BlackEye's Quitting Thread

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Ecstatic, May 19, 2017.

  1. eatmyshorts

    eatmyshorts Member

    Apr 9, 2017
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    That really is the inevitable end for all of us. Nobody can carry on playing forever!
    Reginald likes this.
  2. Erza Scarlet

    Erza Scarlet Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 24, 2015
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    My favourite Blackeye moment...
    There were too many of them, since we talked a lot actually!
    I always thought that thiefes are fun to have around, i liked the gamestyle and i liked people who put effort into writing funny storys.

    I remember us having a lot of ingame interactions during my starter days on UOR, one of the moste recogniceable ones was propably you stalking Jake (which whom i used to hang around a lot in Vesper) and stealing an agapite Weapon from him. Since the poor guy was broke ive sold it back for him.. I believe it was the same day you were following me through a gate to Stormhold, hah

    There was one time ive slain you during my first ever valentine event on UOR. You were running on foot and managed to even get into a tower west of Wrong. Ive slain you in there and looted a plat coin off your body. Of course you werent realy pleased, i also kinda liked thiefes so ive returned it back then (also much to your suprise) I believe it started around then when we started to engage in more common conversations.

    There were multiple times where we interacted during RP Adventures (most of them also leading to your death) but you were always around A LOT, much to my suprise actually. Eventually you got killed in most adventures, but it was still fun, hah.

    Since i am from Austria, we actually speak the same language. But talking with you in German always felt wierd, so we kept it on english for the sake of atmosphere (yes, even in private messages, lol)

    Blackeye is the man.
    A huge participator to UOR, usually helping out newbies while stealing from the rich.
    Putting up funny storys on the forums, joining RP events, and beeing a general BEAST if it comes down to farming on a dexer.

    Theres so much more to tell here actually, but i need to go to work now lol.
    Thank you very much for the Pirate deco, its realy appreciated! Ill leave @PaddyOBrien in charge ot pick them up ;)
    As for the locations, i should be available on Tuesday-Thursday, gona make sure to toss you a PM !

    Thanks a lot for everything, youve made the right step in the long term.
    RL comes first and i can uderstand this decision very well.

    Peace, E
    Jupiter, Ecstatic, Random and 3 others like this.
  3. Reginald

    Reginald Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2015
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    You say this and in my mind I know you to be true, but I feel like you're lying.
  4. Vortex

    Vortex Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2016
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    Thank you @Ecstatic this is fantastic gift. I knocked more Ballys than I can count in order to drop one of these and never had luck finding it. :)

    Good luck and take care in whatever you do !
    Ecstatic likes this.
  5. Ecstatic

    Ecstatic Active Member

    Apr 19, 2017
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    Lies, I never die! Okay maybe once when monster bit me too! But like a Phoenix I was always reborn 2 minutes later...

    I might simply hand over all the things to Paddy, @Erza Scarlet. It's easier to have him give them to you. There is more for you too, check the OP from time to time, I will add some items.
    One likes this.
  6. Reginald

    Reginald Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2015
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    You know I realized that everytime I exit the game I quit UO? Well according to IRC.

    Here have some feel good music :)

    Halabinder and Ecstatic like this.
  7. Dr Satan

    Dr Satan Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2015
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    44) Mephitis, 2 yetis and the terathan infiltrator - go to @@DoctorSatan and his formidable collection of monsters in Skara PS lands

    Thanks, they are B e a utiful! And all are unique to me! I may combine the infiltrator and the meph along with the spider queen I have in a dungeon and make the ophidian queen I have try to defeat them all! Possibilities are endless
    Ecstatic, shad and Kalvasflam like this.
  8. Lorak

    Lorak Active Member

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Thank You very much BlackEye, I thought about changing my character look and i love the green set from You, also ill rename dragons to Black and Eye :)

    Good luck in your RL adventure!

    I like it!
    Last edited: May 21, 2017
  9. Ecstatic

    Ecstatic Active Member

    Apr 19, 2017
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    Cool music, I love it.
  10. ElleFeyRa

    ElleFeyRa Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2015
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    One memory that sticks out most is when @mikek85 used to run Public Harrowers... it seemed the entire shard was there waiting with their dragons for it to begin. I believe we were in Skara. No room to move around... Even with an escort @BlackEye managed to steal one of the skulls and everyone waited around for what seemed like forever. It wasn't long before the whispers that Blackeye had stolen the skull !! ! Of course with most BE stories there was a happy ending... said skull was sold back for an affordable price, and everything went as planned. Just a little later then was planned : )

    Thanks again friend for everything... pets names will of course stay the same. Both Masks of the wild will be worn proudly. Gifts from friends are the best gifts : ) Best of luck and hopefully talk soon.

