
Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Jakob, Feb 16, 2014.

  1. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    Call it what you want, that stealth patch made trading 100% secure at all times unless someone can manage to PK you, which might prove to be more difficult in town. If I find some people anywhere in the land trading, there is no way to take the items, and in that situation you cannot simply "choose" when the item falls into their pack. It's trammel plain and simple. Not to mention the implications of initiating a trade with someone who is trying to steal from you and abusing the actual trade mechanics to prevent your items from being stolen. I'm not going to lie, I do this all the time. If your scrubby thief walks near me, you can bet that I am initiating a trade, using the trammel-time to forensics you, and then murdering you if possible.

    Previously we had a discussion about the exploitation of the trade-window to prevent stealing in almost any situation, as well as the implications of having the duel pits as a no stealing zone (even the guarded one in brit), and you (yes you blaise), said that you thought it was only temporary.., which led me to believe that you just might have some sense of what is non-trammel.

    I don't think that many players here have a big issue with stealing. Once in a blue moon someone loses something of value (perhaps with a canceled trade, which I have the impression only promotes the use of better trading locations, not doing business with non-reputable people), and the whole thing gets patched. But the majority of players that despise thieves are probably being harassed by the Beverly's and Prolifes that plague the bank.

    In that respect I am in full agreement that you something should be done about stealing and insta-banking. Always making the thief grey is a start sure, but I think these knee-jerk changes go too far. People are more confused about how stealing works now than ever.

    Furthermore, I'm pretty sure that "lying" to someone for financial gain isn't exactly "griefing". To me, griefing is following someone around obstructing their gameplay in a manner in which they have no means of avoiding.
    Master Omu and WoblinTheGoblin like this.
  2. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Oh gee, non-reputable people? You mean like scumbags impersonating good people in order to defame them? That surely doesn't happen at all. No one has a big issue with stealing but the trade-window scam is a scam, plain and simple.

    Lying for financial gain is one thing but lying so you can take advantage of an exploit, is griefing.

    The trade-window fix as it stands was a quick and dirty way to stop scumbags from scamming people who don't know every broken-ass mechanic of this old game. Abuse it as it stands all you like, it's a lot better than someone getting their plat stolen with nil effort because someone ran up with a character named Aine [Duchess of OoO, A,^T] and forced the platinum to their pack for an easy quarter mil+ theft.

    I am more than happy to play on a shard where thieves can come and employ their skill to snoop my pack and potentially steal what they find. I am not happy to know that you can make something drop to my pack on YOUR click, without anything for me to do as recourse.

    I suppose all told, inability to bank or transfer stolen goods to ANY other container or person, within X minutes of the theft, would technically solve all these issues in one blow.
  3. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    A change like that I could agree with. You should have the chance to run down any thief and actually you know "get your stuff back". I proposed in an earlier post to simply make a stolen item immobile for some time, but that kind of puts a stick in the spokes of these disarm thief guys that want to steal a weapon and pvp with it right after.

    I don't think the "value" of a theft should play a substantial role in potential future patches. So you have the possibility of losing 500k or more in one theft... well, you can also die with said item and lose it. Does someone deserve to die and lose 500k, but not get robbed and lose it? OSI curbed this by simply removing the ability to loot anything of substantial value, and instead crediting you with a small portion of the insurance money. It's trammel.
  4. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Yeah, I had the same solution in my head until I realized it nerfs disarm thieves hard.
    All told I think we're on the right/same page if we can get inability to transfer 'stolen' items for X amount of time. Then again, with no mount fatigue, Trammel Moongate gumps and travel restrictions for's still going to be a pain in the ass but at least there would be some room for recourse for the victims.

    Yes, we're agreeing again. Don't worry, I won't tell.
  5. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    Well those are other mechanics things people have problems with unrelated to this. I can't imagine why anyone would want the inability to enter a public moongate et al while criminal or an aggressor. I mean your target already has 10 possible choices and you would have to pick the exact town as them to even find them. And if they are a PK, they aren't coming into the moongate after you... If they are a criminal from attacking you, well, let them come after you and get guardwhacked. There's no purpose for that mechanic.
  6. Stranger

    Stranger Active Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    Stopping people from trade window stealing can simply be counter by being a little smart in your dealings. Trading across a table or putting super expensive items on vendors. I dont see why a mechanic would have to be put in place to stop it. I dont think there should be a mechanic in place to stop anything bad happening that a player can stop themselves.
  7. Azaazel

    Azaazel Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    Had a guy steal a vanq axe off me right in town at West Brit bank, he seemed to have no problem. stinking arm/disarm macro :).
  8. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    I found your problem. Seriously, stealing your stuff, is what the stealing skill is for...
  9. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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  10. Azaazel

    Azaazel Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    I was posting it based off all the whining from people about not being able to steal since the patch. Stealing has been a cake walk for all of you Thieves since the server has been up because it was not working correctly. Stealing in towns at banks took skill to get away with it when Guards could actually be called, no different then it was from the start of UO. I appreciate the smart ass response though :).

