Salute to Anarchy Guild

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Lucian Kaine, Apr 18, 2018.

  1. Lucian Kaine

    Lucian Kaine New Member

    Mar 17, 2018
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    So I've been playing on this shard for approximately 45 days or so now. All in all I've had a great experience, but I've noticed through reading the forums that there are a ton of people complaining (crying) about being "grieved" by PKS. Well let me just say that I find these complaints to be ridiculous. I played UO from 98 until the release of the Samurai Expansion in 2004 and during my time I did it all from PvP to PvM to Roleplaying and more. Pking was always around and it is in my opinion, what always brought such a great thrill to the game. Lets face it; we all continue to play this game because there are few games that can get your heart racing and your blood boiling. There is always going to be that risk vs reward factor in this game, especially when playing on a shard that brings with it all of the things that we loved about this game without the downfall of Trammel. With all of that being said, lets get to the point of why this rant is labeled with the subject line above. Every time I have been PK'd, I have been ressed, given most all of my belongings back (minus maybe regs and gold,which I'm cool with) and gated out if need be. Furthermore, today I ran into 1 - possibly 2 members of the guild Anarchy (one did not have his guild tag toggled on) and let me just say.... My dumbass made the biggest nOOb mistake that you can make. I was running around in a rush gathering resources to set up some characters to macro and I had my house keys and rune book on my person. Well, after being Pk'd, I was given these items BACK! Yea, I said it...they gave'em back! Now that's not to say that this experience will be the same for everyone, but my hat is off to ya'll. Very classy! So in the grand scheme of things, for all of you complaining about how you cant afk macro outside of guard zone or camp out a prime time money spot without being PK'd....think back to the days of OSI and ask yourself if PK's would have been so cordial. Hope to see ya'll in the field once my PvP characters are up and running. I'm sure its going to be fun.

    -End rant.
  2. Orion GM BD

    Orion GM BD Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2013
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    @Lucian Kaine

    Brother UOR never carry a key or a rune to your house on you! NEVER!
    As you have experienced it only takes one time for the UOR world you build to go POOF! Those dudes cut you a HUGE break
    not many will extend.

    Just don't be lazy with some aspects of the game, always respect the game, cause the game WILL bite you!

    Love the attitude man!
    Zyler likes this.
  3. Lucian Kaine

    Lucian Kaine New Member

    Mar 17, 2018
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    Haha, no doubt...normally I would never make such a mistake. I suppose being in a rush coupled by my screaming youngins and my ol lady in my ear made me complacent. Or at least that's what I'll blame in on haha :p. This post was more to point out the fact that this shard has a great community, no matter the play style.
    Orion GM BD likes this.
  4. Lnomer

    Lnomer Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2016
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    How dare you talk good things about the most hated group of the Universe... They are griefers, noobs, afk killers, house looters, dry lotoers, pet killers.... Oh man I hate them so much...
  5. Earsnot

    Earsnot Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Nothing but respect for those A guys.
    Kiryana likes this.
  6. merlin8666

    merlin8666 Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2017
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    Anarchy are just griefers! Don't give them any credibility please
  7. Vincent Blackshadow

    Vincent Blackshadow Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2018
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    Buy a lottery ticket.
    Celestrael likes this.
  8. Jakob

    Jakob Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    What! I feel griefed for even hearing this. That Anarchy would do such a horrible thing and give the runebook and house key back!

    I would like to take this moment and publicly denounce the Anarchy guild for what they did! Also all PKs for ressing, gating etc.
  9. Kiryana

    Kiryana Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2016
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    I fully support Your @Lucian Kaine words and also do not bear tears for the bandits! If I hunted and knew that I was safe I would not have had half of those quick-witted feelings of realism and intrigue! I agree with You man ;)

    Good, good thoughts, it was nice to read...

    Orion GM BD and Rextacy like this.
  10. Lucian Kaine

    Lucian Kaine New Member

    Mar 17, 2018
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    Lol, I sense sarcasm in most of these replies...Looking forward to getting to know all of you and everyone's ALT characters.
    Rextacy likes this.
  11. Vincent Blackshadow

    Vincent Blackshadow Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2018
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    Indeed. Just had a run in with them.

