BlackEye's Quitting Thread

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Ecstatic, May 19, 2017.

  1. Ecstatic

    Ecstatic Active Member

    Apr 19, 2017
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    Dear players of UOR,

    this is my (BlackEye's) sad quitting thread. I decided to quit UO today. I am not quitting UO:R in particular, this is a great shard and the best I have seen out there. No, I am trying to quit UO. It's mainly because of negative influences on my life. This game is like crack and I can't manage to properly keep my gametime in check. Nothing special happened actually, it's just that I have excessively gamed in the last time and realized that I am too weak minded to properly handle my affection to this game.

    And as everybody knows, you can't simply quit UO. That's why I have decided to give everything I own away, and delete all my toons afterwards.

    There is just a problem. I own wayyyyy too much stuff. And I have met way too much people during my time here. So, I want to ask the players of UOR for a favor: Can you please share your tale how you have witnessed me ingame? What is your most memorable experience that I left on your gameplay? It's not important whether we had fun together, or whether I simply house looted you. If I remember you guys, and like your tale, you will definitely receive a gift from me.

    Naturally, I already have some players that have become virtual ingame friends in mind for some of my most prized possessions. I just need some more input for alot of my other stuff.

    Here is a short list who will be receiving what so far. If your name is below there, just PM me and let me give the mentioned goodies. If you think, you should also receive a gift from me, just share your tale below how we played together (keep in mind, it doesn't have to be possitive, if I robbed you, you still earn a gift) and perhaps add what you are interested in ingame, so that I can figure out the appropriate gift.

    Let's start what I have decided so far:

    1) Hidden Valley - Part 1 (Just the buildings)

    Hidden Valley was a payment from Avery/Ariadne for her high end rares that Random and me stole from her fort. My partner in crime @Random will receive half of Hidden Valley for this unique memory we share. I also boosted his tamer with a Mask of the Wilds, high end dragons and mares, a blessed runebook, and a well rounded 1st anniv outfit that my main tamer wore.

    upload_2017-5-19_20-55-1.png upload_2017-5-19_20-55-19.png

    2) Hidden Valley - Part 2 (Just the buildings)

    @Jean-Pierre, will receive the other half of Hidden Valley. And alot more, once I have spoken with him. I think Random and JP are a really good match together for Hidden Valley. My advice is, you guys co-own each other and share the refresh duties. Beause face it, both of you tend to disappear from time to time. :p

    upload_2017-5-19_20-54-20.png upload_2017-5-19_20-54-39.png

    3) My Ocllo Sandstone behind the Ocllo Stables plus a near-complete Spawning Rares collection

    This goes to @ReZon. He was the first guy to own a completed spawning rare library and he had it on display. I think, on UO:R he will always be THE rare master. I hope, he accepts my gift and decides to re-create his public display of a complete spawning rare collection. Only 4 items are missing for completion, and I am sure he will handle it in no time. Rezon already owns many Ocllo properties, so I think that fits too.


    4) 3rd Anniv Purple mask, ethereal, blessed RB - goes to @Canis

    I know he will be able to use it in a trade that he is aiming for. He has run one of the best and longest maintained shops of this Shard. I hope the valuables help him in upgrading his business.

    upload_2017-5-19_21-16-42.png upload_2017-5-19_21-16-52.png

    5) Two complete tamer setups, including Masks of the Wilds and High End Pets - goes to @ElleFeyRa

    He's a really cool dude that is trying to get his fingers into 3box taming. I hope that will provide a kickstart.

    6) 3rd Anniv Teal Mask plus 1st anniv green outfit etc (trammel clothing mainly) - goes to @Hydrox

    Always a great guy. Even when I stole from him, he kept his cool and politeness.

    upload_2017-5-19_21-27-3.png PLUS FITTING NEON LEPRECHAUN SANDALS.

    7) An yet undecided shitload of valuable items - goes to @STAVROGIN

    When he quit the first time, my turkish comrade gave me one of his blessed runebooks. It was my first blessed runebook and I never changed the title of it and kept it on BlackEye: "Sponsored by Stavrogin".

    I have seen that he is interested in his former Xroads tower. So I want to support his cause with plain valuables - Plat, hcoins, ethereals etc.

    - 1150 furniture dye tub with 19 charges
    - Some millions
    - the original Stavrogin blessed runebook
    - an ethereal (? I forgot)


    8) Large Tailor BOD collection plus bulk tailoring ressources- @Mcreedy

    9) Large Blacksmithy BOD collection plus not-so-bulk ingot ressources - @Regina

    10) A big load of lvl5 and lvl6 tmaps - goes to @Alco
    I don't think you want to make 2k lvl1 maps. :p

    11) 2nd anniv mask - goes to @ReZon

    He's one of the few people that enjoy the red tribal mask. He already owns the blue 1st anniv mask and is the best match for it.


