Renaissance Blog - The Bulk Order Reward Review

Discussion in 'Shard News' started by Chris, Sep 12, 2012.

  1. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    The Renaissance Bulk Order System
    June 28th 2012​

    Continuing on our path to History Perfected in this blog post we will look at the bulk order deed system, how it works and the rewards for completing the orders.

    Starting out we realized there were several problems with the base system
    • The system was easily exploited in its default format.
    • The requirement to obtain bulk order deeds from vendors was very low and cycled to quickly
    • There was no method to determine when your next order was ready.
    • Several items were available that were directly linked to the addition of trammel.
    • The rewards system needs a complete overhaul.

    Bulk Order Deeds
    To obtain a bulk order deed all you need to do is simply sell items to the tailor or smith vendors. Each item sold has a 20% chance to have the vendor offer you a Bulk Order.

    The requirements to have a vendor offer you a deed are the following.
    • 70.1 (real) skill is required to be offered a small bulk order deed.
    • 85.1 (real) skill is required to be offered a large bulk order deed. 1 in 5 chance.
    • You may only get 1 BOD every 6 hours per account.


    Players my obtain a bulk order deeds from each of the vendor types once every 6 hours per account. To check the availability of a bulk order deed for your character simply speak to the related vendor the following command.
    "Order Status"

    To qualify for special material BOD offer you must have met the related skill shown below.
    • Spined - 80 Tailoring
    • Horned - 90 Tailoring
    • Barbed - 99 Tailoring
    • Dull Copper - 70 Blacksmithing
    • Shadow Iron - 70 Blacksmithing
    • Copper - 75 Blacksmithing
    • Bronze - 80 Blacksmithing
    • Gold - 85 Blacksmithing
    • Agapite - 90 Blacksmithing
    • Verite - 95 Blacksmithing
    • Valorite - 100 Blacksmithing
    The related chances to be offered a certain type of a BOD, given that you met the above requirements
    Large Bulk Orders
    • Blacksmithing Weapon - 55.5%
    • Blacksmithing Armor - 45.5%
    Small Bulk Orders
    • Blacksmithing Weapon - 25%
    • Blacksmithing Armor - 75%
    In the event of an armor BOD the chance to receive a special resource type;
    • Iron - 48.5%
    • Dull Copper - 25%
    • Shadow Iron - 12.5%
    • Copper - 6%
    • Bronze - 3%
    • Gold - 2%
    • Agapite - 1.5 %
    • Verite - 1%
    • Valorite - .5%
    In the event of a tailoring BOD the chance to receive a special resource type;
    • Leather - 85%
    • Spined - 12.5%
    • Horned - 2%
    • Barbed - .5%

    If a bulk order deed is ready you will get the following message.
    " You can get an order now. "
    Otherwise you will get this message
    " An offer may be available in about ___ hours "

    Players can receive Bulk Order Books as rewards from turning in low level Bulk Order Deeds which can be used to store and organize your Bulk Orders.

    Once you have completed the deed you can simply return it to the vendor by dragging it onto them. The reward and gold will be placed in your backpack.

    Additional details will be made available regarding the complete Bulk Order Deed system in the guides section soon.

    The major changes that were made on Renaissance were primarily to adjust the mechanism in which players receive bulk order deeds.

    And the rewards that players can receive for turn in bulk order deeds. A brief summary of the items available is listed here and will be covered in more detail in the compendium.

    Renaissance Compendium Links
    Tailoring BOD Reward Matrix
    Tailoring BOD Gold Rewards

    Blacksmithing BOD Reward Matrix
    Blacksmithing BOD Gold Rewards

    Tailoring Bulk Order Deed Rewards
    100 yards of Hue 1160, 1162, 1196, 2126 cloth

    80 yards of hue 1155, 1163, 1165, 2224 cloth or a Bulk Order Book

    60 yards of hue 1158, 1193, 2130, 2406 cloth or a Bulk Order Book

    40 yards of hue 1156, 1175, 2118, 2124 cloth or a random pair of special hued sandals.
    1 (black), 1156 (dark navy blue), 1175 (charcoal), 902 (dark neon gray), 916 (silver bridal)
    911 (silver bridal), 901 (blue-ish bridal), 1235 (violet)

    20 yards of hue 1150, 1154, 1157, 1194 cloth or a random pair of special hued sandals.
    1 (black), 1156 (dark navy blue), 1175 (charcoal), 902 (dark neon gray), 916 (silver bridal)
    911 (silver bridal), 901 (blue-ish bridal), 1235 (violet)

    A unlimited use black dye tub

    A stretched hide deed (house add on)

    A 10 charge leather dye tub or a clothing bless deed.

    A hanging tapestry deed (house add on)

    A 20 charge leather dye tub or a clothing bless deed.

    A Polar Bear or Brown Bear Rug (house add on)

    A random piece of hanging leather armor

    A random piece of hanging studded leather armor

    A random bottle of ore colored mask dye (1 use) 8 Random hues (2424,2406,2413,2418,2213,2425,2207,2219)

    A random bottle of special mask dye (1 use) 7 Random hues (1109,1208,2124,2130,1508,1157,1254)

    Smithing Bulk Order Deed Rewards

    A sturdy shovel

    a sturdy pickaxe or a Bulk Order Deed Book

    A prospectors tool, sturdy leather mining gloves or a bulk order book.