    Down right friendly as far as reds go (res, gate, barely looted). Someone should explain to them that they are giving griefers a bad name.

    My own fault really. I've never seen a red there so I was complacent and ignored a blue scout. Went afk for a min and came back to three reds already attacking.

    Only lost a new dragon and my mount. Lesson learned.

    Too bad. I liked that dragon. He had potential.
  12. Twister

    Twister Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Respect to gankers! This is Ultima!

    Lucian Kaine likes this.
  13. Jakob

    Jakob Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    Do you mean, respect to gankers who actually gank, or Anarchy, wannabe gankers?
  14. Celestrael

    Celestrael Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 1, 2018
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    It depends which ones you run into and the mood their in.

    I've had mild encounters and extremely unpleasant ones. Some are alright, some of flaming trashboats. *shrugs*
  15. Lucian Kaine

    Lucian Kaine New Member

    Mar 17, 2018
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    Start fighting back, take a negative and turn it into a fun experience. I just finished my stun/heal mage and will have him logged in on standby just for this. Carry a small PvP pack (30 each reg, 50 bandaids, trapped pouches, 5-10 of each potion (GH, Cure, Refresh, Explo, etc.) and a wand or two (if that's your thing), so even if you die and loose everything, it doesn't matter. 1v1, 2v1, shit even 5v1....if you come in for the fight maybe eventually you'll gain enough respect that certain PK's may start to leave your ALT characters (bards/tamers etc.) alone...or maybe not, maybe you'll just get some gold ol' fashion fun out of it. Join a discord community and when your out farming and have an encounter with a PK, speak out in discord and let those folks know you need backup. I believe that if everyone started to participate more in PvP instead of complaining about how they cant farm without being picked on; whether it be factions, PKing or hunting PK's, it would bring some serious fun to the shard. Even if you feel as if you suck at it, a bunch of blue nOObs in a group vs. a bunch of PK's can still result in a win for the blues. Who knows, if there is a big enough interested and participation in hunting PK's maybe a guild can be formed. Feedback/comments whether negative or positive are always welcome.
    -Just my 2 cents.

    Just so I can get to know who everyone is, if you want to reply to this thread with you character list, that would be cool.
    As for me:
    Lucian Kaine - PvM Dexxer (what I started this shard on and is rarely played now)
    Dra'Elin Spade - Bard
    Pixie Styx - Tamer
    KnuckleHead - PvP Mage
    Deuces Wild - PvP Mage
    Aliester Crowley - PvP Lumberjack Dexxer (possibly used in factions in the near future?)
  16. Vincent Blackshadow

    Vincent Blackshadow Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2018
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    I'm interested as back up at the least. I could use a little Anarchy blood on my hands.

    The best way to do it may be to lay a trap for them which would require planning, coordination and some luck.

    Which discord/irc channel are you using?
    merlin8666 likes this.
  17. Lucian Kaine

    Lucian Kaine New Member

    Mar 17, 2018
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    The Discord channel that I'm currently in is a private one that another friend of mine invited me too. On the other hand I hear that there is another discord that others are using. I'll have to find out if its public and I'll be sure to let you know. I always run the Renissance IRC so you can always drop a message in there.
  18. Lnomer

    Lnomer Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2016
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  19. Vincent Blackshadow

    Vincent Blackshadow Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2018
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    I will keep that in mind and let you know.

    Though I would rather try to get the drop on them when they are not expecting it. Just like they did to me.
  20. Lucian Kaine

    Lucian Kaine New Member

    Mar 17, 2018
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    @Lnomer I'm down for a fight, wouldn't mind knocking some dust off my PvP macros lol. My previous post was meant to generate some interest in getting some group field fights initiated, rather then just continue to read about people complaining how they can't farm a gold hot spot or they are being "grieved". From what I've been reading here, there are a bunch of folks looking to bring some life back to field fights. I saw a few posts about some life coming back to factions recently, which I'm glad to see. I hope to get in that mix soon as well.

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