    12) High End Slayers - go to @Evil Dead , @Arnold Lutz and @Valrick - I have picked you guys, because anybody of you contributed greatly to dexxer guides or dexxer knowledge in general. Hey dudes, just write me your used weapon types and I will split them accordingly. I know Lutz is mainly in Axes. Valrick spears? Evil Dead?

    13) One dozen Amibs - goes to Project Sanctuary (@mikek85 @Keza @DoctorSatan)
    Maybe you guys can make some guild internal events or even public runs on them.


    14) A huge bulk amount of Vanq weapons and invul armor and many many manyyyy slayers, just not the highest end - @Jupiter are you interested in rebuilding a armory?

    15) 2-3k iron gargoyle shovels - goes to @LanDarr and DiG
    I know you cant use them, but maybe you can distribute them among new battle miners?

    16) @bart simpson

    [​IMG] upload_2017-5-19_22-18-51.png <--- unique

    17) All my plat trophies plus the fitting chests - go to @Azoth



    18) A blessed pre-patch hued runebook - goes to @Icewalker

    upload_2017-5-19_22-31-21.png upload_2017-5-19_22-31-30.png

    19) My collection of pre-patch dyed sandals - goes to @Zyler for funding his fishing events

    He had some previous sandals sales, I bet he LOVES to do another one. :)


    19) A completed Zookeepers mystery scroll - goes to @Ariadne - if she wants it, that is

    20) All my current plat coins (~250) and holiday coins (~700) - go to @Jupiter

    21) There are exactly four spots in this world, that can't be reached by ANY means. Nobody, except Staff can harass you there. I own them all.

    They go to:
    - @snap dragon
    - @Erza Scarlet and his pirate guild
    - @Jean-Pierre
    - @LanDarr

    22) Some trammel and archery goods - to @Julien


    23) The Valentines looks of Elektra and a whip - goes to @Xegugg

    upload_2017-5-19_23-50-46.png upload_2017-5-19_23-51-43.png

    24) Two complete sets of Halloween candles (2015 and 2016) plus my halloween outfit of Dilektra - goes to @LesClaypool

    upload_2017-5-19_23-55-0.png upload_2017-5-19_23-58-57.png
    (picture not showing all candles)

    25) Pirate guild deco starter kit - goes to @Erza Scarlet and @PaddyOBrien for Barrier Island

    upload_2017-5-20_0-34-28.png <-- complete set of special fishing nets in here

    26) A blue christmas red tribal mask and 20 carpet pieces - go to @shad

    upload_2017-5-20_1-6-8.png upload_2017-5-20_1-8-12.png

    27) Bulk Vesper clothes plus the Bahama Mama outfit - goes to @snap dragon


    28) Some leather invul sets and non-marked 1109 sandals - go to @Invoker - he's too humble!

    29) A blessed shadow-hued runebook - go to @syncopations


    30) Sexy 1st anniv/4th anniv outfit goes to @Halabinder - it was always nice chatting with you.


    31) Necro style deco bundle - goes to @Lyta


    32) A complete set of phoenix armor - goes to @Cero because he's such a stand-up knight


    33) A complete set of ranger armor - goes to @Keza because he is the best ranger out there.


    34) 1-2k tmaps of level 1 to level 4 - go to @TreeHugger

    35) Two red tribal hockey masks + one fitting robe - go to @Riyne for outing himself as hockey mask lover


    36) A good stock of might to power ele ban/earth shatter macing slayer - goes to @Kidney


    37) A complete Zookeeper Scroll - goes to Darkwing by request of Ariadne/Avery


    38) Rikktor smoking a coon pipe - goes to @Puck, I think that jester style sound of the flute fits to him and Rikktor would make a nice deco addition in Despise Valley for example


    39) My collection of Anniversary Mugs and Liberty Bells - goes to @PaddyOBrien and his Cove Tavern


    40) Valorite, verite and agapite spears - goes to @Crooks/Axiom


    41) Force repond spear, force repond war fork and vanq silver spear - goes to @Althorn

    42) 2nd anniv, 3rd anniv, and 4th anniv jester sets - go to @Jakob the Pniffelboy


    43) Power Earth Shatter Axe and Force Earth Shatter katana - goes to @Vortex


    44) Mephitis, 2 yetis and the terathan infiltrator - go to @DoctorSatan and his formidable collection of monsters in Skara PS lands