    That guy had no issue getting away with my item and I couldn't call guards. The greatest thing was he watched me converse for about 10 minutes and realized my weapon kept arming and disarming. He timed it ran in snagged and was gone.
  11. It'sallALark

    It'sallALark Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2015
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  12. Baine

    Baine Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Get over it. The game wouldn't be fun if every play style was as equally effective as the other in every scenario. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy playing a thief from time to time but honestly you guys are turning the masses against thieves with all this whining and crying over "perfect era mechanics." #balance
    One likes this.
  13. It'sallALark

    It'sallALark Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2015
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    You mean that tamers can get bonds and special quests, fisherman can get amibs and special instances, pks can have blessed cys, runebooks, and leaderboards, mules get bods, etc etc, thieves get nerfs, nothing worse than people who don't play a thief as a main and who have never really played one in 20 years putting in their two cents.

    Get over yourself, you dont' know anything about how stealing in UO is supposed to work.
  14. Baine

    Baine Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2013
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    O O

    That's supposed to be a big ass tear. LOL (Keep crying. Said my peace.)
  15. It'sallALark

    It'sallALark Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2015
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    Your failed attempts at sarcasm and cleverness still don't compensate for your lack of knowledge, skill, or experience playing a thief since prodo.

    But by all means, use your 3rd grade gestures and words to divert from the point that you have no point
    WoblinTheGoblin likes this.
  16. Random

    Random Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    It is possible and it was possible to pull perfect Thefts on OSI. <------ This is the formula that is still used

    I have a thief still active on OSI Chesapeak , although i havent played it in a while.

    What I am not sure about and cannot remember is if a perfect theft will still make the thief Perma Grey.

    The thief effectively steal the item but stay "visually" blue. Although its a theft, so he is not considered "innocent" anymore.

    The concept of "turning" thieves gray was to give a visual indicator to the player when their character "noticed" the theft.
  17. WoblinTheGoblin

    WoblinTheGoblin Member

    Feb 8, 2017
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    Can someone tell me how stealth stealing works on this server? Is it viable? What are the viable methods to stealing? Any links or pointers would be appreciated.
  18. Deacon

    Deacon Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    I made a disarm thief on Renaissance about 4-5 years ago because I've always loved the play style, not only that but I had dreams of acquiring one of those rare green spellbooks from the Khaldun zealots... Until Telamon patched it out.

    Unfortunately I've had almost zero success with the actual stealing skill, in my experience 90% of my attempts in town end up with me getting guard whacked. I did try taking my thief out to a handful of events, but I quickly found that 10+ stone items were all too common. I can understand how thieving can be pretty frustrating from Telamon's perspective - Some player spends 2 hours farming an event, gets a cool drop, and instantly a thief takes it away and recalls to safety. The player then spends hours complaining to Telamon how thieves are broken, along with a handful of threats to quit the shard. Unfortunately what no one ever sees is the 2+ hours the thief spent stealthing around, snooping packs, and trying to find something worth stealing other than a rune.

    Playing a good thief is harder than most other play styles, and I have nothing but respect for those that are able to successfully pull of major heists.

    Stealth, on the other hand, has been amazing. All it takes is for someone to skip a detect check, and you can double your net worth in an hour.
    eherruh, One, Jakob and 1 other person like this.
  19. WoblinTheGoblin

    WoblinTheGoblin Member

    Feb 8, 2017
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    @Deacon , is stealth automatic once used the first time or do I have to keep on clicking stealth every few steps or so? Do I get revealed if someone walks near me? That would be annoying!

    Wait, so disarm thieves are not allowed anymore or is stealing the green spellbook not allowed?
  20. Jakob

    Jakob Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    Correction! Cannot recall when criminal after stealing, so it's either gate or skate!

    With GM stealing you will be able to walk 10 steps until you need to re-stealth. I think it's 1 step per 10 skill points, to 5 steps on 50 stealth for example. If you have more questions on stealing, feel welcome to make a new thread asking (as this is a lil off-topic from OP)!

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