
Discussion in 'Server & Client Support' started by Mikanele, Oct 8, 2012.

  1. Mikanele

    Mikanele New Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Ive been having the same lag problems for about a month now maybe longer.

    When I am around in town I will sorta run in place for a few seconds then lag leap forward sometimes it is like .5seconds and sometimes its 3-5 seconds and some times its non at all. Sometimes I can run fine and just little lag here and there. My -ping is 62.5 max 78 81 avg no matter what time of day it seems around there some times I have high spikes and its like 100 250 140 or something high like that but not that often.

    On the other server I play on I can have 2 instances of UOR running 3 instances of other server running and have like 2 people in the house streaming netflix (not sure if that would affect bandwith actually) and still get like 15ms rarely feel in lag in game while running around.

    I dont really care about my ping I just dont want to lag run all over the place. I am on comcast as my isp.

    I enjoy this server much more than my other one but this lag is getting old.

    I am on windows xp. Any recommendations are greatly appreciated.
  2. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Take a moment to download UO Trace and run a trace route to the servers address.

    How to diagnose connection problems

    Shoot me a pm with the results and we can look into the issue to see what is causing it.

    Also you might run a test with heavy activity and a test with low level activity in the house and see if there is any variance there.

    Steaming video can easily steal 99% of your bandwidth due to the way it operates (constantly buffering at max speed).

    Hopefully we can get this resolved for you.
  3. Zagyg

    Zagyg Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Aug 19, 2012
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    This probably sounds like a smart arsed reply but it isn't. I've had Comcast in two different states and four different locations and - without going into my entire and lengthy history of problems with them - that might explain the issue right there. Check and see what kind of service you're getting from them at different times of the day over the course of a week. I very rarely ever got numbers equal to what I was paying for (more often around half) and my download/upload always tanked during peak hours. If you're turning up horrible numbers, and I wouldn't be a bit surprised, that's your problem. Once they actually sold me a 16Mbps package in a rural area and then later, when I called to ask why my d/l speed hadn't been above 4Mbps in a week, told me that the fastest available in my area was 8Mbps. Also (not sure if this affects Ultima or not) their DNS servers suck royally. If you haven't already done it, switch to Open DNS and/or Google.
  4. Mikanele

    Mikanele New Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    I mentioned Comcast in case it mattered I've always had great Internet through them now cable tv is a different story entirely. I get 25mb dl and 4mb ul on speedtest and most things my actual Dl speed is 1-3mb/s. I mentioned that I can have 2 accounts on uor and 3 accounts on other server running at same time while 2-3 people stream Netflix in my house as we don't have cable tv. My ping on other server is 15ms and never any lag problems even with all the other things streaming.

    I've been on opendns for awhile now it's great. Thanks for the info.

    I'm working with Chris to get this fixed and hopefully get a fix incase anyone else has similar problems.
  5. Abyz

    Abyz New Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    Hmmmm I guess this open DNS thing is worthwhile eh?
  6. Mikanele

    Mikanele New Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    opendns is a great service it filters you or anyone on your home network from going to bad websites that fall under categories that you choose. I hear people say google dns is pretty good to so if you are looking at a free dns service i would try google and opendns. sometimes you can have lag with using one or the other so Ive heard.

    opendns is extremley simple you just add the dns addresses to your router then you can go to opendns setup for an account and it will let you setup your preferences and you can see network stats/logs. its also free for home use.

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