Please give a busy dad who hasn't played UO since 2000 some advice on getting started

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Leopold, Jul 29, 2017.

  1. Soma Holiday

    Soma Holiday Active Member

    Apr 14, 2017
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    I was thinking the same thing... Maybe I've gotten lucky, maybe it's because I tend to bumble around looking like an obvious newb but most of the people I've encountered have been pretty friendly and helpful. Even PKs and house looters have at times stopped to offer advice instead of killing me or robbing me blind. I think there's a good balance here between carebear and cutthroat.

    As to the OP, welcome! My advice would be to stay in the young program long enough to get established but not so long that you start getting bored.
    Leopold, newme, Orion GM BD and 2 others like this.
  2. Pekka

    Pekka Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2017
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    First of all. Welcome to UOR :)

    The best thing after all must be in the long run to find the right guild for you, even if your RL life takes a lot of time from your hobbies, which kids and familly does, well if you do not ignore them that is. A guild is a good place to meet players with similar interests and maybe even at the same time online as you will be here or that you will be able to schedule stuff with them? There are not a majority of players in the towns as they hang out with their guilds mostly I guess or hide in their houses.

    So what are your plans and goals? Beeing a PK? Fisher? Dungeon Crawler? Bod collector? Thief? PvM or PvP or both? Or something completely different??

    @Aragorn - OCT I got my self burned out in UO already after 4 years at OSI... ;)
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2017
  3. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    Hi and welcome to the server.

    No not 100% percent of people here want to kill you. I don't pvp, learned years ago that I just don't enjoy it. I know several players who will fight back if attacked, but won't start it.

    The main reason people won't help you when run to banks and ask for help, majority are afk. You'll learn about the Plat System as you read forms and guides.

    Main thing is to enjoy .

    Do stay in the young program, it's super great to learn or relearn the game, build skills, earn some start up gold. etc.

    If you enjoy crafting, you can mine in all the dungeons on Ocllo, lumber jack the trees, etc. We have bulk order deeds here for black smithing and tailoring. Fishing is good and few fun things like any leather baring animal has the chance to drop a fur. Semi rare, great for house decorating or to sell.

    By all means, join our irc channel. Folks are friendly and will answer questions or ask for help.

    Players don't meet up in game like they used too. Now they PM in irc with their friends and decide where to meet up, etc. so don't expect the banks to be meeting places. Mainly you'll find AFK players and a few thieves.

    I honestly can't say enough great things about our staff and Chris is totally approachable and works his arse off.

    The player community is equally great.

    Just get your spell resist up to about 40, than look on forums for a "resist party", Players do these to assist other players in building up their resist.

    Again. Welcome and glad you're with us.

    In game, I'm Marjo, Governess of Wispfelt Village
    On irc Westra.

    PS I haven't been able to be in game much over last several months, so know your problem of limited time. Just have fun
    Leopold, Pekka and Orion GM BD like this.
  4. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    I always make a swordsman, 50 Healing and 50 Magery, start in Britain, and just beat on stuff in the graveyard to the north of the city. Nice progression of challenges available and if you stick to enemies of the appropriate strength at the appropriate time, you will end up making enough gold to buy a house whilst still training your skills.

    As for the biggest differences between 2000 and now, I think Razor is an enormous one as well. So much of training on this shard is done via Razor. In fact I just realized I forgot part of it because it's so automatic... but buying a shepherd's crook and macroing (via Razor) the Herding skill will raise your Strength. Likewise, macroing Snooping will raise Dexterity. For a starting swordsman, I might even suggest doing these two things before stepping foot outside of town.
    Orion GM BD, newme and Leopold like this.
  5. Theodin

    Theodin Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    Reading what you said about resist made me lol. I had an entire group of friends spamming gheal in ilshenear wisps (or whatever it was) multiple times just to get me to 90s hahahah
  6. Mykos

    Mykos Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 2, 2013
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    I have a couple of gm resist chracters. If you are mainlly going to hunt NPC's, the need for that skill is diminshed. You should be able to naviagte hunting and not need gm resist and use those skill points towards something else in your template to have lots of fun. For a busy dad, hiding comes to mind as a great utility skill. Hide is an out of the way spot and tend to your daddy business. Come back and start right back up.

    This shard is a great place ot play. My time has dwindled to be able to play regularly, but it's a great community of players who are willing to help and offer advice. I recommend IRC to chat with everyone. It makes it much easier to get quick answers. The staff here is really good and always working on stuff. There are wonderful holiday events of various fun factors.

    I would recommend some sort of bard template for your first toon. I usually do bard mages to begin with on any shard I have played. They are a little slow, but relatively easy to maintain a steady path of dead bodies. I have done a peace/dexxer and they are pretty fun as well. Enjoy your time on UOR. If I am around, feel free to ask for help.

