Add Platinum Checks

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Larloch, Apr 1, 2017.

Implement a platinum check, just like a gold check, but with 100 plat minimum.

  1. Yes, I like it!

  2. No, I fear change!

  1. Jakob

    Jakob Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    Any desirable item may be used as currency, though. What if I want payment in black dye tubs? I say 'want' as this was @bart simpson's word above: "... and the house seller may want plat more and value it at a higher price." If want is the determining factor for implementing checks, there's no limit to it.
    Dalavar and snap dragon like this.
  2. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    I do all my deals in raw fishsteaks, it's less prone to inflation. Can we get raw fishsteak checks please?

    or... I could just use gold. Because that's what it's for.
  3. Larloch

    Larloch Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    I would agree if the denomination was the any where close to being the same. Seeing how they are far and wide apart I felt a 100 minimum was a fair number.

    Well you can take it how you want. The issue only really effects a small number of people. You are only chiming in because thieves have a lot of time sitting at the bank, and trolling the forums is what you guys do best.

    See you wrote this as I was trying to respond to the one you wrote 2 min before it. You are trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill.
  4. Larloch

    Larloch Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    I'm sorry, I don't see a reward vendor for any other "currency" other then plat and hcoin.....stop trying to make it out to be something different than it is.
  5. Jakob

    Jakob Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    You're arguing genetically, the validity of my point isn't dependant on my agenda. This is a logical fallacy. It doesn't matter why I'm writing. The important thing is if my position has more force than yours. When am I trolling the forums? I try to keep things in a good tone and be as fair as possible to mine and others views.

    The point of the "mountain" was to show that your suggestion is problematic. We're trying to determine server rules etc, it's important to have clear notions, definitions etc on how rules should apply.
    Player X and SteelyDan like this.
  6. Larloch

    Larloch Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Very well said, but no your suggestion is one sided, yours. It only focuses on how it plays into your build template. Almost all the people that oppose this are thieves. This is not really in a effort to nerf thieves from stealing, on the contrary. It is designed to give a person the security of not getting rolled for all his plat when he goes to buy a placed house. The check in suggestion is for >100. If I stood in town with 100 plat in my bag, at best you can take is 10 coins at one time. So please can we try and get on the same level. You can keep picking of dumb dumbs that carry loose plat in their backpacks.
  7. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 4, 2014
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    Gold checks were introduced to facilitate trading. Gold weighs a lot and if you wanted to buy lets say a small house at the price of 100k you would be dealing with 2,000 stones in gold. But here is the issue, 100 platinum weighs 2 stones. Trades involving 2 stones don't need facilitation via checks imo because 2 stones is easily managed.
    Ruck, Vandalin, Vishakt and 3 others like this.
  8. Erza Scarlet

    Erza Scarlet Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 24, 2015
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    There shouldnt be a method to make completely secured currency transfers.

    IMO even blessed checks are a HUGE nerf for thiefes.
    Just as a reminder: There were systems once that had you to either drop gold piles on the ground (lol) or trade in (non blessed) house deeds!

    Plat checks?! are you COMPLETELY out of your mind?
    If its that huge of a deal for you, then keep it at your bank, its already completely safe to trade (even after a trade cancel... just put it back in the bank box since its not possible to last target steal it @snap dragon , right?)

    And for house sales:
    Its forbidden to scam on the trade forums, if you buy it private then work on a deal, or dont deal with untrustworthy people!

    Plat checks would make PRIVATE house sales more safe (which is propably <5% of all sales) for the cost of an upset community..
    Things here are already pretty safe.. If you cant handle your X thousands of plat properly, then come up with a better solution than blessed plat checks LOL

    Dont take the Sand out of the Sandbox!
    BlackEye, One, Player X and 2 others like this.
  9. Larloch

    Larloch Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    I understand where you are coming from on this. It totally makes sense. I had thought 1k plat originally, but keeps are around 3 mil so 300 plat would need to travel to the field. This is really for house buying. It protects the buyer, and inevitably the seller.
  10. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Frankly, I'm surprised you've attempted to poll the players.

    You only need to convince one person of you're idea, after all.
    Player X likes this.
  11. Jakob

    Jakob Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    Well, you're being prejudiced. My main agenda is the sandboxity of UO and that anything could happen; this is the cool thing about UO. Thievery is a part of that, thus my first post. Blessed items directly infringes on the possibilites of what may play out in the world. But still, attacking someone's reason for a position is not in fact engaging the position itself.
    Erza Scarlet likes this.
  12. Erza Scarlet

    Erza Scarlet Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 24, 2015
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    comm. deeds :p
  13. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    But those are not newbie/blessed. I want to be able to trade totally securely at any time, and I don't trust the several second "cant steal" window after a trade happens, or the total security provided by simply trading in a event area. Additionally, I am too lazy to sell my fishsteaks for gold that I can use to buy a house more easily. Please give me raw fish steak checks.
    Erza Scarlet likes this.
  14. Vandalin

    Vandalin Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Nov 5, 2016
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    I would be against this specifically because it only protects millionaire players. Different rules for the little guys.
    SpiceBeHot likes this.
  15. T3h D4ve

    T3h D4ve Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Well the current system using the 'buying their first keep/castle/fort' as an example, they run the risk of being ripped off at the bank swapping the plat over and not receiving a house afterwards (goes against the rules of trade forums/irc, but in game scamming is perfectly legit and I'm sure happens often enough), or if they use it at the house itself, what's to stop the seller killing them and taking the plat if it was all an in game trade?
    However it comes more into play with the 20mill+ mask dyes, or that ridiculous 50mill/70mill idk Ocllo spot that sold the other month.

    The only reason I'd be against this, would be if I ran a thief.....but I don't.
    Larloch likes this.
  16. Riyne

    Riyne Active Member

    Nov 1, 2014
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    100+ plat checks doesn't hurt thieves, you can't steal anywhere near that, it's not like you'd kill a boss or even run a harrower and would magically have a check. It's to keep people from getting popped buying a house from losing a life savings. I've been pkd by a non-party to the trade while buying a house. Would have sucked to lose millions. I've traded plat for houses before or after house transfers in town because of it, but that's limited to people I trust.

    The counter argument of course is you can unload large quantities of plat at the gold exchange rate in IRC in seconds if you're dealing with someone you don't trust so it doesn't really matter.

    Tldr; who cares
    bart simpson likes this.
  17. Deacon

    Deacon Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    I have no issue with Platinum being added to commodity deeds as long as they can still be stolen/dropped/looted.
    BlackEye and SpiceBeHot like this.
  18. Vandalin

    Vandalin Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Nov 5, 2016
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    I'd agree with this. I think it should be treated like an item rather than a currency.
  19. Arnold Lutz

    Arnold Lutz Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2013
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    People already take advantage of plat as a secure trade currency with blessed ethereal mounts and blessed runebooks.

    I don't feel it needs anymore security then it already has. It's meant to purchase rewards from a specific vendor which automatically remove it from your bank.

    If home transfers are the only situation where it matters, go old school with a broker.
  20. Jakob

    Jakob Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    Lutz, you must be a theif for having this opinion!!
    Erza Scarlet likes this.

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