That time of the month again.. here's this months stash! Sold 5k Iron 40k 5k Dull Copper 115k 5k Shadow 115k ( 10k available ) 5k Copper 115k ( 10k available ) 5k Bronze 115k 5k Gold 115k 5k Agapite 115k 5k Valorite 115k ( 10k available ) 500 Stone 250k 500 Marble 275k Still Available 5k Verite 115k 500 Sandstone 250k First come , first serve.. Leave a reply to guarantee your Ingots Gold Only Winners can find me on IRC @ [420]Eskeleto
Morning Bump @Karrelan I'll be on IRC in about an hour or so you can find me there. Still have Stone, Sandstone n Verite available!!
Never heard back from either of the potential buyers so Ingots are back up for sale! Got 500 Stone 250k 500 Sandstone 250k 500 Marble 250k all at 500gp per! Only available till Friday then goes back in the bank till next month!
I am on and trying to find you on IRC. I dont have a job where I can sit idle and log in at any instant. In fact sell them to someone else
Only have 500 Sandstone n 5k Verite left! Early morning bump. Last day of sale or they locked away till next sale.