The Bartle Test

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by snap dragon, Feb 23, 2017.

  1. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    This isn't really trash talk, and not really "other - not related to uor". So I figured I could post it here. I know at least a few will find it interesting.

    I mentioned this in an IRC chat today and was reminded that some of you might find it interesting. The results are based on a peer-reviewed article in the early 2000's. It's kind of like that INTJ or whatever "social" test thing or whatever it is.

    You can take it in 2 minutes here

    Here is some more information from wikipedia

    For reference, this was my result:

    You are 80% Explorer

    What Bartle says:

    ♠ Explorers delight in having the game expose its internal machinations to them. They try progressively esoteric actions in wild, out-of-the-way places, looking for interesting features (ie. bugs) and figuring out how things work. Scoring points may be necessary to enter some next phase of exploration, but it's tedious, and anyone with half a brain can do it. Killing is quicker, and might be a constructive exercise in its own right, but it causes too much hassle in the long run if the deceased return to seek retribution. Socialising can be informative as a source of new ideas to try out, but most of what people say is irrelevant or old hat. The real fun comes only from discovery, and making the most complete set of maps in existence.

    You are also:
    47% Socialiser
    47% Killer
    27% Achiever

    In all honesty, that sounds pretty accurate to me.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2017
    Basoosh, ReZon, RiffRaff- and 2 others like this.
  2. Riyne

    Riyne Active Member

    Nov 1, 2014
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    I don't know how accurate, but I think it captured my general dislike of you all quite well. have a blessed day.

    You are 73% Explorer

    What Bartle says:

    ♠ Explorers delight in having the game expose its internal machinations to them. They try progressively esoteric actions in wild, out-of-the-way places, looking for interesting features (ie. bugs) and figuring out how things work. Scoring points may be necessary to enter some next phase of exploration, but it's tedious, and anyone with half a brain can do it. Killing is quicker, and might be a constructive exercise in its own right, but it causes too much hassle in the long run if the deceased return to seek retribution. Socialising can be informative as a source of new ideas to try out, but most of what people say is irrelevant or old hat. The real fun comes only from discovery, and making the most complete set of maps in existence.

    You are also:

    73% Killer
    What Bartle says:

    ♣ Killers get their kicks from imposing themselves on others. This may be "nice", ie. busybody do-gooding, but few people practice such an approach because the rewards (a warm, cosy inner glow, apparently) aren't very substantial. Much more commonly, people attack other players with a view to killing off their personae (hence the name for this style of play). The more massive the distress caused, the greater the killer's joy at having caused it. Normal points-scoring is usually required so as to become powerful enough to begin causing havoc in earnest, and exploration of a kind is necessary to discover new and ingenious ways to kill people. Even socialising is sometimes worthwhile beyond taunting a recent victim, for example in finding out someone's playing habits, or discussing tactics with fellow killers. They're all just means to an end, though; only in the knowledge that a real person, somewhere, is very upset by what you've just done, yet can themselves do nothing about it, is there any true adrenalin-shooting, juicy fun.

    33% Achiever
    What Bartle says:

    ♦ Achievers regard points-gathering and rising in levels as their main goal, and all is ultimately subserviant to this. Exploration is necessary only to find new sources of treasure, or improved ways of wringing points from it. Socialising is a relaxing method of discovering what other players know about the business of accumulating points, that their knowledge can be applied to the task of gaining riches. Killing is only necessary to eliminate rivals or people who get in the way, or to gain vast amounts of points (if points are awarded for killing other players).

    20% Socialiser
    ReZon likes this.
  3. ReZon

    ReZon Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jun 19, 2013
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    Some of the answers to the questions I would have preferred to reply with "neither" - but here is what I got:

    You are 60% Achiever

    What Bartle says:

    ♦ Achievers regard points-gathering and rising in levels as their main goal, and all is ultimately subserviant to this. Exploration is necessary only to find new sources of treasure, or improved ways of wringing points from it. Socialising is a relaxing method of discovering what other players know about the business of accumulating points, that their knowledge can be applied to the task of gaining riches. Killing is only necessary to eliminate rivals or people who get in the way, or to gain vast amounts of points (if points are awarded for killing other players).
    You are also:

    53% Explorer

    47% Killer

    40% Socialiser
  4. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff
    Senior Counselor
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Apr 19, 2013
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    I broke it...