    PS. The serpent things are ophidians. They dont hagn out exactly liek they used too on this shard, but they are about the same spot. before going into the Terathan Keep. There are a variety of them that live together. The AI is a littl more advanced here, they will tr to find a way to get to you if your on a ledge. Still great fun to be had, I prefer to take a tamer there because it is heavily snake peopel populated.
  7. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
  8. Fred

    Fred Active Member

    Feb 16, 2014
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    Im well aware I will get torn up for this, but as somebody in the same position as you as far as busy life with family and work, I highly recommend just remembering the good times of the old days for what they were and passing on getting back into it now.

    I am a 37 year old father and husband with a full time job. I quit UOR about a year ago. It sure was fun for a couple weeks but just like years before, it becomes addicting quick and you will end up spending way to much time on it. Just one more hour... just need to kill a few more dragons... whatever.. it adds up.

    If you are able to stick to a strict amount of time to play and not get carried away thats great, but if you are anything like me then that could be a problem.
    Leopold, Orion GM BD, Darken and 2 others like this.
  9. Merek Tybalt

    Merek Tybalt Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 13, 2017
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    Hey man, i played on that shard at the same time as you! Had a house in player city of PAX just north of McManus's keep. Welcome.
    Leopold likes this.
  10. Leopold

    Leopold Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 29, 2017
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    All, I would give you a quick update. Thus far I have 2 GM provokers and a nearly GM mage. A couple of very generous players gave me some starting money and between that and the money that my provokers brought in I was able to place a small house (up to now Orion GM let me borrow a house). The people here are very friendly and generous. I am trying to recruit my old UO friends from the 90s to come over. One of them plays on what I believe is the biggest competitor to this one so it may not be hard to convince him to come here ( he actually was trying to recruit me a while back). I really hope to be able to place a small house on dagger Island next. If someone wants to walk around with me to look for a place let me know.

    I would like to get in with a group of players who will go off to dungeons and places of interest for PvM but are willing to fight off PK's as well (or at least just help to gate everyone away), but not normally seeking out PvP.

    The info in the forums have been very helpful.

    Thus far my characters names are Cambria, Leopold and Imogen. I am also planning to bring back one of my old characters from the old Chessy days, Autofish.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2017
    Sheepdog and Holden like this.
  11. Pekka

    Pekka Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2017
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    We did that with Lesser Damons from a boat near the Bald Isle at Europa. One healer where enough though but it sure took a long time. I was extremely bored then as we only used 1 account, well I ghad 2 later but never boxed.
    Theodin likes this.
  12. blasfede

    blasfede Active Member

    Mar 25, 2016
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    It's always good to see some old face comin' back, hope to see you in game! Have fun enjoy UOR! If you need some help just hit on IRC, you'll surely find someone who want to help you!
    Pekka likes this.
  13. Artex

    Artex Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Mar 12, 2014
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    As a busy father I second Fred's PSA. Game really does suck you in. If you play for pixel gathering you'll have an issue. If you play for the experience along side a good group of people you'll be better off. If your a gamer on a budget and gaming is your outlet then this is a great place to play UO.
    Pekka likes this.
  14. Surfrats

    Surfrats Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 17, 2017
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    I am planning to download the game again tonight when I get home.

    I, too, played on Chesapeake from around 2000-2005.

    I was Mr.Nick/Tito Puente/Eat Big Olaf/Cowface

    Hoping to get back into the game but I had some questions. I am hoping that IRC isnt the only form of communication. Does anyone use Discord? Also have some other skill gain questions (8x8, other old tricks etc).

    Looking forward to playing again.
    Leopold likes this.
  15. Mykos

    Mykos Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 2, 2013
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    IRC channels are the best way to get answers fast. You can start a thread here and get a delayed response. I know there have been some efforts to create and maintain a discord channel, but I am not part of that effort.
    Lord Krake likes this.
  16. Leopold

    Leopold Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 29, 2017
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    As you can see from my initial questions before I joined the server I was very concerned about the ability to train characters without spending half of my life doing it. I was very happy to learn how skill gain works here and I suspect you may be as well. Lots of us use Discord however there is no official Discord channel for the server because of very specific administrative reasons which The Shard owner has discussed in another Forum discussion.

    Three major point about skill gain here: 8x8 does not exist. You can gain skill standing still. Secondly, AFK macroing for skill gain is OK. And third, magic resist is not a nightmare here b/c generous players hold "resist parties" where you can GM in 24 hours totally AFK.

    Welcome to UOR and I hope you stick around.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2017

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