Selling a small marble mining house. The house is close to 2 golem caves. Easy to grab them from cave to bring to the house or just have a pack house if that is your thing. You can mine two nodes (bronze and dull copper) from the roof or from the bottom floor. With prospector tool and Gargoyle pick you can pull up agapite golems (seen below), sandstone or stone from the safety of the house. From several places around the house, 3 or 4 nodes away, you can pull valorite and marble golems with easy. (Taking the tables, but can replace with other tables if desired.) S/B 100k 80k B/I 10k 48/24 hr as per usual plat accepted Agapite and sandstone golems mined from inside the house. Valorite golem lord natural spawn pulled from cave.
Yah, go down to the "ground" level, and create a macro for mining the tile you intend to mine from the roof. Then right click the "absolute target" line of the macro, in Razor, and change it to "Target by Relative Location". Then go back upstairs and mine, standing next to the same target tile but on the roof instead of ground level. I think...anyway. Ive never mined from a roof. But I always use relative location macro for mining .