Ned Flanders breaking the law

Discussion in 'Photography & Videography' started by snap dragon, Mar 14, 2017.

  1. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    I was patrolling the Jhelom beat ensuring the citizens of Brittania are up to code and properly permitted and I came across an unusual sight:


    I tried to appeal to his sense of morality, but alas, Ned didn't want to talk to me. He kept following and taming the harts, without a permit I might add. I made a quick stop to get some much needed provisions in order to deal with this scoundrel.


    And with a bit of effort and a little hart, myself and a courageous citizen were able to send him on his way back to town where local authorities were waiting:


    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Thank you random civilian! You're support helped bring this scoundrel to justice!


    Ever see those unbelievably large swarms of same-name animals? So large that you can't imagine someone needing to name them all? Have you seen an AFK tamer actually walking about and taming? Do they rename the animal when they are finished and fail to tame their released pets? Ladies and gentlemen, this is the tell-tale sign of a cheater not abiding by shard rules. Razor cannot do these things. Shame on you Ned. Sure hope @Chris watches this one!
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2017
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  2. Loxness

    Loxness Active Member
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    Dec 12, 2016
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    Actually, you can release pets in razor. I can do it myself. Takes a little dabbling in razor and macros, but definitely possible. Just throwing that out there.

    Ps: wouldn't this be a good thing? Pets respawn, and you get a new pet and an old +6 taming pretamed pet. I know if both my tamers weren't finished, I would love this guy when it comes to bulls. Just saying!! :)

    My .02 cents

    Edit after some thought:

    Pss: afk training is allowed. But isn't luring considered griefing? Otherwise, I can lure all the other afk tamers through gates too? (This sounds like fun IMO)

    Psss: Jhelom PK will get him eventually, especially with this kind of publicity lolol
  3. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
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    May 16, 2013
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    I think Matro... @snap dragon is talking about renaming the harts whie afk. No way you can do that with Razor...nor can you single out which harts (the renamed ones) not to attempt to tame anymore, much less pathfind to untamed ones.

    While I don't condone griefing, this is most certainly an effort to enforce shard rules and should be aplauded.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2017
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  4. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
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    Aug 4, 2014
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    Pathfinding to the fresh bulls as they spawn is not possible via razor.

    ps: people scripting their taming to GM using illegal 3rd party programs isn't a good thing imo. Just saying!!

    Pss: I am not aware of any rules against casting the gate spell and letting people walk where they are going to walk. Good luck luring anyone through a gate that isn't using an illegal 3rd party program to AFK pathfind to bulls and tame them. Sure technically razor can handle moving so it would be possible if you found someone running a legal razor macro, but these are very rare. I have on occasion seem people actually moving back and forth in stealth macros for instance.

    Psss: Let's hope someone else finds him frst and jails him.
    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  5. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
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    May 14, 2012
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    Re-naming animals while not at the computer is not something I believe razor can do (unless something has changed in the new versions). If some players can confirm this for me it would be appreciated.

    This is something we can bind the attended monitoring system to in an effort to catch and punish players using unapproved 3rd party applications to gain an unfair advantage. Much like single clicking house signs while not at the computer. (Something razor can not do)
  6. Loxness

    Loxness Active Member
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    Dec 12, 2016
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    Sidebar to this: I know I personally (along with a few friends I know) am quite advanced in coding aspects and can add/alter/change things that razor can do. I was under the impression that it is like client mods. As long as no advantage is gained, no harm no foul.

    If this is incorrect, please let me know now. Personally, no 3rd party programs are used, but Razor is lacking in some things it can (or can't do), or "sluggishly" does some things that can be altered to do them better/easier/without the hang-ups. Alas, maybe it is illegal to do this then? Just confirming!

    But yeah, I understand the whole integrity (if he is indeed using 3rd party programs) of the game, but I know personally, if I was getting free bulls for taming, I wouldn't mind. I guess it's just me looking at things in a positive manner.

