Cove Militia [C^M] - Guild Information Thread

Discussion in 'Cove Militia [C^M]' started by RIN, May 19, 2018.

  1. RIN

    RIN Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Jan 4, 2017
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    C^M is a light RP guild focusing on Dexxer-only PvP with WARing like-minded guilds. We are based on a RP background of Cove citizens rising up to defend the area surrounding the city and fighting off both the Orcs and Brigands. This is a good aligned guild, so actions should reflect this. Negative Karma titles should be avoided.


    Recruitment is open to all players who want to focus on some pure Dexxer combat with a slight RP structure. Contact any of the leaders below via Forum PM or IRC to join or post below.

    Guild Leadership

    Mayor of Cove: @PaddyOBrien

    Commander: @RIN

    Lt. Commander: @Vincent Blackshadow


    • RP: This guild is light RP. Therefore no cursing or downright modern speaking. Basically try to use complete sentences with normal English. Thee’s and Thou’s, while appreciated, are not necessary.
    • All guilded characters must have a fully public profile.
    • Magery: This is a dexxer guild, so Magery should not be used in combat by any guilded character. Some of our opponents might allow light magery for non-combat uses. This can be allowed to a minimum in C^M, but should be discussed with guild leadership.
    • Animal Taming: Similar to above, Dragons and Mares are not allowed. Basically any casting pet is to not be fielded. Besides that, some animals might be acceptable. These could be bears, wolves, etc. This should be discussed with guild leadership beforehand. Do note that the lack of gating abilities might make maneuvering with pets difficult.
    • Stealing: Stealing is not allowed for any C^M members. As this is a light-RP good aligned guild, a rogue persona doesn’t fit. It also complicates matters as C^M prefers a no-looting policy.

    The guild has a dress code:

    • All members are to be in Agapite GM Exceptional Armor. Armor can be provided if necessary for the first few sets. Do not abuse the guild resources.
    • Cloth accessories (Capes, Sashes, Kilts, Doublets, etc…) are not to be worn until you’ve achieved a rank that allows it. More below.
    • Footwear should either match your accessory color or be hue 1638: (The guild can help with providing footwear if needed)
    • Mayor: This rank is a ceremonial position held by the Mayor of Cove, Paddy O’Brien. This is not a combat position.

    • Commander: This rank is the de-facto Guild GM position and battlefield commander.
    The Commander wears Dark Green / 1193 accessories:
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • Lt. Commander: This rank is the assistant battlefield commander and is in charge in the Commander’s absence or separation.
    The Lt. Commander wears Dark Red / 1157 accessories:
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • Knight of Cove: This rank is the highest position held outside of a leadership role. The Knight of Cove is a paragon of respect and can be trusted to lead battles or guild events. Knights of Cove are elevated from Knights by recruiting a new member to the militia and then mentoring them until they have also achieve the rank of Knight.
    The Knight of Cove wears Dark Red / 1157 accessories:
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • Knight: This rank is held by militia members who have proven themselves as stalwart defenders. They are primarily responsible to demonstrate the core values of the militia to the public and younger members. Knights are elevated from Militiamen by participating in guild activities for a long enough time and have mastered the battle prowess expected of a veteran. They also have mastered the light-RP conduct required.
    The Knight wears Dark Gray / 2406 accessories:
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • Militiamen: This rank is held by newer members to the militia that have demonstrated dedication to the guild ideals. Militiamen are elevated from Militia Recruits once they show sufficient knowledge of the guild’s tactics and required conduct.
    The Militiamen wears Dark Gray / 2406 accessories.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • Militia Recruit: This rank is held by fresh recruits to the militia while learning the required battle tactics and conduct. The Militia Recruit is not allowed to wear cloth accessories.
    Sphere of Influence


    While the guild’s primary area of patrol is the immediate Cove surroundings (Yellow) and the Surrounding waters (Purple), guild members might patrol other areas as part of an WARing battle / event or to promote the public image of our efforts. When doing this; however, it would be best to do this in a group.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2018
  2. RIN

    RIN Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Jan 4, 2017
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