DONE Yes my picture is shitty, best I can do on the road. I accept trades at these values Marked blue Anniv clothing Robe 1 mill, Boots 1.5 mill, Plat at 10k/per Auction ending soon so don't wait to bid. So, let's get to business... all that's left. 2. Blue feathered hat Shad 350k
@OreHound I'm sorry, I just traded for that one. I will give you a 100k credit for any other item in my auction.
Shoot, shoulda been faster! Thanks for the offer Crunk Juice but it was the hat I wanted and I'd feel weird using the credit to up the bid on the other feathered hat. I'll wait for another opportunity .
Yes I would. Vortex. Let's meet up later today after I get off work. I'll remove one from my auction now.
I am going to gracefully bow out due to the fact that I bought one from someone else. Good luck to you @shad. Thanks for the auction @Crunk Juice. Free Bump