Hello all, I am selling my keep on Dagger Isle(contain yourselves). This is a great spot for an entry into the CY game with moats coming soon(tm). Keep is located in the 'notch' on the West side. The CY seems secure I have been here for a bit, I havent seen anyone pop in. You can mine from the NE corner(iron). Keep will be empty, aside from permanent addons. Forges/anvils/spinwheel/loom Looking for a quick sale. SB 3mil BO 4mil 24 hour timer I accept Gold Plat @ 10k
Would have been interested! Dagger Isle was always my favorite housing spot! (not meant ironically). However, saw him camping Keks Towers yesterday, so I am guessing he doesn't need the money anymore....
I don't know who you saw yesterday Kal but it wasn't me. I don't camp idocs, I don't enjoy it, and I hate PvP. For the record, there were multiple people interested in the period of time that it was posted. Someone made me an offer that I couldn't refuse, so I cancelled the auction before any bidding began. I have no doubt that it would have sold at the listed price, because there are people that like dagger, maybe not the majority, but that's why it's cheaper than grass. Again thanks for the interest. Take care.
Well, dunno, I revealed a char named "Holden" several times. Maybe it was someone else. Considering that most keeps I see got a SB of 5/6 mil I have no doubt this one would have b/o immediately.
I checked the website there is another Holden PC, if he wasn't dressed as my avatar and riding a nightmare with TnT tag it wasn't me.