Why I love this game and server.

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Intoxable, Oct 15, 2017.

  1. Intoxable

    Intoxable Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 21, 2015
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    So i'm taking the time to explain a little bit about why I love this game and even this server so much.

    When I was about 13 years old in 1997, a friend of mine told me hey man this new game came out you should try it, and I thought to myself all I have really played was the 1994 version of warcraft so a new game could be helpful/fun that is not on NES or super NES. I remember being amazed at the creativity and depth this game had. I still remember my first time logging in and a person passed by, I typed "hello there", he then stopped, turned and replied " Hello!" I was amazed at the amount of people that could be in one game.

    I remember spending soooo much time trying to get my first house, I invited other friends into the game who would also become overly obsessed with it. I remember a friend of mine who had internet issues use to come over and we would get in childish fights of who got to play, even though it was my house lol. So we would take turns alternating who got to play.

    Funniest moments I had in this nostalgic masterpiece. Here is my top 5 most memorable moments even though there is probably hundreds more.

    1. My friend Jason was the first of us to place a house, but before that he had a boat that he lived on. I remember my dad receiving a phone call one day to Jason screaming, :they stole my boat, they stole my boat! I need your help now!" in which my dad replied "You own a boat?" He then retorts and calms himself and says, "Oh, hi Mr. Reiss, is Ryan there?" My dad and I sounded somewhat similar but I also think Jason was hysterical at this point, he earned that boat. Lol.

    2. My friend Caleb found a tree that he seemed to get a numerous amount of wood off of before it would deplinish for its cooldown, I remember being there when he looked at his mother and said "MOM. I found the tree of infinite wood!" in which she replied, "That's nice honey.."

    3. I remember on the abyss server way back in the day, collecting large amounts of platemail since each faction/color provided you with bags of started items, so we would get the platemail run to vendors and sell a set, for anywhere from 2k to 3k, we did this x4 people for days to get enough to purchase a tower. We placed it and had the best time ever, unfortunately The creators did away with that server which really pissed us off.

    4. I remember we had a friend named Jonny, who was the biggest scam artist ever, he would sell fake dye tubs in bags with black cloth a top of it and then sell bubbling flasks only to steal them back from people, he got a bad reputation on the Baja server, so we convinced him to clean up his act and come to great lakes, which I was already a multimillionaire on from mining and rare hunting.

    5. On Great lakes, someone had figured out a way to make bright purple jewelry and it became so popular the game creators prevented it from being produced any longer but they did not erase what had been made, we came upon a crate of it during an IDOC and made millions upon millions of gold, this gave us that butterfly feeling of accomplishment for so long.

    So there is my top 5 most memorable moments, what is your guys? Now the main reason I love this game/server so much is it gives me that nostalgic feeling on overload and this server is so well maintained and beautifully designed, Telamon and his crew are amazing people and I truly appreciate the hard work they puts into UO REN to allow us all to continue to live our childhoods over and over.

    Thank you guys!
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2017
    Orion GM BD, Lumbo, Jakob and 11 others like this.
  2. Will_Paint_Your_Dog

    Will_Paint_Your_Dog Member

    Jun 11, 2017
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    There used to be a bug where you could make items remain the faction purple you turned when you had a sigil. Hence #5.

    But it was way cooler on basically any equip-able item that wasn't jewelry/dye-able.
  3. Intoxable

    Intoxable Well-Known Member
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    May 21, 2015
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    My favorite bug was log out in a house, prior to the auto move patch and if someone put a crate or object where you were, it logged you in the next room up so you could bypass locked doors in towers, etc.
  4. Lord Krake

    Lord Krake Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 25, 2014
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    Of the thousands of memories I have, here are just a few:

    1. I recall farming up about 8k for a silver bardiche on Napa. I was pretty much a solo player, and had really not "gotten down" how to play this game. Just kinda ran around and did stuff that seemed fun. So getting 8k, saving it, and wanting to spend it on a single item was a big deal for little Krake. I made the money, went to the player vendor that had it, bought it and was super excited I had finally made a large purchase. I recalled over the Deceit Liches and was going to really take them to town. I run down the hallway, into the Liche room, and wait for the first one to spawn. But before it did..........4 reds ran up on me, sync dumped, dry looted me and took off. In ghost form I saw one of them talk to another one about how to properly run in and kill another player (so they were training this newbie red). I had my silver bardiche for all of 15 mins.

