How about instead of disallowing ghosting, which takes up precious staff time to deal with, just make so in order for a ghost to see players they have to be in war mode? This just makes it easier and will take away the need to police ghosts.
I would be down for ghosts always being in war mode, keep it stupid simple. Then ghosting comes with the sacrifice of any surprise. Information gained via a stealther will always be more valuable.
you can code it to where as a ghost you cannot see anything but the static deco. So players, mobs, and spawning surface items are not visible to a ghost. A successful spirit speak is needed to see and communicate with the dead.....almost like it was supposed to be that way.... @Chris
UMM NO ghosting should be illegal period. On another shard we had a macro that would type in party chat anytime a blue entered our screen, each member of our group had a ghost at a certain location and within 20 secs of blues farming we would be on them. By all means i still have the macro if you want ghosting CPU will be more then happy to join in.
On some other shard years ago, I used to roleplay "a ghost" and walk around saying random things and haunting people lol. some people would try to rez me and I'd refuse it, then they'd be all like "dumbass..."
I used ghosts to steal house plots back in T2A/UOR that was the lovely that the game was open and it was not forbidden. Moral is another question. I simple check a falled idoc plot with small house on and then owner logged in and starting to check the area and I guess the tracking was done i re-logged my placing character that was hidden. Later I used two clients with one on long distance house target for placing then I got multi accounts. Even under UOR there was not a range check as RunUO has today. The original house place check only checked the target position and if the house fit in the spot. So you could place from any distance as long as you stayed on the subserver. Later then they relased the tribal paint there was a bug sins the body type was switched while used and the tracking skill did not work anymore sins tribal paint colored bodys is a own id and this was a bannable exploit of the system back then. (you could use tribal paint and hide and you would not show up on any tracking at all) Ghost have always been able to see all objects and listen to whatever that is told around them until we did get the "private" house rules with the AoS expansion. If you need to say something back then you used ICQ so today use things like Discord. Why even have it a bannable offence then OSI never had it. Sounds absurd to me. The good thing with Ultima Online is the sandbox experience there everything is allowed except direct exploit the game engine if there is any code error found. But I'm more of a coder today and mostly looking for evidence of how T2A mechanism worked. -Grim
I'd prefer it to be allowed, but since it isn't we should make it so no one can or if they do it is obvious and gives them away.
Spirit speak to see ghosts - this functionality was discussed however was it ever implemented? "Note: Detect hidden will not alert you to the presence of ghosts in your house. This has been discussed as a future perk of the spirit speak skill but for now it is best to assume ghosts can be anywhere." @Chris
The road to a Trammel rule set is paved with a million small decisions like this, that in isolation seem innocuous, but in aggregate massively reduce risk in the game.
I think we should be allowed to ghost without any repercussions, I also think we should be able to use whatever words we want, and grief whatever way we want. After all, this is a sandbox, but we can't so might as well eliminate ghosting.
How about you just quit your complaining and follow the rules and this wouldn't be a topic of discussion. You whine to much.