    45) Laurana's looks and high end dragons - go to @Haeweth


    46) My collection of Ratmen trophies from the very first UOR year, a 2013 trick and treat basket, 100 furniture dye charges andmy rewards from the last thieving contest - go to @The Crooked Warden


    47) A shadow hued blessed runebook - goes to @Bodhran


    48) Minax' black heart, two shackles and 105 charges of furny dye - go to @El Horno

    49) My collection of high-end slayer halberds, plus 3 runic heavy xbows (for piracy?) plus the keys to one of the places mentioned in 21) - go to @Erza Scarlet


    50) The formally known 5D vendor house directly west of the yew gate - goes to @Smash

    51) An Ethereal Horse - goes to @One


    52) 1150 white christmas boots and 3 pieces of 1st anniv blue jewelry - go to @Crunk Juice


    52) An Ethereal Nightmare - goes to @Broli


    53) 25 Furny Dye Charges, two knights strongboxes plus some easter related decoration items - go to @Hoominaga


    54) Pre-patch non-hued Vendor Sandals - go to @hardman for his excellent North Road Vendors shop


    55) A pre-patch died blessed runebook - goes to @Ron Jeremy


    56 - 100) Left behind in Hidden Valley for handling by @Random and @Jean-Pierre - you may use the items as you see fit. You may sell them and finance events, you may keep them and enjoy them. It's up to you guys. :)

    This quitting thread is over. I think I have gifted all the people that came to my mind. In case I forgot somebody, it's nothing personal. It were just a few busy days and I might have easily skipped someone who didn't PM me and tried to prevent bothering me (don't be so shy then! :) ). Again, sorry for anybody that I forgot, it wasn't on purpose. Farewell, auf Wiedersehen and Allaha ısmarladık.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: May 22, 2017
  2. Larloch

    Larloch Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Its all good bro, we will always have IDERP.......and those shady back-ally deals.

    GL on your journey.
    Ecstatic likes this.
  3. Random

    Random Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    I want to like this but I cannot
  4. Azoth

    Azoth Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 2, 2015
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    These all sound like great decisions @BlackEye. You will be missed, but your memory will live on. Every time I go checking for the spawning standing chair in Hidden Valley, I wonder if you're around ... fun to know that Random and JP will be occupying the place.
    Ecstatic likes this.
  5. Azoth

    Azoth Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 2, 2015
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    Oh yes you can :)
    Ecstatic likes this.
  6. Vortex

    Vortex Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2016
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    Oh man. I feel like we are riding the same train. I also realized how much of an impact this game has on my life recently. I've been trying to limit the time I spend in-game and on the IRC.

    This really shows the essence of the problem. The game is very addicting and there's always too much to do.
    I hope you give it a little time and rethink it before deleting all your toons and giving all your stuff away. Otherwise you might share the same experience with @shad :)

    I remember one of the adventures we shared together. It was still very early in my UO:R experience. I was still training my first character and needed some cash. You asked on #PS if there's somebody who wants to party up and help you farm spined leather. This was really cool adventure. I felt really tense with all those lizardmen swarming us from each side, while trying to dodge them and carve the useful hides at the same time. I had a good time and the reward was fair. It really helped me with a good boost of cash early on.

    As a matter of fact, I still have the two macros you helped me put together for the purpose of that farm.


    I also remember when you helped me secure my stone small tower. Your security tips greatly helped me understand house security and to this day I apply them to secure my stuff.

    I'm sure we can all agree that you left your mark on this community and any aspiring thief will surely hear about your thieving feats !

    I hope you fix any IRL problems this game might have caused. Best of luck to you Black Eye ! :)
    Orion GM BD, Azoth and Ecstatic like this.
  7. Alco

    Alco Active Member

    Mar 23, 2017
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    Gl mate, i've veen there... I've left heart broken from many shards, always uo been on my mind. Your uo friends comes more importand then rl friwnds. You truly cannot forget whats uo, this community im in is something you cant forget. I miss my old friends from my last shards where i've played more then... anything. One day i will meet my friends once more and hear then talking. I wish you really good luck doing this. After all, this conmunity is so great, you just cant forget.
    Ecstatic likes this.
  8. shad

    shad Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 26, 2016
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    Good luck Blackeye

    I wrote a tons of stock, but i delete it and decide to stay "simple".

    Thank you to share me tricks and talk with me on late night :)

    You are a nice guy and i hope you only positive things!

    Good bye my friend
    Last edited: May 19, 2017
    Orion GM BD and Ecstatic like this.
  9. Ecstatic

    Ecstatic Active Member

    Apr 19, 2017
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    Shad, I havent forgotten you. I just need to talk with you about the details. :)

    Thanks @Alco, I recognized you are doing alot tmaps. So you will get my stock. Have fun! ;)
    Azoth and shad like this.
  10. Fireball

    Fireball Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Sep 15, 2014
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    Farewell, Blackeye. I wish you well and I hope the UO withdrawal isn't too bad!

