I wasn't throwing out the thought of initiating this here, more of an attempt at possibly understanding where the OP was coming from, while also pointing out that reds don't have it as bad as they think. On Atlantic during the T2A era your shit would get jailed at a >50% clip with unattended macroing then you'd have both stat loss and have to AFK in jail. Maybe other servers had less tattle tales.... I'm not sure.
You know you can't load a spell and go through a gate right? E-bolt 6th level spell. Recall 4th level spell.... You should be gone before the guy loads up a spell if not its your fault.. I love how people complaining and trying to change the system instead of learning how to play... I am not talking about razor or anything else... Even with flat client key binds you can recall faster than someone gating next to you loading and ebolt and targeting you...
"Reds should not be able to use runes/gates - Because criminals cannot use runes/gates." Only when they attack someone and go criminal or are in combat. Just like blues shouldn't be able to recall in combat unless they have 0 long/short term murders.
I only got a warning ones for macroing, and was on the only blue char i had, when macroing eval on a horse in a lagre smitty house
Yes, contrary to what some people here have suggested, OSI actually did go after AFK macroers, and so combined with 3 accounts this gives PKs a huge advantage, but it also gives the rest of us huge advantages as well. I'm certainly not among the most l33t players here, but I've found that it is really not very difficult to get away from PKs, especially if you don't have pets to gate out. While it is true that many reds here engage in annoying behavior here that I don't recall happening on OSI, unlike OSI you can easily find available farming spots even during peak hours. So while you might die here and there, overall I think you can make more gold here. So I think all of this stuff sort of cancels out. Maybe I'd feel differently if I had a really bad run of being repeatedly driven away from farming spots or caught in very unfortunately, unlucky situations.
Ya, few take loot. but as a pvm player not only the monsters i decide to take on but also reds to deal with. makes it tougher to play than just being a pvp. and the looting is a set back to the pvm player trying to acrue resources!
faction wars... for pvp.. all britanea guarded for pvm'ers i mean in actuallity as learned on uosa pvp'ers need pvm'ers, pvm'ers make resources so pvp'ers can pvp! with out pvm'ers pvp'ers die off. they dont farm wool and mine for ore and lj for logs etc. etc. pvm'ers kill monsters for rare items that pvp'ers loot. lol. pvp shard or pvm shard or both? faction wars!!!!!! for pvp!!!!!
Wow, good read! Lots of great advice, thanks. As a new player, i never knew about this box trick. Currently reading through many guides on this forum, so I apologize for resurrecting an old thread.