Rolling out the initial release. (Windows, sorry mac users.. we'll see what the future holds...) >>> UORBC_LATEST <<< If you have any questions please ask. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::OLD BELOW:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Hey everyone, I've had a lot of time on my hands over the past few days, none of which was i able to spend playing. I see a lot of new players asking about ideal builds, how to do their stats, etc. So i decided to start working on a (very, very) basic application that would allow new players (or old players, even) to lay their skills and stats out and plan their characters. What it does so far is allows you to add a skill you choose, with an assigned point value you set to a data grid. it totals your points up as you go, tells you how many points you have remaining. What i plan to I: - provide skill info. (likely just going to link to the website's pages for the skills...) - provide a list of complimentary skills. (Eg: user clicks swordsmanship, it should tell you anat, heal, tactics, parry compliment swords) - stat sliders. maybe even some logic to tell you how balanced you are. anyway, that's all i got for now. indulge me, watch the crappy video.
Sorry for multiple posts, but according to this guys profile he hasn't been on the forum since august Aug2017, is he still around and working on that site?? @Holden
I have no idea if @Kilgore Trout is still active, or the status of his site. Just thought you should see that post. It might be helpful with your project.
Yeah you should continue with what you were doing, that would be a nice utility to have when trying to figure out a good template!
small update: modified the skills view, tweaked some things and fixed some things i didn't like. stat bars added. values from each bar will populate in the (currently) white boxes below each stat slider. next steps (not necessarily in any order): - a field to name your builds. - the ability for build exporting/importing. - a window that populates skill information, OR, a "learn about this skill" button that will direct you to the pages on UOR website for the corresponding selected skill... (leaning more toward the show skill info button). - improve appearance (one day... functionality > appearance) - a hidden button that gives the coords to a pair of socks stolen from Telamon. - other suggestions as i receive them...
It might be neat to have a list of built in "popular builds" to go through that are already done up, and also have different stat suggestions that go along with them.
That is a good idea. I will look into the best way to implement something like this. A little bit more progress has been made. Props to a friend of mine for some suggested changes & assist. (export not shown in video, but it works...) this is still in the rough-it-in stages... all appearance-related stuff subj to change..
Good work man! I agree with @Manbearpig it would be neat to have premade template builds so people can check them out and tweak them as needed for testing.
it is usable as-is, but I need to get this approved with the staff ( Chris ). Technically speaking it falls under the 3rd party program classification, even though it has absolutely no interaction with the server or client. Just want to be sure I cover myself. I like it here lol.
here's a sneak peek of the latest enhancements that I've made. I will be rolling this out for use very soon. There's a few more things that I feel are a must for initial release that will provide added value. I have not forgotten about the request for premade builds, I am deciding on the best way to implement. Anyone interested in helping with a field test just before rollout? I want the perspective of a first-time user.
Hey @RIN thanks for your interest & check your inbox. 1.0 is done and ready folks. I'm going to figure out a better hosting method than a google drive shareable link...
This is now available via drop box; I set up a shared folder that contains the exe, a readme, and known issues log. If anyone has any issues accessing this please let me know. Link available at the top.