Selling: A) 2x Clothing bless deed: S/B 150k, B/I 10K, B/O: 250K SOLD B) 115 uses powder of fortification S/B 100K, B/I 5K, B/O 170K SOLD C) 39X Iron Gargoyle Shovels + 34 Gargoyle pickaxe: S/B 50K, B/I 5K, B/O 100K SOLD D) Wands: 5xIdentification-613uses + 4xDrain-57uses + 4xGHeal-10uses + 6xLighting-86uses + 2xFireball-24uses: S/B 15K, B/I:5K, B/O: 50K SOLD E) Low weapons and armor pack: 42 Force+17 Power weapons and 18 Fortified+14 Invul armor parts: S/B 5 K, B/O 10K SOLD F) 2x flower tapestry deed facing south+2x dark flower tapestry deed facing east+1 flower tapestry deed facing east + 1 hanging studded armor (only leggings part) S/B 25K, B/I 5K, B/O 60K SOLD plat 10K, hc 6k Ends after 24h last bid
At the moment: A) CBD 200k @Vortex B) powder fort 100k @Zlo C) Gargoyle shovels+picks 50k @Smash D) Wands 15K @Smash E) Armor+weapons 5K SB, no offer F) Tapestries 25K SB, no offer
changed: E) Low weapons and armor pack: 42 Force+17 Power weapons and 18 Fortified+14 Invul armor parts: S/B 5 K, B/O 10K