Hide and Seek and Kill - Part 4 - SPECIAL EDITION

Discussion in 'Player Run Events' started by chumbucket, Jul 16, 2017.

  1. chumbucket

    chumbucket Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2013
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    It's back! And with a super-secret surprise!

    Sunday, July 23 at 1 PM CST (2 PM EST)

    The Rules: As always, I and some of my Associates will be hiding in a designated area. We will not recall, gate, or otherwise leave the area. We will not fight back but we will take all other possible means of surviving. It is entirely possible that you will die to our schemes, to NPCs, or even to other players.

    The Surprise: It wouldn't be much of a surprise if I told you. But it is designed with making the event more welcoming to people who don't want to be killed by Triggered and friends. The event will be more friendly to new players. I think you will both enjoy and be baffled by it.

    Sudden Death: Occasionally, this event runs long. I will have the main loot on me, and if after 35 - 45 minutes I am still alive, I will declare sudden death and make myself more easily found and killed. The other associates, however, may continue on indefinitely for those that enjoy a challenge.

    Prizes: I am getting poor running these, but I am putting up 300k. There will also be a trophy! If you have donations, please let me know and post them here as well for all to see. As always, you can give them directly to me or you can arrange for me to carry a book redeemable from you for the prize.

    Prizes thus far:

    1. 300k (chumbucket)
    2. Trophy (staff)
    3. 250k (Hoominaga)
    4. 6 Level Five Treasure Maps (chumbucket)
    5. Assortment of slayers and high end weapons (Jupiter). I'd value the first lot at 300k!
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2017
    Silas Blackeye, Cero, Jupiter and 4 others like this.
  2. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Attention All Dungeoneers!

    A substantial portion of Paws' armory, consisting mainly of dragon slaying weapons, has gone missing! There were reports of a man in a straw hat and worn pants peeking through the windows.

    Now, I'm not casting aspersions on anybody's asparagus, but we suspect that a man fitting the exact description of chum of Ocllo streets (aka chumbucket) may have been the mastermind behind this disappearing act. But no good magician makes something vanish with out making it reappear!

    We suspect that all participants of this shall see him re-appear all the weapons!

    (in more direct terms: A large donation of vanq, slayer, and ornately crafted weapons has been added to the prize pool!)
    Vishakt and chumbucket like this.
  3. chumbucket

    chumbucket Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2013
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    A nice donation from Jupiter of a LOT of slayer and high end weapons. I still need to sort them and only some will go to this event. The others will go the next few events. I'll put in about 300k worth for this one!
    Jupiter likes this.
  4. chumbucket

    chumbucket Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2013
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    So soon.

    This is going to be an event to remember!
  5. chumbucket

    chumbucket Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2013
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    Apologies to all but this event will be delayed until a day and time to be announced due to unforeseen issues. snap's purple pot dodgeball later today will still happen though!
    PaddyOBrien likes this.

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