    2. When I finally realized that playing with others was the way to go, I joined up with GNN (not sure how that happened). I was with them for a few months and eventually was tasked to set up and run guild hunts. We all had to communicate thru ICQ. We ended up having 6-7 of us go to Hythloth, all in our guild colors, and run around for a while killing stuff and never getting harrassed by other players. Thats it, just a cool little hunting memory with my first guild.

    3. Me and a friend saved up 25k each, bought a small house, placed it right outside Brit, and immediatly had the keys stolen from us. Like.....within 5 mins of placing. This was before locks could be changed or anything that even remotely resembled house security. We lost that home immediately.

    4. Bone wall in Deceit (like many of you).

    5. First few fights on Factions. Working together with a huge team to get something accomplished. Taking over Trin with my Faction and holding it. Really an amazing experience.
    eherruh and One like this.
  5. Cheapsuit

    Cheapsuit Well-Known Member
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    Jun 12, 2013
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    I started in spring/summer of 2000, and when I would be outside irl, I would find myself looking on the damn ground for reagents! I kid you not.
  6. Will_Paint_Your_Dog

    Will_Paint_Your_Dog Member

    Jun 11, 2017
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    The friend who introduced me to UO was "out sick" from school one day and when I came home he had a brand new 3x dexxer (this was a big deal) thanks to the bone wall of course ... needless to say I was sick the next day.
  7. Black Tortoise

    Black Tortoise Active Member

    May 31, 2016
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    welcome to the server!

    i always say, ill stop playing UO when they make a better game. ive played just about every major mmo title that came out since uo. some I really loved (DAoC!), most only kept my attention for a solid 6 months, though id linger for years due to not letting go of my investment in leveling a character, etc. its been 20 years since i first played UO, its still my favorite game.
  8. Will_Paint_Your_Dog

    Will_Paint_Your_Dog Member

    Jun 11, 2017
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    Don't hold your breath though.
    One likes this.
  9. Intoxable

    Intoxable Well-Known Member
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    May 21, 2015
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    Dark age of camelot was very solid for a bit, but the end game to me sucked. I loved WoW for quite awhile. Everquest i thought was awful. I would also have to say UO is the best ever made.
    Will_Paint_Your_Dog likes this.
  10. sanguine

    sanguine Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    I have too many memories of this game to count. I played Napa myself until that samurai stuff came out, I quit shortly after that. It's sad that now memories like the bone wall are dead. They just don't exist to find anymore within this game. I think part of it was my age at the time, but that place, although always people there, was still very intimidating and really caught my idea of a dungeon and people working together. Now it's just some place I run through occasionally. I bet most people on this server haven't ever stopped to even kill a bone knight.

    I think most of everyone's fond memories are the friendships and atmosphere. These free shards now are just a bunch of veterans clinging to a time that's gone. There is no carebear players like we all started out as and then eventually were molded into the UO vets we are today. Now 99% of the people who join free shards are very experienced in UO, they know most of the tricks. And also now with afk macro and scripting so much heavier, we barely even play the game. We grind chars to 7x at the bank and then just farm or PK. The whole middle game is gone.
  11. Por Corp Wis

    Por Corp Wis Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 1, 2015
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    That feeling when I logged in to UO for the first time in over 15 years and heard the music......

    It brought back SUCH memories!

    Ofc NOW i turn the music off rofl...but....when I first logged in I didnt!
    eherruh and PaddyOBrien like this.
  12. Intoxable

    Intoxable Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 21, 2015
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    I agree, I play because the nostalgia it helps soothe the loss of the original and because I love pixels.

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