    A gargoyles pickaxe, studded leather gloves of mining or a bulk order book.

    A gargoyles pickaxe or ringmail gloves of mining

    a 5 charge powder of fortification (can be used to repair any breakable item and improve its durability)

    A 25 use dull copper runic hammer

    a 10 charge powder of fortification (can be used to repair any breakable item and improve its durability)

    A 25 use shadow runic hammer

    A deed for a colored anvil (Random ore color, house add on)

    a 15 charge powder of fortification (can be used to repair any breakable item and improve its durability)

    A 25 use copper runic hammer

    a 20 charge powder of fortification (can be used to repair any breakable item and improve its durability)

    A deed for a decorative shield (House add on)

    A 25 use bronze runic hammer

    A deed for a decorative brazier, movable item.

    A random piece of hanging chain or ringmail armor

    A 25 use golden runic hammer

    A random piece of phoenix armor (functions much like newbie clothing, is repairable using the powder of fortification)

    A 25use agapite runic hammer

    A deed to a decorative suit of armor, gold or silver. (House add on)

    A 25 use verite runic hammer

    A 25 use valorite runic hammer

    Useful Links
    Tailor Reward Chart
    Tailor Gold Reward Chart

    Smith Reward Chart
    Smith Gold Reward Chart
    Last edited: May 29, 2014
    Azerothian likes this.
  2. custard

    custard New Member

    Aug 2, 2012
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    wow thats some good shit there, any more info on runic hammers, like the dull copper has a chance to do this.... while a verite one can do this........ . That would be great :shock:
  3. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    Thanks so much for adding so many cool house add-ons and the pretty colored cloth.
    You folks doing a grand job.

  4. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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  5. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
  6. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    I think i will start up a crafter soon.
  7. Dragkhar

    Dragkhar Renaissance Volunteers
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Aug 31, 2012
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    How about carpenters, alchemists and scribes?

    Would be nice to see all crafting classes get BOD's and rewards.
    Azerothian likes this.
  8. Eisensaft

    Eisensaft New Member

    Aug 2, 2012
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    Im not familiar with the system but will there only be Bod s fpr Tailors and Blacksmiths?
  9. Dragkhar

    Dragkhar Renaissance Volunteers
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Aug 31, 2012
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    a 10 charge powder of fortification (can be used to repair any breakable item and improve its durability)

    Does this apply even to bows etc. and instruments?
  10. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    This applies to almost all items that have durability. Patch 18 will see further improvements to these items to allow them even greater functionality. Changes such as repairing sandals, clothing, masks, etc.

    Also there will be a functionality patch for arms lore to allow evaluation of non standard items, such as shoes, masks and clothing.
  11. custard

    custard New Member

    Aug 2, 2012
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    When it comes to what quality leather I use to fill a BOD, will the deed state whether it requires that specific leather type? I know that i received and filled a BOD for leather skirts, which did not state what quality to use, with barbed leather. Moreover, for the Large BOD would it be possible to fill it with small deeds that have been filled with differing qualities of leather?
  12. Xevec

    Xevec Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Aug 10, 2012
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    Custard, regular leather is the default leather, if another type is required the BoD will state it.
    The large BoDs are the same way as far as I have seen.
  13. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    If memory serves me correct, during this era only tailor and smith received bod rewards. I really cannot recall any other era with them, and I played reg. UO for years after Renaissance. Not sure if there is a "script out there" to make bod
    rewards for additional crafted items.

    Thanks all, staff can't wait to get some of those high end items. " ghee- sh but I have too."
  14. Gharik

    Gharik Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 19, 2012
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    Fletching BoDs didn't come until much later, well after the elves came into play. Mondain's Legacy? Forget which
  15. Paul Gilbert

    Paul Gilbert New Member

    Mar 21, 2013
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    What method does one use to work this system? I mean, it seems to me like you'd sell the undesired rewards back to the vendor to get a bod, rather than just getting one for turning one in.

    What is a good way to farm this system? I want to get a plan down so I can do it. :)
  16. Godric Greycliff

    Godric Greycliff Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Oct 22, 2012
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    Really, people just buy sewing kits to sell back to get tailoring BODs. For smithy BODs you can sell tongs to the blacksmith. Essentially people don't spend the time to actually craft something to sell for BODs, they just buy the cheapest thing from the vendor and sell them right back.
  17. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    It seems like long-term I'm best suited keeping the small BODs I fill since they could become pieces of larger BODs that I receive down the road, is that correct?
  18. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Apr 3, 2013
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    Yea, it usually pays to hold onto them. I wouldn't fill them until you're ready to turn them in, however. In order to complete the rarer large BODs, you'll likely need to trade some of your BODs to other crafters.
  19. Paradigm

    Paradigm Active Member

    May 27, 2013
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    How many BODs does a book hold? 500?
  20. Ezekiel

    Ezekiel Renaissance Staff

    May 13, 2012
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    Correct, 500 is the maximum limit for bulk-orders in a book.

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