Hi all, Following this topic where @Althorn sold me this house when I first started, I'm now looking to sell it as well. Thanks to the Easter event I was able to quickly move up in real estate, but the house has served me incredibly well since starting out. http://uorforum.com/threads/wts-nice-lakefront-sandstone-patio-se-of-h-maze-sold.23133/ House comes with the Loom and Spinning Wheel as well as a hatchet to get rid of them if desired. House is just SE of the Hedgemaze, and it's a quick run to the Britain Moongate. I reached out to @Althorn first, but he has not responded regarding it. I'm looking for Deed+10k for it, but similar to Althorn, I will give a huge deal to a new player to pay forward Althorn's kindness. You can post here or reach out to me privately via PM or IRC.
Sandstone has been sold for 60k to a new player. Definitely glad to see it go to someone who will use it.