Each item is being auctioned of separately and each one will end 24 hours after last bid! No buyouts on the items, just see where they run their course! Different prices on stuff so not really minimum bid increases but keep it reasonable please. Good luck everyone and thank you for the bids!!! Plat accepted at 10k Green chair hue 1193 - S/B 75k White chair hue 2955 - S/B 75k Ice golem statuette hue 1151 - S/B 50k Chunk of ice hue 1151 - S/B 20k Gift box with green stocking hue 407 *I've been told in the past the box can be dyed* -S/B 75k Ornate treasure chest hue 1193 - S/B 75k Christmas tree deed - S/B 175k Studded ranger armor gloves hue 1436 - S/B 50k