I have seen in the past month leather dye tubs (10 charges) range in price from 850g to 25,000g. I obviously bought the 5 at 850g each, and a few at 2500g each. What is the current value? (and please don't respond with 'whatever someone is willing to pay') Black sandals? special fishing nets? furniture dye tubs? runic hammers (bronze,gold)? amibs? I have been out for a while, and only been back a short time, so I am trying to get a feel for the new pricing. When I left, bond slots were free in you threw in an animal or two. Fishing nets were 1k-1.5k each, black sandals were like 100k, etc.
Special fishing nets are 2500-2800. I sell mine at 2700 and they go quickly. Leather dye tubs are 150-400 per charge. If you're ready to pay 300 per charge, come to me and I'll sell you some.
I've been monitoring forum closely in the last 10 days or so - no one sells them below 2.5. And for 2.5 buyers are ready to stand in a line :-D That's interesting, I think I have quite a lot of these. Which exact hue are we talking about?
amibs i only know the red and green so far red seems to go for 50-65k ea and green 100-150k at least thats what i saw from a couple forum posts when i tried to price out the ones i had i ended up posting for the above and got SB sales on both ...ie i sold the red for 50k and the green for 100k, but i have also seen them go higher on some of the posts. Edit: Corrected the amount i sold the green for