1- Ranger Armor legs S/B 5K 2 - Corrupted plate gloves S/B 5K 3 - Pitted bone arms S/B 5k 4 - Sandals hue #1235 S/B 5k 5 - Rope x4 S/B 2k ea 6 - Orcish bow x 10 S/B 1k ea 7 - Deamon bone armor set (except helm) S/B 20k 8 - Green stocking S/B 75k 9 - Broken chair S/B 20k
24/48hrs standard rules 24h if multiple bidders 48h if only one S/B already done on ropes before you by Vortex
OK, please contact me on IRC for the trade @Vortex @k1w1uk @Erza Scarlet @Mcreedy (yes you can have it as Erza said it's ok)
Im having troubles with my client at the moment and can't long in. also @Bigoud what i said was that ill take it for 75, and sell it for 85 to reedy and not that "his" in terms of you sell it for the complete profit But id also take a 10k credit for my other purchases, as you prefer.
I'll sell all to you and you sell whatever you want back to him ping me on irc when you are in the game