    You are 67% Killer
    What Bartle says:

    ♣ Killers get their kicks from imposing themselves on others. This may be "nice", ie. busybody do-gooding, but few people practice such an approach because the rewards (a warm, cosy inner glow, apparently) aren't very substantial. Much more commonly, people attack other players with a view to killing off their personae (hence the name for this style of play). The more massive the distress caused, the greater the killer's joy at having caused it. Normal points-scoring is usually required so as to become powerful enough to begin causing havoc in earnest, and exploration of a kind is necessary to discover new and ingenious ways to kill people. Even socialising is sometimes worthwhile beyond taunting a recent victim, for example in finding out someone's playing habits, or discussing tactics with fellow killers. They're all just means to an end, though; only in the knowledge that a real person, somewhere, is very upset by what you've just done, yet can themselves do nothing about it, is there any true adrenalin-shooting, juicy fun.

    You are also:

    67% Achiever
    What Bartle says:

    ♦ Achievers regard points-gathering and rising in levels as their main goal, and all is ultimately subserviant to this. Exploration is necessary only to find new sources of treasure, or improved ways of wringing points from it. Socialising is a relaxing method of discovering what other players know about the business of accumulating points, that their knowledge can be applied to the task of gaining riches. Killing is only necessary to eliminate rivals or people who get in the way, or to gain vast amounts of points (if points are awarded for killing other players).

    53% Explorer
    What Bartle says:

    ♠ Explorers delight in having the game expose its internal machinations to them. They try progressively esoteric actions in wild, out-of-the-way places, looking for interesting features (ie. bugs) and figuring out how things work. Scoring points may be necessary to enter some next phase of exploration, but it's tedious, and anyone with half a brain can do it. Killing is quicker, and might be a constructive exercise in its own right, but it causes too much hassle in the long run if the deceased return to seek retribution. Socialising can be informative as a source of new ideas to try out, but most of what people say is irrelevant or old hat. The real fun comes only from discovery, and making the most complete set of maps in existence.

    13% Socialiser
    What Bartle says:

    ♥ Socialisers are interested in people, and what they have to say. The game is merely a backdrop, a common ground where things happen to players. Inter-player relationships are important: empathising with people, sympathising, joking, entertaining, listening; even merely observing people play can be rewarding - seeing them grow as individuals, maturing over time. Some exploration may be necessary so as to understand what everyone else is talking about, and points-scoring could be required to gain access to neat communicative spells available only to higher levels (as well as to obtain a certain status in the community). Killing, however, is something only ever to be excused if it's a futile, impulsive act of revenge, perpetrated upon someone who has caused intolerable pain to a dear friend. The only ultimately fulfilling thing is not how to rise levels or kill hapless drips; it's getting to know people, to undertand them, and to form beautiful, lasting relationships.

    This result may be abbreviated as KAES​
  5. Alex Caember

    Alex Caember Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2016
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    You are 87% Socialiser
    What Bartle says:

    ♥ Socialisers are interested in people, and what they have to say. The game is merely a backdrop, a common ground where things happen to players. Inter-player relationships are important: empathising with people, sympathising, joking, entertaining, listening; even merely observing people play can be rewarding - seeing them grow as individuals, maturing over time. Some exploration may be necessary so as to understand what everyone else is talking about, and points-scoring could be required to gain access to neat communicative spells available only to higher levels (as well as to obtain a certain status in the community). Killing, however, is something only ever to be excused if it's a futile, impulsive act of revenge, perpetrated upon someone who has caused intolerable pain to a dear friend. The only ultimately fulfilling thing is not how to rise levels or kill hapless drips; it's getting to know people, to undertand them, and to form beautiful, lasting relationships.

    You are also:

    73% Explorer

    27% Achiever

    13% Killer

    I guess I am one of the few people who like to play MMOs for the people lol...
    ReZon likes this.
  6. Riyne

    Riyne Active Member

    Nov 1, 2014
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    WTB someone's extra % to compensate for my missing %

    ... @snap dragon
  7. Vishakt

    Vishakt Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Nov 23, 2014
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    You are 100% Orc

    Wud Bar'tul blahs:

    ♦ Orcs regard pretty much all unclaimed land as there own. You love to eat food and drink cider. You like both to fight with and talk to others, preferably both and in that order. Points-gathering and rising in levels is only a means to an end, and all is ultimately subserviant to having fun while playing. Exploration is necessary to find people to fight and talk to. Socialising is a source of entertainment, trying to be both incredibly stupid and witty simultaneously. Killing is just plain fun.

