Oh lol, for some reason I thought it was a 48 hour trip. Next one to come up is all you Billy. I'll keep my eye peeled and tip to you if I find something. I need another one but not nearly as much as this one. Thanks all and Erza just hit me up whenever in IRC or you can ping LesClaypool in my stead.
Billy, no private BO offers, you were free to bid here! Im done with that discussion now. If you said that youre going to bid on forums and then offered Blaise the stuff in this exaxt thread just because i turned down your offer on IRC, then i wont accept any bids on auctions in the future. @Blaise hit me up when youre available, im online this evening
Erza I offered Blaise the same deal I offered you yesterday. you said no, you wanted to put it on forums. i said no big deal, it was a one time offer for you. so don't get mad that you didn't get as much as i offered before it went to auction.
He put it on forums with terms specifically catered to the offering you had, so that you would be able to make such a bid. Sorry you guys didn't have a more clear communication but you probably saved me a mil or more. Like I said, next one's all yours unless bidding is under 2m. lol
Yeah, this completed my second hammer set. Got a third set with 3 smalls to go and I'm pretty sure a fourth large in the books. lol