Sunday, July 2nd at 7 PM CST (8 PM EST). It's back! But this time it is different! Once again the object of the event is simple: Come find, kill, and loot me. But this time even the chumbucket decoys will be carrying loot and the entire event will take place either in a smaller dungeon or on a single level of a larger dungeon. The Official Rules: I and my decoys will be in the dungeon with sweet loots. I am personally donating 500k worth of gold and items. @Random and @ElleFeyRa have committed to another 500k plus a statue! And I'll request a trophy from staff as well. Decoys may leave the dungeon upon death to go get more sweet loots to bring back. I will be carrying the biggest haul and will not leave ever! Neither I nor my decoys will use recall, gate travel, or otherwise leave the event location. There are no other rules. The aim is ultimately to get players all together in the same area to play Ultima Online as though it were 1999. If you would like to donate to the prizes, please leave a message here with your donation. You can either arrange to give the prize or me or, if for some reason you don't trust me, you can request that I create a book with a code inside that can be redeemed for the prize directly from you. Either way, please make a reply here with your prize!
Lots of loots! I was killed by EvilDead! I'll post about it tomorrow, but last I heard snap is still there at the Hedge Maze on a chum decoy with 300k! Thanks to everyone who came out!!!!
I was caught up in holiday family stuff and couldn't attend. If anyone got a trophy, post a pic. I'll make an offer on it.
So it was in the hedge maze?? I bet that was very fun haha. Unfortuantely i wasn't able to make it :/ Can't wait til the next one though!
In retrospect, I think a holiday weekend was a bad idea, but we still had a good showing. The trophy is, I imagine, with EvilDead who killed me. Though maybe not? Snap had a decoy that was still going strong long after I had to log out. Anyone know what came of that!
I didn't get the trophy on your corpse I actually never even saw it. I just grabbed what I could as quickly as possible and didnt get a chance to dig through all of the piles of cloth on your corpse. It gave me a huge adrenaline rush though my heart was pounding being grey looting and being out of mana with that many pvpers in the area. Thank you for that I felt alive again haha
James stumbles into the teleport to the tower base which was filled with chumbucket dragons while Thelax searches around. I popped out and taunted Violent Crimes a bit, but he never really accomplished anything. Drunky the Clown somehow walked over my while hidden. So I jumped out of hiding to let him know that I am a new player in need of financial assistance. Atiki and Iago's lililili showed up but didn't really put up much of a chase. I finally came across @Evil Dead as I hid in a doorway waiting for the demon to kill him, but he managed to push through. Apparently Drunky has a Twin!! But dexers in a maze are no match. Iago's lililili followed me into the tower where I hid from the dragons. He wasn't so lucky it seems. A discouraged alt, Phobos, attempts to recover his loot. I'm not sure who killed @Mia - I suspect it was Mandy Moore or Thelax, but I couldn't help but notice she was using an exploit to avoid being stolen from. Shame on you Mia! Triggered showed up and came really close to killing me with 500 explosion pots and at least 2000 charges of lightning wand. One of the decoy chumbuckets was slain by violent ruffians. Almost PK'd by I prefer trammel again. But he was smart enough not to follow me into the teleporter to the dragon tower I think. Thelax's ability to teleport wasn't up to par. Thought it would be a good idea to give lililili and thelax a chance by running directly to them, but they were too busy talking about the latest IRC drama. Ran into Mandy Moore and lilili. I had a Thelax and bart and iago's lilililis chasing me spamming para, so I did the only thing I could do, lure them into a confined space. It didn't turn out well for Iago again. Thanks @avery and @Hiji Zuru for assisting with these dastardly PKs! Just hiding out from Bart's lilili and Thelax. I believe they thought I went up into the teleporter, and they wouldn't dare go in there to the dragon tower, but really I just hid until they left. Finally the Bart/Thelax/Iago trio tried to get some good old fashion wizard 3-2-1 drop syncing going. I gated out causing them to run away for fear of what comes out of the gate. But got tired of running so I came back through and ditched my horse as a decoy to stealth away. After stealthing around a bit I finally was slain by Iago, Bart, and Thelax spamming interupts, para, and walls of stone.
That's no decoy! You can tell by the fact that it was killed early, by a lone player who was low on mana.