    If people can tame via a fence, silver serpent, and a razor macro.... Why is this so much worse?
  7. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
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    May 16, 2013
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    It is not the end result of the actual taming, as much as the fact that IF they are using an illegal 3rd party program to do this, they might as well use it for something else.
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  8. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
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    May 16, 2013
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    I would have a 1-on-1 chat with @Chris about this, the extent of the mod, what you can and cannot do, and just run it by him.
    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  9. Loxness

    Loxness Active Member
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    Dec 12, 2016
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    Paint me ignorant here (again, being somewhat of an advanced coder), but what more could a 3rd party program do that Razor couldn't do aside from gaining skill?

    Edit: meaning things such as "autolooting" and resource gathering (which you can't do thanks to Chris's excellent coding on each and more I am sure) because I would hardly call taming great harts and bulls "game breaking".

    PS: I am not advocating or disagreeing with such actions. I am just stating how ignorant folks are quick to jump on the "cheater" bandwagon without 100% proof or being fully informed.

    I seem to be somewhat shunned on these forums for pointing out things I see wrong (or right) and usually don't produce a post unless I can back up what I am saying. And this seems to rub people the wrong way. Most people are content to sit back and believe everything they read instead of researching, learning, or trying things out themselves.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2017
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  10. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
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    Apr 19, 2013
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    3rd party programs can play UO for you... including PvP and PvM

    OP, you just opened a gate, the dude walked through it.

    No one thinks its a problem if it can benefit them, but everyone thinks its a problem if it hurts them.... just saying
    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  11. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    Ned has been back to the pens, naming all bulls "NedLovesJhelomPK" hah
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  12. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
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    Aug 4, 2014
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    It is all about a level playing field. To run that razor taming macro you would need to use multiple accounts to herd them within 10 tiles of the tamer.
  13. Loxness

    Loxness Active Member
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    Dec 12, 2016
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    Or you could just tame a ton of bulls on another tamer (or pay someone to do it for you) shack them up in a house, and tame them on your tamer. Once blue/green, another account kills the bull.

    Again, same concept, right?

    I honestly haven't seen any realistic "response" to this outside of integrity

    "He IS using 3rd party programs. Ban him!!"

    Even though I think you were advocating against my posts/points, I like this quote a ton. Are people upset because he is taming? Go kill him. Or use his 2nd tamed animals. That has to be a ton of leather right? Go kill his tames. Easy $$$. Although it sounds cheesy, just mind your own business. Or do something in game about it.

    When I PvP and kill someone, or if I go to a spawn to farm and someone else recalls away, people go to IRC or the forums and complain. Or they scream hacks/cheating. This mentality is annoying.

    You know what I do when I get pk'd? I go get ressed. Or I get on another account and run to that spot to fight for my things back. What happened to this mentality? UO is a dog eat dog world. Only the strong survive.

    I thought this was comical actually. Luring the guy into a gate was definitely funny and one way to deal with it. If he was taking my tames, I would of killed him and moved on. (And probably got killed by the Jhelom PK lol).

    I know what it is like to be a new player here. A lot of "Oh hello! We would love to help!!' But then end game Vets and other players want to hold you down and not see you get "where they are" without putting in your time. I could name drop a few people here, but in light of "Minding Your Own Business" I will keep those names to myself.

    But the point is, whether this guy is cheating, a good coder, a new player, the jhelom PK, the man on the pink horse, uncle donnie, air/skunkape (who will betray you), or your mother.... Mind your own business.

    Or just pk him. I like option 2.

    Last edited: Mar 14, 2017
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  14. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
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    May 16, 2013
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    I think you're missing the point. It is not the end result (taming harts). He can do that, and it isn't a problem. It is the fact that he is using a 3rd party program which is against the rules. Like it or not, you are not allowed third party programs here just because @Chris says so. No more explanation needed.

    THAT makes him a cheater. Not if he was afk taming harts one way or another.

    Unless he is NOT using a third party program. Which, if you can use your coding expertise to help @Chris understand how to rename tames with Razor, I'm sure he'd be grateful.
    One and PaddyOBrien like this.
  15. Baine

    Baine Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2013
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    @Loxness PROVE you can do this with ONE account and only RAZOR or stop advocating for this guy's actions. I'm no coder-genius but most people around here know quite a bit about razor and other 3rd party programs. I seriously doubt @snap dragon would post an accusative thread like this without intimate knowledge of said programs to back it up.

