Ques to tank mages

Discussion in 'PvP Discussion' started by freakystuff, May 4, 2017.

  1. freakystuff

    freakystuff Member

    Sep 14, 2014
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    Please reply to this thread only if you play tank mage as your main and you pvp often.

    My ping is over 230. I do not pk but i sometimes fight back ppl who attempt to pk me. Like in Ice. I already play a healing mage to cope with slow ping problem.

    To describe my ping in action, i would be in ice and a pk attacks me. He would be able to drop my hp from 95 to 15 (i forgot to press heal self macro in that escape as i was rusty so zero healing during that run.) just by chasing with his short spear with 3 4 5 hits while i ran off the screen. I was wearing 31AR barb suit with gm wrestling. It was run run then get hit with his spear, run run again then get hit again with his spear.

    Ppl who actively pk, do they mostly have 2 digit ping?

    For spear mage.
    With vanq +15 spear, how much damage you do wield on a barb suit opponent? 5 to 15?

    For tank mage population,
    I know 80percent ppl play spear mage, and the rest play hally mage and war hammer mage

    I a thinking to build a lumberjack eval mage with 0 meditation.

    Eval resist magery lumberjack swords.

    My ping is probably too low to ever land the weapon on someone who actively pk me?

    If I had had a golden runic axe in the above mentioned fight with dexxer armor, i bet he would never get close to me and i never able to land a hit? Perhaps he would even bring a different pk template? Many pks just look for quick kills.

    35 (probably adequate to swing once in a long while chasing?)

    Perhaps no coincidence that no one plays such a template as a lone dungeon crawler? Because i never saw any pk with an axe? Because it probably sucks?

    Even seldom see hally mage pk.

    Appreciate your uor field fight experience.
  2. freakystuff

    freakystuff Member

    Sep 14, 2014
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    Mana drain wand. How quickly does it drain?
  3. Erza Scarlet

    Erza Scarlet Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 24, 2015
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    Puh... where to start...

    Fencing adds para blows, thats why most people here prefer fencer tanks.

    Weaponhits are kinda hard to apply with a low ping sometimes - i run into that problem quite often on my tank.
    I run with a ping of 250 - 300, and its not that big of a deal if it comes down to group or field pvp.

    You would be dropped down to 15 HP propably regardless of your ping, but running in that situation isnt the best option.
    Since he will equip the spear he will have a Swingtimer (there is no insta hit here) so you have enaugh time to Gheal.
    Also... get potions, they will save your life in these kinds of situations.

    There is also no 7x Lumberjack tankmage build (Resist, Magery, Med, Eval, Swords, Anat, Tact +LJ?) you are allowed to use axes as a swordsmage though, and some of them like the executioners or doubleaxe are fairly good weapons.

    For Stats Id recommend:
    90 Str 45 Dex 90 Int
    On a Fencer Tank

    Swordstanks can drop theyr Dex a bit, thats also due to the swing timer on the short spear on fencing.
    I did run 90/40/95 on my Swordsmage for a while, but also 90/35/100 works, as long as you can chug Agility pots!

    Tankmages are by no means weak pvp builds, if you adapt accordingly, they are beasts in 1v1 fights.
    Theres a problem here with the high AR of 31 on barbed suits though. Given that they are cheap to get, they are offering great protection against every weapon below Power pretty much. Thats also a reason why playing a dexer or tankmage is more expensive than having a pure mage, who is cheaper and faster to re-equip.
    Last edited: May 4, 2017
    eherruh and Valrick like this.
  4. freakystuff

    freakystuff Member

    Sep 14, 2014
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    Thanks Erza.
    My hp dropped from 95 to 15 only by spear attacks: 3 or 4 hits along the way from inside orge lords to outside the dungeon. he didnt yet cast any spells.

    The template I was thinking:
    0 meditation.
    100 eval
    100 magery
    100 resist

    90 35 100

    *Weaponhits are kinda hard to apply with a low ping sometimes - i run into that problem quite often on my tank.* This is great experience thank you.
  5. Erza Scarlet

    Erza Scarlet Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 24, 2015
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    Having 0 Med is kinda bad on a mage based template, you will only cripple yoursel in terms of available options.
    While this is an all-out damage template it wont provide you with any reliable sources to heal and youre pretty much done, once your mana runs out.

    If you want to play a template like that, id either pick a Lumberjack Dexer (drop eval for healing) or an Eval Fencer (healing instead of anat)

    If you realy want however, you can make a template like that work, you will need 8 skills though (pretty much yours with Med included)
    eherruh and Antos like this.
  6. Antos

    Antos Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2016
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    I agree with @Erza Scarlet with regards to meditation. Even though your passive meditation is severely hampered, it is still worth having.

    As I recall, your swing rate increases by .25 seconds for every 30 points of dexterity you have, so you may want to set your DEX at 30 instead of 35.

    And if you are really serious about defense, you really might want to consider Parrying.
    Jaana likes this.

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