    MikeK, Jakob, Ecstatic and 1 other person like this.
  11. Bodhran

    Bodhran Active Member

    May 10, 2017
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  12. OptimisticSam

    OptimisticSam Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 17, 2016
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    I'm just seeing this thread, and it saddens me deeply. BlackEye - you have had a huge impact on my play in two ways:
    1. Your thieving thread was the sole inspiration for me creating a thief - what fun I anticipated on the horizon!! - then one day, early in my thieving career, I was stalking some guy running dragons out of the Nujelm bank for the Christmas event. I slowly, and I thought sneakily, stealthed into the bank and through the back doors - waiting until NPCs opened the doors to sneak through. In the pack of a seemingly AFK tamer there sat 5 h-coins --- what a fortune to a new player! I quickly acted! BOOM! Out of the corner of the room emerges a previously hidden character - guards and pets made quick work of me. You had seen it coming a mile away, and set the h-coin trap for me. Your advice to me then has shaped my recent UO experience in a huge way - and your advice to make myself known has opened a door to in-game friends and adventures that I've never experienced in UO before.
    2. You have always been an ardent defender of the purity of this game, and for that I'm extremely thankful. I believe you understand that the road to Trammel is paved with many small changes not a big sweeping new facet, and it has been great to see you fight against those in the name of the risk that keeps this game alive. I believe it is that risk, from thieves or PKs or just griefers, that is the very fabric of this community, and the ONLY thing that keeps us all playing a 20 year old game. Any threat to that was fought by you - and the server is better for it.

    I'll be very sad to see you leave, but I believe you're moving on for the right reasons. I hope you decide to poke your head in every once and a while when the time is right - I know we'd all love to see you.
  13. Althorn

    Althorn Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Mar 5, 2017
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    You never understand the thought process & judgement or the patience and skill required to be a good thief until you make one and try first hand imo. When to strike? & then safely securing a good lift with a clever getaway!! It is one of the things I've come to enjoy the most playing on UOR. Blackeye you displayed all the above consistently at a level that only masters of the thievery craft, could hope to reach at their pinnacle. I haven't been here long but I have witnessed your magic & have certainly heard tales of it. A true legend departs us, but will never really be gone his legacy will shine through time for as long UOR lives. Thank you for the gifts you have given to me I will cherish them! Sorry to hear of your troubles, pray you find peace within yourself. Hope your endeavors in RL are as rich, & even richer then those that you have provided to all of us here. Farewell BlackEye GL!
    Ecstatic, ElleFeyRa and OptimisticSam like this.
  14. Bodhran

    Bodhran Active Member

    May 10, 2017
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    I propose the thief gm in Brit be permanently renamed to Blackeye!
    Azerothian, Jean-Pierre, One and 7 others like this.
  15. Reginald

    Reginald Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2015
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    Ecstatic likes this.
  16. Phaero

    Phaero Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 24, 2014
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    As far as I know, I've never had an experience with Blackeye. Although, I have had things go missing over the years.... Take care in your travels.
    Ecstatic likes this.
  17. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    Amata should be renamed Bahama Mama

    @Chris @Telamon @Treasureman
    Jean-Pierre, Jakob, Jupiter and 3 others like this.
  18. Ecstatic

    Ecstatic Active Member

    Apr 19, 2017
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    I am sure, she would die very quickly with that name. :p
    Valrick likes this.
  19. Ecstatic

    Ecstatic Active Member

    Apr 19, 2017
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    @STAVROGIN you will have to PM me in IRC. I am BlackEye there.
  20. shad

    shad Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 26, 2016
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    When i try to quit UOR last december, i was suposed to ask Chris to ban my accout on the forum and the shard.
    I wasnt able to ask him...
    Now see whats happen 5 months later. Im there and way too much playing here.
    Blackeye, if you wish to quit, you will have to CUT.
    Its on or off.
    I try to find the middle but it seems to be nearly impossible to find.
    I wish the best for you my friend, honnestly.
    Your friend, Martin(Shad)

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