Dear UOR Community, I am delighted to offer the next free resist spells session for the shard. It's my way for saying thank you to the vets who gave me a hand when i was young and paying it forward. The event will be held at the Requiem Fort Training Center (hosted by LanDarr) to the North East of Minoc stables (screenshots below). We will start at 06:00 AM EST on Wednesday 27th September (less than 2 days from now) and I hope to run for at least 36 hours (or until regs run out). Please, show up dead and walk to the green tile (circled in picture) and you will get resurected. DO NOT, i repeat DO NOT wrestle or fight as you can kill fellow benefactors of the event. Training bardic, lore skills or healing is accepted and I will provide about 100k bandages for those that want to macro healing (donated by Gideon Jura). I will see to get event moongates setup, failing that you can just walk from Minoc stables. Further directions: Stand in the center, All resisters will be in range from that spot Please do not speed spam bandages, you are wasting them. If you need to gain healing buy it up, and you will still gain nicely here. (Above 80 healing the most efficient way to gain is on a Ghost, don't try to GM healing by healing the living If you are standing on the red flashing dots, you have the chance to gain. The animation may not show you or others getting hit. THIS IS NORMAL. All casters are targeting the same spot. What you are seeing is folks resisting. Please pass the word around!
I assume that you have organised the guard at the door to guardwhack everyone so they can get in (standard for a freesist)? If not (and I know I should not assume) then this is your reminder to talk to @Chris (Telamon on IRC) about a guard and the green gates.
The resist event has finished, over 55 hours of straight casting! I'd like to give a special thanks to @LanDarr for organising the tower and helping me set everything up. I would also like to thank all the casters we had from @Tuneful , @Airin @Kirby @Zaphian - i know i am forgetting a few more names (sorry)
Doh, totally regret not seeing this!!! I have several characters in the 90s who could use the boost! TYSM for being so kind as to offer this to everyone. Any ideas on the next event?