Hello, This is a loaded question, but as a new player: what is the best place to start out in Britannia? I'm somewhat of a social butterfly and would like a more populous town where I can interface with veterans to the game. Thanks in advance, Luch
Occlo is by far the busiest place, largely because it's the centre of the [Young] new player program. It's essentially UOR's West Brit. Welcome aboard. Edit - But you'll find the most chat/help in IRC - irc.chat4all.org Port: 6667 Channel: #Renaissance
Thanks for the info! And cheers! Ok, so IRC is the goto for comms then? No discord I take it given the goal of era-accuracy?
If you'd like to not participate in the [Young] program, then Skara Brae and Moonglow are both good starting areas. Ocllo is, of course, also good (regardless of [Young] status).
Several guilds have their own private Discord. But the overall community will be IRC But the forums are a place where more people play