Renaissance Gold per Hour (Crowdsourced Guide Project)

Discussion in 'Guides' started by El Horno, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. Anarchy

    Anarchy Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Mar 5, 2014
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    Type: Peace-Disco Dexxer
    Weapon: +15 Two handed axe of Force/Blood drinking
    Place: Shame - Eastern Bloods
    Time: 12:50-13:19

    Gold Looted: 22,793
    Gold from junk magics/scrolls: - nothing looted but magic weapons
    Total Gold per hour: 47,601

    Noteable Magic weapons: Warfork of Force/Deamon dismissal (lucky one for that short time I think)

    I counted in the Item-Identifaction time with my Grandmaster-ItemID char
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2017
    Hollywood, Seba and compsays like this.
  2. Anarchy

    Anarchy Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Mar 5, 2014
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    Type: Peace-Disco Dexxer (+ see below: some help of my tamer)
    Weapon: +25 Double Axe of Force/Silver
    Place: Deceit - Lich Lord room L4
    Time: 18:25-18:50 (35 minutes)

    Gold Looted: 23,165
    Gold from junk magics/scrolls: 9,000 from 1 Platinum Coin (from a dark one spawned - for which to kill I jumped in with my tamer char)
    Total Gold per hour: 55,140

    Noteable Magic weapons: +20 spear of power, +15 halberd of vanquishing, wand of lightning 17charges

    I counted in the Item-Identifaction time with my Grandmaster-ItemID char
    Also: it is no pure Peace-Disco Dexxer statistic.
    After "a dark one" spawned I jumped in with my tamer and killed it with two chars online at once: Dragons tanking it while the dexxer hitting it
    Hollywood and Seba like this.
  3. Seba

    Seba Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Apr 17, 2017
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    Type: Provocation Bard with Discordance
    Instrument: Dragon slaying
    Place: Destard - L2 - Shadow Wyrms
    Time: 10:10PM - 11:10PM CST (1 hour) during Christmas event. About 8 other people passed through the zone. Most focusing on killing holiday mobs in the area. One PK intending to kill me! :p

    Gold Looted: 30,945. This includes gold from 2 dark elves that were in the area. Same kill method though, provo'd shadow wyrm onto elf.
    Scrolls Looted: 6 , tier 5-8 spells only. Unknown value/did not vendor.
    Leather Looted: 380 barbed hides @ 25gp/ea = 9,500gp
    Magical weapons Looted: 19 - Notables: +15 Black staff Vanq, +0 Executioner's Axe Power, and +20 Large Battle Axe Power
    Total Gold per hour (added gold + hides): 40,445gp
    Hollywood and wylwrk like this.
  4. Seba

    Seba Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Apr 17, 2017
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    Type: Battle Mining with Gargoyle Pickaxes using 2 Dexxers. 1 with Macing and Peacemaking, the other with Swords and Discordance
    Weapons: +15 War Mace of Force and Elemental Ban & +10 Halberd of Might and Elemental Ban
    Potions: 13 Greater Agility and 14 Greater Strength potions used
    Place: Britain mountains focusing on Bronze and higher quality veins.
    Time: 12:44AM - 01:15AM CST (31 minutes).

    Gold Looted: 15,694gp
    Platinum Looted: 1 @ 8,000gp
    T-Maps Looted: 1 Adeptly @ 3,500gp
    Wands Looted: 1 - 1 Charge of Greater Healing @ 2,000gp

    Ingots collected: Marble: 30, Sandstone: 59, Shadow Iron: 50, Iron: 251.5 = 50,913.5gp. I'm valuing marble @ 600gp/ea, sandstone @ 500gp/ea, and iron @ 9gp/ea.
    [​IMG]ore type collected that has not yet been smelted (due to fail chance): Golden: 1,079, Agapite: 574, Verite: 359, and Valorite: 1,157: Potentially up to 1584.5 colored ingots @ 23gp/ea = 36,444gp best case scenario but not realistic :)
    Magical weapons Looted: 9 - All trash.
    Total Gold earned in this mining session: 80,107.5gp. I didn't add the colored ingot potential since it's more of an estimate based on smelting success.
    Total Gold per hour: 155,046gp

    Hopefully my math is correct, wouldn't be surprised if I miscalculated something.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2017
    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  5. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    The Streak (musicianship, peacemaking, anatomy, healing, tactics, maces, 70.1 magery, 29.9 meditation)
    Weapons: GM exceptional war hammer
    Time: 61:09 minutes (includes recalling to bank, organizer agent, restock agent (supplies of 25 bandages)) x 8
    --- note: I was in process of organizer agent-ing last loot drop and decided to count it for egotistical reasons :p ---

    Place(s): evil mage and evil mage lord camps

    • Gold: 48,600
    • Reagents: (NPC mage guild value) 9,888
    • Magery Scrolls: (vendor sale with no depreciation) 6,480
    • 1 adept treasure map - 3,500
    • weapons (vendor sale with no depreciation) 2,496
    • platinum coin: 1 @ 8,000 value
    My Run Experience: 78,964

  6. Blendax

    Blendax Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Sep 18, 2017
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    This is a great thread. I just wanted to bump it, and I'm curious if there are any new areas or updates on old ones. Anyone have stats for Lost Land spawns?
  7. Sapharious

    Sapharious Active Member

    Dec 2, 2018
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    Might want to read through patch notes... seems like Chris put a time delay on tree harvesting after recall used.


    I know this is more of a mob gold per hour, but since LJ was added I will throw in Escorting profits per hour.
    At 1 min delay with perfect conditions the max one character/acct can make on average is 18k via NPC escorting. My escort mage averages 16k an hour escorting. When I run two accounts I can average 21k an hour. Escorting is about as safe as it gets and I have casually made close to a million gold since Dec 02 last year when I joined.
  8. Cerofate

    Cerofate Active Member

    Dec 13, 2017
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    Type: Disco - Tamer
    Weapon: 2 Dragons + Nightmare (all 3 - 6xGM with 96+ magery)
    Place: Shame - Elder Gazer Room

    Gold Looted: 74,759
    Misc Items Looted: 1 Silver Drum, Bone Chest of Fortification, Lighting, Mana, and ID Wand
    Estimated Gold Per Hour: 77,000

    (Unfortunately, the Beholder did not spawn during that hour)
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2019
  9. Cerofate

    Cerofate Active Member

    Dec 13, 2017
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    Type: Disco - Tamer
    Weapon: 2 Dragons + Nightmare (all 3 - 6xGM with 96+ magery)
    Place: Fire Temple - Dragon Room


    Gold Looted: 40,549
    Barbed Hides: 760 @ 23Gp Each = 17,480
    Gems: 15,359
    Gold Per Hour: 73,385

    Misc Items Looted: Fortification Bone Legs, Long sword of Might and Scorpion's Bane (lol), and ID Wand

    ***NOTE: Golden Dragon has a chance to spawn. Since this is a slower spawn you can run up the stairs and kill the 3 Daemons while waiting for the dragons.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2019
    Hollywood likes this.

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