5 items here. Not entirely sure how much they go for A. Standing Harp of Dark Elf Slayer - 1gp SB - Zyler 5k Saturday at 3:43 AM B. Lute of Dark Elf Slayer - 1gp SB - hetmasteen 20k Friday at 8:53 PM C. Substantial Executioner's Axe of Daemon Dismiss - 1gp SB D. Surpassingly Maul of Dark Elf - 1gp SB - Fefa - 10k Saturday at 7:01 AM E. Exceedingly War Hammer of Force and Elf - 250k SB - Crunk Juice 250k Friday at 8:57 PM 48/24 bids Accepting gold only since I dont know how much plat and hcoin are currently running Also accepting Bitcoin (BTC, BCC, ETH, and LTC) Thanks for playing
Bump Edit: My title said Dark Elf. Did not realize it was an Elf Slayer. Not sure if this effects your bid @Crunk Juice .
@Zyler @hetmasteen @Crunk Juice Let me know when you guys are ready for pick up Papersquirrels on IRC