    You are also:

    33% Equipped for combat

    100% Bad Ass

    15% Active between events

    Pekka, Gavyn Lughna, Avery and 7 others like this.
  8. RiffRaff-

    RiffRaff- Active Member

    Jul 28, 2016
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    The Bartle Test of Gamer Psychology
    You are 87% Killer

    What Bartle says:

    ♣ Killers get their kicks from imposing themselves on others. This may be "nice", ie. busybody do-gooding, but few people practice such an approach because the rewards (a warm, cosy inner glow, apparently) aren't very substantial. Much more commonly, people attack other players with a view to killing off their personae (hence the name for this style of play). The more massive the distress caused, the greater the killer's joy at having caused it. Normal points-scoring is usually required so as to become powerful enough to begin causing havoc in earnest, and exploration of a kind is necessary to discover new and ingenious ways to kill people. Even socialising is sometimes worthwhile beyond taunting a recent victim, for example in finding out someone's playing habits, or discussing tactics with fellow killers. They're all just means to an end, though; only in the knowledge that a real person, somewhere, is very upset by what you've just done, yet can themselves do nothing about it, is there any true adrenalin-shooting, juicy fun.

    You are also:
    60% Explorer

    53% Achiever

    0% Socialiser

    This result may be abbreviated as KEAS
  9. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 16, 2013
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    You are 73% Explorer

    You are also:

    53% Achiever

    40% Socialiser

    33% Killer
    snap dragon likes this.
  10. Ahirman

    Ahirman Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Mar 20, 2015
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    You are 73% Explorer
    What Bartle says:

    ♠ Explorers delight in having the game expose its internal machinations to them. They try progressively esoteric actions in wild, out-of-the-way places, looking for interesting features (ie. bugs) and figuring out how things work. Scoring points may be necessary to enter some next phase of exploration, but it's tedious, and anyone with half a brain can do it. Killing is quicker, and might be a constructive exercise in its own right, but it causes too much hassle in the long run if the deceased return to seek retribution. Socialising can be informative as a source of new ideas to try out, but most of what people say is irrelevant or old hat. The real fun comes only from discovery, and making the most complete set of maps in existence.
    You are also:

    73% Achiever
    40% Killer
    13% Socialiser
  11. Deacon

    Deacon Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Well... Fuck...

    You are 100% Killer
    What Bartle says:

    ♣ Killers get their kicks from imposing themselves on others. This may be "nice", ie. busybody do-gooding, but few people practice such an approach because the rewards (a warm, cosy inner glow, apparently) aren't very substantial. Much more commonly, people attack other players with a view to killing off their personae (hence the name for this style of play). The more massive the distress caused, the greater the killer's joy at having caused it. Normal points-scoring is usually required so as to become powerful enough to begin causing havoc in earnest, and exploration of a kind is necessary to discover new and ingenious ways to kill people. Even socialising is sometimes worthwhile beyond taunting a recent victim, for example in finding out someone's playing habits, or discussing tactics with fellow killers. They're all just means to an end, though; only in the knowledge that a real person, somewhere, is very upset by what you've just done, yet can themselves do nothing about it, is there any true adrenalin-shooting, juicy fun.
    You are also:

    53% Explorer
    33% Socialiser
    13% Achieve

    Turns out I'm a psychopath...
    Basoosh, BlackEye, ReZon and 3 others like this.
  12. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Surprise surprise:
    You are 73% Socialiser
    What Bartle says:

    ♥ Socialisers are interested in people, and what they have to say. The game is merely a backdrop, a common ground where things happen to players. Inter-player relationships are important: empathising with people, sympathising, joking, entertaining, listening; even merely observing people play can be rewarding - seeing them grow as individuals, maturing over time. Some exploration may be necessary so as to understand what everyone else is talking about, and points-scoring could be required to gain access to neat communicative spells available only to higher levels (as well as to obtain a certain status in the community). Killing, however, is something only ever to be excused if it's a futile, impulsive act of revenge, perpetrated upon someone who has caused intolerable pain to a dear friend. The only ultimately fulfilling thing is not how to rise levels or kill hapless drips; it's getting to know people, to undertand them, and to form beautiful, lasting relationships.
    You are also:

    60% Explorer
    53% Killer
    13% Achiever
    ReZon and snap dragon like this.
  13. Jakob

    Jakob Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    This is what I got:

    You are 100% Pfniffel

    ♣ Pfniffels spend all of their time and dedication into shard improving actions, the welfare of their community and serving the one true king, Lord British. Their way is that of a nobleman, sporting colorful stylish clothes and entertaining society with a high degree of panache. A Pfniffel values truth, loyalty and trustworthiness above all, and is always your man when in need, having an especially caring heart for new players. As many other great people of good deeds in history, Pfniffels are not always a welcome element in society, often misunderstood and a target of detestation and violence; doing good is not always the easy path in life. However, as a Pfniffel you're not discouraged by hardships, but keeps striving forward ever more towards the goals of your convictions.

    Turns out I'm a Pfniffel!

