Hi all. Selling these blue (hue 1195) 5th anniversary items: Please keep B/I to 25k minimum. Auction ends 24 hrs after final bid. I will try to update the current prices as much as possible, but I do have to sleep at some point, so...double-check the thread. A—5th Anni Blue Necklace, S/B 50k (SOLD) B—5th Anni Blue Earrings, S/B 75k (SOLD) C—5th Anni Blue Dress, S/B 200k (current: 700k) (SOLD) D—5th Anni Blue Fancy Shirt, S/B 100k (current: 350k) (SOLD) E—5th Anni Blue Long Pants, S/B 50k (current: 150k) (SOLD)