S/B 5.25 mill B/I reasonable amounts please B/0 7 mill no plat please auction ends 24 hours after last bid
I've decided with anni coming I'm going to hoard funds. The sang aka this year am top notch and its best to be prepared.
Rules Follow the requests of the originator of the thread (within reason). If someone is selling a house for gold, you are welcome to make offers that do not include gold. It would be up to the seller to determine a value of your offer, or disregard the offer. Players are welcome to add clarification to posts that are lacking clarification. - Information relevant to the item being sold, or left out by the buyer/seller. - Links to the item database - Links to compendium articles related to the sale. - Links to related/past trade posts relevant to the current post. Players are not welcome to post the following - Offers they cannot afford or have no intention of completing. - Inflammatory statements about their opinion of the buyer/seller. - Negative statements about the item being sold, for the sake of being negative. (To Clarify: If someone says they are selling the only ____ on the server, it is not negative to correct them on the amount of them that exist. It would be negative to call them a liar and a cheat.) - Ingame/External opinions of the buyer/seller or players bidding in the tread. Bumping threads is acceptable within reason