Updated the list and there are better ones in it now. HP/STR/DEX/INT Of the dragons i know the colours of, i added them Dragons 1) 811/822/104/454 2) 815/822/93/474 3) 818/822/89/468 4) 823/815/100/464 5) 824/822/86/473 (nfs) --> red 6) 822/817/105/468 7) 823/811/103/469 8) 825/818/93/449 --> red 9) 814/825/105/475 -->red 10) 820/816/105/444 11) 823/824/98/454 (nfs) -->red 12) 825/816/89/454 13) 820/823/102/438 Mares 1) 501/497/88/104 (pure black) 2) 524/512/99/110 (longhair) 3) 500/501/100/122 (shorthair) 4) 522/501/97/98 (longhair)
Will you accept a SB of 50k on dragon number 5? Is this an auction or a buyout? You should read some of the other auctions to see the format, this would definately benefit from having Starting Bids and a timer included, or Buyout pricing. More people would be interested.
hi, sorry, i'll update my list in a few hours, the dragon 5 will not be for sale right now till i tame a better one, it's my best so far and probably i'll try to bound it (i have no bonded pets right now) and i'll try to set up a better aution
list updated, 2 dragons i'm not planning to sell, but maybe with the right offer... there are also some mares in it now drag 5 is bonded 6, 9 and 13 sb 75k, bo 170k 8 sb 40k, bo 100k the others sb 20k, bo 60k mares, i have no idea yet, but you can make an offer