Breaking the Final Seal

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Baerron Jael, Mar 24, 2017.

  1. Baerron Jael

    Baerron Jael Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2016
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    The months of preparation and study, killing and dismemberment, lead him to this moment. He clutched the Skull of Mondain in his black, withered hands (see here: The Skull of Mondain). The artifact of legendary stature stared up at the daemon with its hollow sockets. The skull did not appear much different than any other skull, save for being darkened by centuries of dirt and dust.

    Baerron Jael could feel Richard deep down stirring. As time went on, Richard's attempts to fight the daemon have greatly waned as the physical body decayed and atrophied, only held together at this point by the daemon's will. Richard knew that should the daemon be successful in his summoning of the great Slasher of the Veils, then the entirety of the realm will suffer greatly. However, Richard did not have the strength to form any opposition. Not anymore.

    With a swelling of pride, Baerron Jael thrust aloft the Skull of Mondain to shatter the eighth and final Seal.







    The sudden tear in reality pulled the ground and water away from the Shrine of Spirituality, which was left floating in an abyss. This is the hole in dimensions that his Master shall ascend from.

    The sudden surge of power and destruction in the area did not go unnoticed. Guards from the guardpost to the east came and investigated, as did a small cadre of mages who were clearly too curious for their own well-being. The power of Mondain's Skull put an end to the interlopers.


    Before parting, Baerron Jael left a notice on the outer wall of the Paws tower:

    "The time has come. The Skull of Mondain tore asunder the very fabric of reality around your precious shrine of Spirituality. My Master's journey from his prison to here will require a short time, but rest assured that he is coming and you will all kneel or die.

    My Master recognizes that not all opposed my efforts. Those who did not shall be spared and given a place of prominence in the New Kingdom he shall establish. Those who take up arms in his name upon the day of his ascension will be held in his highest esteem.

    All that oppose him will be cast into the void."

    Now, to wait for his Master.
    eherruh, Halabinder, Jaana and 10 others like this.
  2. Eskull

    Eskull Member

    Nov 26, 2016
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    *Really hopes that it will all turn into a big april fools joke and we will all have a nice friendly party afterwards*
  3. Antos

    Antos Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2016
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    *A hastily inscribed missive is found posted on the message board*
    eherruh, Jupiter, Jaana and 2 others like this.
  4. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    With a grand wizard or without, we shall oppose your tidal void.

    I save my defiance for your master of nothing, your majesty of emptiness.

    Your folly is that you thought that humanity would falter.

    inspired by Antos we will prevail as the great Yew tree. Your tantrum will be nothing more than a ring in our stock, a flitting storm against which

    we shall endure

    *drops parchment*


    Catalin of Paws
    eherruh, Jaana, Vishakt and 3 others like this.
  5. Vishakt

    Vishakt Well-Known Member
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    Nov 23, 2014
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    *sniffs the air*

    *eyes narrow*

    *picks up a sharpening stone in one hand and his spear in the other*

    Awlmozt tyme.....
    eherruh and Antos like this.
  6. Vandalin

    Vandalin Well-Known Member
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    Nov 5, 2016
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    (please do this one at a time friendly to GMT/Euros! So sad if I miss another).
    Antos likes this.
  7. Baerron Jael

    Baerron Jael Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2016
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    The only fools will be those who oppose my Master's ascension from the pit.

    I'm not entirely certain but I think it starts around 9pm EST. I am sure someone will post an official announcement to rally troops to march to their mass deaths against my Master.
    eherruh, Jupiter, Antos and 1 other person like this.
  8. Vandalin

    Vandalin Well-Known Member
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    Nov 5, 2016
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    No chance of making it a couple hours earlier? pleaaaase?
    Jupiter and Antos like this.
  9. Alex Caember

    Alex Caember Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2016
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    A big part of when they happen revolves around when staff can do it. Since this is Pegbyter's wheelhouse primarily, he can't really do it until usually 9pm EST or later. Hopefully we will be able to have more events at other hours as time goes on :)
    eherruh, Jupiter, Cero and 1 other person like this.

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