    You did clean out my Fortress of my worthless possessions, but you were very polite about it and kindly returned something I requested after complimenting me for not ranting at you!

    Real Life does all sorts of things to us, some good, some bad. But it is real and we need to give it the attention it deserves.

    God speed.

    Ecstatic and Azoth like this.
  11. Kirby

    Kirby Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Oct 24, 2016
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    Hey BlackEye. I don't think we've ever had any interaction in game (outside of financial transactions), but I often see you run around my Rock House where one of the rare rocks spawns. You did give me quite a bit of advice when I first came to the server, and also taught me about badgering someone with too many questions instead of just looking them up myself.

    Personally, I don't try to limit my UO time, I just try to make it fit in with my RL. That's not too hard since my boss at Papa John's is, himself, a gamer and has not only allowed me to leave early to make a UOR event, but a few days ago actually allowed me to take the night off to handle UO business. I do understand needing to take a break though. Ever since the fishing tournament ended, I have severely limited my in game activities.

    Good luck with your future endeavors, and I hope you do decide to come back at some point, if you learn to manage the addiction better.

    Last edited: May 19, 2017
    Black Tortoise and Ecstatic like this.
  12. Alex Caember

    Alex Caember Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2016
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    It will be sad to see you go, BlackEye, but it sounds like you are making the right decision for yourself. I am at least glad that you were able to ultimately slay the Orc champion that arose during the Bloodmoon :)

    Do take care!
    Kirby, Ecstatic and Azoth like this.
  13. Ecstatic

    Ecstatic Active Member

    Apr 19, 2017
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    Heho @Fireball, just PM me in IRC. People that got their forts looted get special attention here.
    shad and Azoth like this.
  14. shad

    shad Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 26, 2016
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    I remember when you show me the spot where 2 or 3 birds spawn ( succubus? ) because i was pissed to been killed by pks.

    5 min later i decided to give a try. Omg its so fresh in my mind... i gate, enter the gate with my peace/dexxer and Aaarrrggghhhh
    @Evil Dead with hes group kill me.

    Lol, this game is so shitty sometime!
    Ecstatic likes this.
  15. Cherie

    Cherie Active Member

    Dec 21, 2012
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    Im sorry to see you go but you are right in saying its like crack...if it weren't for the fact my kids are grown and grandkids coming out i too would have to quit or for that madder never had started. Family with young kids is more important and having a job is also. Ill miss our interactions here and you who were teens playing this its nice to see as adults that you are taking responsibility for your life.......well see you in a few years im sure just as hatecrime made a little come back also.GOOD LUCK in LIFE BUDDY!!! HUGS
    Ecstatic likes this.
  16. Azoth

    Azoth Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 2, 2015
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    17) All my plat trophies plus the fitting chests - go to @Azoth

    Thanks, @Ecstatic and @BlackEye I'm delighted with these new treasures :) Say hi to BahamaMama for me :)
    Ecstatic likes this.
  17. Kirby

    Kirby Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Oct 24, 2016
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    In looking through my IRC logs, I remembered that you were the one who sold PS our Yew Houses that will become our Rune Library and Vendor House Complex...Coming Soon(tm). I will be putting together our rune library first, since we now have all the books we need. Since you are quitting for good, you need to be memorialized somehow. I'm going to get with my partners involved in the rune library and see if we can do something with the house to mention you...maybe a clever name, or something.
    Ecstatic likes this.
  18. Spankrox

    Spankrox Active Member

    Apr 7, 2017
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    Take it easy pal. Only got to chat to you briefly in irc but I was always impressed by how welcoming and helpful you seemed. UOR will lose a great asset (and now I have to find a new guild for my play time :p )
    Canis and Ecstatic like this.
  19. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    Sorry to see you go man, but I totally understand wanting to get away from this game's clutches :)

    Favorite blackeye memory, probably the grand opening of my tavern which you were there, and the time we were with Erza at an idoc and made many preparations for a battle we thought would happen which ended up being just one lone straggler casting EV's on us :D
    Erza Scarlet, Azoth and Ecstatic like this.
  20. ElleFeyRa

    ElleFeyRa Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2015
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    You are one the players I've trusted most here... funny that you play a thief and all : ) Lots of great conversations, and thanks for the many bits of advice you've given. You'll definitely be missed, but not forgotten. Have to have you over to my Fortress one last time to officially start my CY guestbook. Seems fitting you should be the first to sign it as it was your idea :)
    Take care brother.
    Cherie, Azoth and Ecstatic like this.

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