    This discussion isn't about griefing a guy because he's gaining skill, it's about keeping the playing field level by ensuring people don't use illegal programs.
    Basoosh, Player X, One and 2 others like this.
  16. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
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    May 16, 2013
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    @Chris and staff can't monitor every player. The comunity needs to help monitor these activities. As well as account abuse, etc.
    Basoosh, One and PaddyOBrien like this.
  17. Loxness

    Loxness Active Member
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    Dec 12, 2016
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    Now I understand your point @Baine , and obviously it isn't widely known (perhaps illegal even, to tinker with Razor), but if people are having to "prove" things... Shouldn't the accuser need to "prove" he indeed using 3rd party programs?

    If it's my understanding (and based off the quote that Paddy said) the guy came right back and tamed more. And is at bulls-taming level now? And naming them lovingjhelomPK? (I am not home so I can't confirm or deny any of these things), but considering we are speaking about these things... Maybe he is even reading this and laughing his behind off. I have no idea.

    Again, I am not advocating anything here, I just hate how the "sheep" mentality is with people these days. I've seen it personally, so I am essentially saying what everyone else is afraid to. And that is okay by me.

    Isn't this whole "prove this or that" thing the same as you guys trolling @Hiji Zuru because suggested a UO passport? While I don't think it's needed, I "minded my own business" and let him go on his way. No proof needed. No harm no foul. So why is it okay for people to troll him? Or pick and choose who they want to target for proof and who doesn't need to? Just food for thought here.
  18. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
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    May 16, 2013
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    I think the OP has prooved enough that he was afk taming using a 3rd party program!

    Can you pathfind to the nearest non-previously tamed hart with Razor?
    Can you rename fresh tames with Razor?
    Would you walk into a strange gate if not afk?
    Basoosh likes this.
  19. Loxness

    Loxness Active Member
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    Dec 12, 2016
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    Again, making me out to be the bad guy here, but I'll say it.

    So everyone who suspects anything needs to run and play tattle tell?

    "OMG he peekayed me. He is cheating"

    "OMG he knows the IDOC timer, he is cheating."

    "OMG there are 6 people in that house. He is cheating."

    "OMG he is taming not using the fence method. He is cheating."

    "OMG he found me when I was hidden and tracking is broken. He is cheating."

    "OMG he looted my house. I totally secured it right. He is cheating."

    I have seen every single one of these things now. Most "numerous" times. Chris does a ton of work on this server. On his own dime. And people still whine and complain. So on top of doing all the coding, he has to deal with all the tattle tells that are complaining about nothing or legitimate actions 99% of the time.

    I am no different. I suggest things. Point out things I would like to see changed or things I see wrong. But, I formulate an adequate thought process/idea, post it in a normal manner (In my mind at least), and let everyone see it and see how they feel. Nothing more.

    If we had more people doing that, things would go a whole lot smoother in my opinion.

    Sorry to soapbox so much, but these kinds of things are some of the few downfalls of the otherwise near perfect free server. Meanwhile everyone chooses to brush it under the rug and act like they don't exist because they don't like to be labeled as "different" or not one of the sheep.
  20. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
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    May 16, 2013
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    Not saying you're a bad guy. Not accusing you of anything, just correcting that we need to all put our grain of sand to keep the shard in better shape. And I coudn't agree more about people bitching and moaning because something did not go their way. However, this is FAR from the case.
    You might not know this, but "normal" for cA is to investigate you, expose you, and then very tastefully, post it on the forums for everyones entertainment/information. What you do in a serious tone, they do creating an in game adventure, and putting a whole storyline around it. If you break the original post down, you will see it has very solid evidence of cheating, presented in a comic strip kinda way. They did what you do exactly what you do in a serious manner, in a funny post. Pretty awesome really.
    PaddyOBrien likes this.

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