276 tailor flip BODs broken down as follows in 3 different books: 161 cloth flips - 20x, 10n, and 15n smalls 89 leather flips - leather caps, gloves, gorgets and sleeves. all varieties of smalls, 10, 15 and 20 both normal and excellent. 26 leather footwear flips - 10n, 15n and 20x footwear smalls of all varieties. SB: 500k Increments: 50k Buyout: 850k Runs for 24 hours and then continues for 24 after last bid.
Tempting as that's a lot of slot machine pulls. Wasn't someone paying like 2500 per flipper recently?
Why are these "flips"? They just easier to craft the stuff so you can turn them in for chances to get better bods?
Every small bods without a valuable reward and dont cost a bunch to fill are flips. So, if you fill 30 small cloth bods, you give them to a npc at the tailor shop( separetely ) to get your reward and you are allowed to ask another bod (no 6hour delay). Something its really good, sometime its not.