    @Blaise How did you not end up being 100% Trammel?
    Vishakt, ReZon and Alex Caember like this.
  14. Random

    Random Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    33% white sugar
    60% all-purpose flour
    17% milk

    2 eggs
    baking powder

    1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour a 9x9 inch pan or line a muffin pan with paper liners.
    2. In a medium bowl, cream together the sugar and butter. Beat in the eggs, one at a time, then stir in the vanilla. Combine flour and baking powder, add to the creamed mixture and mix well. Finally stir in the milk until batter is smooth. Pour or spoon batter into the prepared pan.
    3. Bake for 30 to 40 minutes in the preheated oven. For cupcakes, bake 20 to 25 minutes. Cake is done when it springs back to the touch.
    Avery, ReZon, RiffRaff- and 2 others like this.
  15. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    Yeah, nice do-gooder. That sounds like you.
    Deacon likes this.
  16. Vishakt

    Vishakt Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Nov 23, 2014
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    110%?? Its true. The cake is a lie.
    Jakob and Random like this.
  17. Jean-Pierre

    Jean-Pierre Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 29, 2015
    Likes Received:
    You are 73% Explorer
    What Bartle says:

    ♠ Explorers delight in having the game expose its internal machinations to them. They try progressively esoteric actions in wild, out-of-the-way places, looking for interesting features (ie. bugs) and figuring out how things work. Scoring points may be necessary to enter some next phase of exploration, but it's tedious, and anyone with half a brain can do it. Killing is quicker, and might be a constructive exercise in its own right, but it causes too much hassle in the long run if the deceased return to seek retribution. Socialising can be informative as a source of new ideas to try out, but most of what people say is irrelevant or old hat. The real fun comes only from discovery, and making the most complete set of maps in existence.
    You are also:

    53% Killer
    47% Socialiser
    27% Achiever

    That seems about right... exploring, finding strange things to use to your advantage & all that is a lot of fun...but having a homicidal streak that occasionally pops up is important too...right? ;)
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2017
    Random likes this.
  18. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    Good to know! If I had sub-100ms ping, you would all be mincemeat by now. :mad:


    You are 73% Killer
    What Bartle says:

    ♣ Killers get their kicks from imposing themselves on others. This may be "nice", ie. busybody do-gooding, but few people practice such an approach because the rewards (a warm, cosy inner glow, apparently) aren't very substantial. Much more commonly, people attack other players with a view to killing off their personae (hence the name for this style of play). The more massive the distress caused, the greater the killer's joy at having caused it. Normal points-scoring is usually required so as to become powerful enough to begin causing havoc in earnest, and exploration of a kind is necessary to discover new and ingenious ways to kill people. Even socialising is sometimes worthwhile beyond taunting a recent victim, for example in finding out someone's playing habits, or discussing tactics with fellow killers. They're all just means to an end, though; only in the knowledge that a real person, somewhere, is very upset by what you've just done, yet can themselves do nothing about it, is there any true adrenalin-shooting, juicy fun.
    You are also:

    67% Explorer
    53% Socialiser
    7% Achiever
  19. Punt

    Punt Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2013
    Likes Received:
    You are 93% Killer
    What Bartle says:

    ♣ Killers get their kicks from imposing themselves on others. This may be "nice", ie. busybody do-gooding, but few people practice such an approach because the rewards (a warm, cosy inner glow, apparently) aren't very substantial. Much more commonly, people attack other players with a view to killing off their personae (hence the name for this style of play). The more massive the distress caused, the greater the killer's joy at having caused it. Normal points-scoring is usually required so as to become powerful enough to begin causing havoc in earnest, and exploration of a kind is necessary to discover new and ingenious ways to kill people. Even socialising is sometimes worthwhile beyond taunting a recent victim, for example in finding out someone's playing habits, or discussing tactics with fellow killers. They're all just means to an end, though; only in the knowledge that a real person, somewhere, is very upset by what you've just done, yet can themselves do nothing about it, is there any true adrenalin-shooting, juicy fun.

    You are also:

    47% Achiever

    33% Explorer

    27% Socialiser
  20. Henderson!

    Henderson! Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 1, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Explorers unite!


    You are 87% Explorer
    What Bartle says:

    ♠ Explorers delight in having the game expose its internal machinations to them. They try progressively esoteric actions in wild, out-of-the-way places, looking for interesting features (ie. bugs) and figuring out how things work. Scoring points may be necessary to enter some next phase of exploration, but it's tedious, and anyone with half a brain can do it. Killing is quicker, and might be a constructive exercise in its own right, but it causes too much hassle in the long run if the deceased return to seek retribution. Socialising can be informative as a source of new ideas to try out, but most of what people say is irrelevant or old hat. The real fun comes only from discovery, and making the most complete set of maps in existence.

    You are also:

    47% Socialiser

    40% Achiever

    27% Killer

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