
Discussion in 'Guides' started by IzZaGod, Feb 14, 2014.

  1. IzZaGod

    IzZaGod New Member
    Server Supporter

    Feb 12, 2014
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    OK so I have been stuck on healing for a while now.. I'm at 95.9 and ive been rezing a dead player and gaining but since i hit this specific spot i cant seem to get passed it. Ive used around 700-1000 bandages and not even gained a tenth of a point! If it truly is that slow i think im just gonna say F it and let it get there naturally playing over the course of a YEAR!! lol

    (ok nevermind...im am a retard and i didnt realize my skills had capped out at 700...)
    [Mobolin] and Markos like this.
  2. Azaazel

    Azaazel Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    LOL, well sorry to hear that but glad you figured it out. I have GMd 5 healers so far and I typically go through around 10k bandages for each. It is a lot faster if you start resing at 80 and you use less, but on 4 of them I just GMd off healing my characters training magery/resist.

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