This may be a dumb question, but can a single character receive two slots in one run? If so, I’ll take another.
I'll take one please. Character will be Bone Weevil. Pm me here or on IRC and I can meet for payment anytime
the quest is scheduled for Thursday at 6 pm central, like posted. cause everyone has to group up at same time so i can give out slots. you must prepay me before the event. i dont care when you pay. today, tomorrow, or thurs before. but if i dont have payment prior. I Will Not, click your char and give you a slot on the scroll. I'm pretty easy going, contact me through pm here, on this thread or pm on irc, what ever issues can be sorted out. no shows with not even a message to tell me, piss me off fyi lol
5 left, 2 people thought they could do more than one per quest for same guy . come on peeps lets get some more in on this !