Yes, anything would be better than the current rate. Most of my dexxers have at lest 25 -30 magery and 75 - 70 of another skill (usually hiding) and it would be nice to be able to utilize all of those points on something good. Dexxers already have to tinker with our stats just so we don't get mindblasted into oblivion.
No. Already, with 3 accounts.. it's easy to get transportation in and out of an area, or you can easily make friends who can gate. As it stands.. recall needs a giant nerf anyways. IMO You should not be able to cast it in combat, or at the very least... make WAY easier to intrupt. No way I should beable to recall with a dexxer ramming spear down my throat, or a Mage dumping on me. I have 0 fear when hunting... I can escape 99% of the time with a GTFO macro created in razor, totally removing risk.
I say keep it simple. This is a good compromise, easy to implement, will make dexxer templates more viable and has no downside. Definitely yes.
This is a great idea. Folks are welcome to differing opinions I dont get angry or mad, thats their right. Howeva! I can't wrap my head around the thought process of being okay or in favor of custom taming content, instanced dungeons, numerous custom bosses, holiday events and not be okay with giving dexxers a viable option to travel? You could argue its far less game altering than any of the above. Either way its good we keep having a discussion on this, but a quick forum search tells me this tree has been barked up many times before. MM-
Double post. But had a thought to add on to this. Due the constant and ever present pk attempts on people while hunting. (sarcasm) Regarding One's idea: Would it possible to add a check /further requirement into the Magery needed if a player is attacked. For example: Player A attacks Player Dexxer B the Magery requirement to Recall now shoots back up to 31/61 Magery for 100% success rate. I think people are viewing this change to run away from the constant pks (lets be honest this is not happening), I'm viewing it more of a let dexxers get around Sosaria without pulling our god damn hair out.
I would say sure..... If there weren't blessed runebooks. That defeats the point to me. Blessed = no risk / all reward with 0 magery casting. If it didn't apply to blessed books (and the runebook in a bank bug didn't exist), I would change my vote. While on the subject of dexxers.... Check out the proposed changes to make them better!! Voice your opinion and let it be known.
Recall is simple. It's a few reagents or a scroll. I don't feel there is any reason to change it at all. It's ridiculously easy to fit 30 points into a template and keep your book filled with scrolls. It's not like any of these things are hard to source or costly for anyone that's actually played for a day.
If you're not using magery, you're role playing. You're not using your knowledge of the game to be the most successful you can be. I'm not pretending like there's not imbalance to the classes, particularly in the chances to hit and do good damage with a dexxer (+ disrupt) versus any mage with defensive wrestle/wrestle + 31AR suits. Adding an ability to Recall without spending points would do nothing at all to benefit the class, in my opinion. If you're not already running like a bitch when you get attacked, you'll want Magery for the other useful spells. Pretend for a second you don't have 14 alts and you want to trap your own pouches, cast cure in a pinch or heal if your heal potion cooldown is on and your bandage is still ticking. I've wasted enough words on this now. There's no point in wasting development to cater to a 30 skill point cost when this shard is already so fucking easy.
Because if anything changes for the better there might be 18 dexxers and then all hell would break loose!
Why is it so strange that dexxers need magery? I'm not talking about 30, btw, but 100. 100 macing 100 tactics 100 parrying 100 healing 100 anatomy 100 resist 100 magery GM Cures, 50 point Greater Heals, 12 point blessings, etc. Your character isn't complete without it. To me, wanting to have non-mages teleport is like wanting to have beggars be a viable build for PvP. What I would suggest if anything is the ability for NPC mages you hire to cast gate off your runes. No magery in UO is like no backpack or boots in the military; Sure you can deal damage, but it wont be fun and you'll probably die.
Sorry, I suppose I should've just stayed quiet since I disagree with the premise to begin with. I'm glad you like my suggestion regarding mage hirelings, though. I also like the idea of giving them the rune beforehand as this makes for a quicker escape than having to issue a command, then choosing a rune, etc. I was thinking more in line of: You: "Bob Gate" Bob the Mage: "Upon which rune would you like for me to cast Gate Travel?" *targetting cursor pops up and you choose a rune in your pack* Bob the Mage: "Very Well." "Vas Rel Por" "After you, m'[lord/lady]." This would be like a slower recall. Yours is actually better than recall in that it can't be interrupted and doesn't need to target anything since the rune is given beforehand, but as long as it's a gate that you have to move to (and shove your hireling away from or command away from) I don't see the problem. The funny part is of course that these hirelings usually (or at least used to - on OSI) spawn in Wind, where you need a high magery score (I think 70 base) to even enter. You can usually also find them in the Jhelom fighting pit. I would suggest either adding these hirelings to mage guilds or adding the ability to pay guildmasters to spawn them when requested (and paid for their time in advance, like normal.) In truth I am all for balancing dexers, but my definition of dexxer has 100 magery and I'm more into removing mounts or changing the herding skill or something into riding (it can't be animal lore because tamers are already OP and they have it already.) I still don't think 100 magery is an unreasonable demand to place on someone who wants to be succesful in a place called Sosoria.