012
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    Welcome to Renaissance, Grym. Stop by the Silver Stag Tavern in Stormhold and have a drink sometime.
  7. Grym

    Grym New Member

    Nov 2, 2013
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  8. Godric Greycliff

    Godric Greycliff Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Oct 22, 2012
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    Stormhold dominates the central peninsula of Windmere woods due north of Vesper. While Stormhold lacks in many conveniences of Lord British's corrupt cesspools it is a city under construction and you can expect more and greater additions in the future.
    Ragar likes this.
  9. Ciet

    Ciet Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Feb 22, 2013
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    It is still picking up speed, and sometimes hard to find at times, but we exist! Winterfell is located on the western side of prison peak at the edge of the Forrest.
  10. Jebidiah

    Jebidiah Active Member

    Oct 1, 2013
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    Im interested to know if grym decided to stick around
  11. Sarian

    Sarian Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Ironically, he's a good friend of my irl. A group of about 7 of us just started playing again. One of our guys has posted some stories about us "The North Company". I didn't realize "Grym" had check this server out nearly two years ago hah.
    ReZon, Nymeros and Jupiter like this.
  12. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    I really like the north company stories! Superb writing! Keep in touch if you need anything.
  13. Nymeros

    Nymeros Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2013
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    I spoke to Sarian about role-playing here, and glad to see they are here with more friends. Just read the story on north company, you guys are brilliant! Welcome to the shard and like @Jupiter said, keep in touch if you need anything.
    Jupiter likes this.
  14. Xuthakug

    Xuthakug Member

    Jul 25, 2015
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    *picks teeth with a human bone*

    Ey ummie. *hic* Kom tuu dah Bludchok-Hai Fort sumtiem. Wei nub hert uu, promiz!
    Jupiter likes this.

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