Overland Spawns

Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by Lightshade, Mar 24, 2014.

  1. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 12, 2013
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    One thing i've always wanted to see more of, is overland spawn points for decent mobs. I know that there are some of them out there and i'd like to expand upon them. I'm looking at T2A in this initial post, as I feel a vast majority of the map is under-utilized.


    I left this map mostly blank, aside from Nightmare spawn points, so that people could use the grid system for their own proposals.

    Myself, i'd like to see the Nightmares expanded to spawn all over T2A so as to increase adventuring and decrease camping specific points with AFK Macros. Also, i'd like to see Silver Steeds spawn along with the Nightmares in the same general areas. I still remember finding one in the wild when OSI broke things and i'd love to start seeing them again.

    In addition, I think that every grid spot should have its own spawn point of something worthwhile. Some of them, like Papua and Delucia don't really need anything, but you get the point. Some areas already have something, but others are pretty lacking and it'd be great use of a non-housing area to put in a WIDE variety of overland spawns.

    What do you think?


    I guess this is an update on the main part of this thread:


    Regions that I feel could use some sprucing up still:

    A3: Daemons
    A4: White Wyrms
    B1: Pirate Camp/Dock on the Northeast sandy shore...?
    B2: Sand Vortex...its a desert afterall...
    B4: Loch Lake Monster, Deep Sea Serpents, Sea Serpents
    C2: Elder Gazers
    D1: Dragons, Drakes, Wyverns
    D2: Rotting Corpse @ Ruins Spawn
    D4: Krakens along coast
    E1: Gargoyals
    E2: Ogre Lords and Ogres
    E4: Dread Spiders / Acid Elementals
    F3: ??????????
    F4: ??????????
    G3: ??????????

    Shaded regions are just what I would consider areas that need no work on the spawns...

    A1: Arctice Ogre Lords
    A2: Champ Spawns
    B3: Ophidian Lair
    C1: Cyclops Valley
    C3: Efreets
    C4: Champ Spawns
    D2: Terathan Keep....however good opportunity for a more enriched undead spawn at the ruins outside of Terathan Keep.
    D3: Papua Town Region
    E3: Reserved For Animal Taming Patch
    F1: City of the Undead / Orc Fort
    F2: Champ Spawns
    G1: Delucia (Town Region)
    G2: Nightmare Spawn area (recommend increasing areas that nightmares spawn overland in general)
    G4: Champ Spawn

    With there being no housing in T2A, it makes sense to make good use of the map for Monster Spawns. As it is, T2A is very under-utilized.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2016
    Bayara, PaddyOBrien, MikeK and 6 others like this.
  2. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
    Bayara and Wise like this.
  3. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Sure, This is actually on my Todo list currently since we implemented the new smart spawning system to save server resources.

    A1, B1 are currently used for the AMIB's
    D4 is currently used for the AMIB's
    E3 is currently zoned for use in the taming expansion. (Patch 52)
    Lightshade and One like this.
  4. Lethius

    Lethius Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    In my first days, I went riding out over the Lost Lands, looking for more low level spawn. I kind of expected to find more of it. I remember from Siege early days hunting ettins, harpies, reapers in the lower part of the map - of course, that was a long time ago!

    There are some nice spaces out there with little reason to visit.
    Brun and Jupiter like this.
  5. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
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    Aug 28, 2012
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    I was thinking of this last night, how barren it is, why bother going there? Oh yeah, there are gobs of champ spawn clogging up some areas, that is about it.

    I would like a house in T2A, and it would be the only house allowed on my account.
  6. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
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    Apr 3, 2013
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    I would personally like to see 99% of the lost lands hit with a bulldozer. That terrain is the thing of nightmares.
    Steady Mobbin, One and Brun like this.
  7. Ningauble

    Ningauble Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Oct 25, 2013
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    The terrain does suck but I love the lost lands and it would be nice to see it have better hunting opportunities. The desert is still a favorite place to go just roaming around killing shit with no particular agenda in mind. Even got one of those spawning mage towers which was an awesome addition by the staff. I have faith that whatever is chosen will be just as well done.
    Gozinya likes this.
  8. Kochampftt

    Kochampftt Member

    Mar 19, 2014
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    lost lands?!? siege perilous?!? lets do this. one of my favorite memories is traveling t2a, that memoey is only bested by my memory of my return in renaissance and being in haven!
  9. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Thanks for the thread Lightshade.

    I agree with you Lethius! I remember fleeing to Lost Lands (due to my complete ineptability to manage any spawn in the main lands). I remember trying to roast a Troll with a firefield before I could it down to a level I felt I could melee it.
    Lethius likes this.
  10. Lethius

    Lethius Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    Here's an idea for something different: implement a "mini-champ spawn" out in the lost lands, rather than simply adding spawns.

    Paragon Altars

    Out in the Lost Lands place altars in some of these empty fields. These altars could be used to summon 'paragon' creatures.

    When killing regular creatures, give each a chance to drop an 'essence of [creature]-kind'. For example, if you hunt mongbats, you can have a chance to find an 'essence of mongbat-kind' on the corpse. If you collect enough of these essences, perhaps 6, you can use them on one of these altars to summon forth a paragon of that creature type.

    Also should be spawned a number of regular creatures of that type, followers of the paragon. The number should be appropriate to the difficulty of the creature. 20-30 mongbats seems fine, but 20-30 ogre lords is perhaps too much. 0-3 at the high end, 20-30 at the low end seems sane.

    The 'paragon' creature would have significantly boosted stats (and loot). The paragon would highlight as 'gold', similar to OSI. Interesting for it to have as loot would be a slayer weapon or instrument of the same type, with a chance for its super-slayer.

    The summoned creatures should be bound to stay near the altar, so as not to have hundreds of highly dangerous creatures rampaging over the lost lands.

    As well, I think the paragon should disappear after a period of time if it has received no damage. Otherwise, we may end up with a number of possibly unkillable ancient wyrm paragons blocking up the altars. An ancient wyrm paragon would be very tough to kill and may take a long time, but if you leave it be for say 15 minutes it will disappear on its own, taking the followers with it.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2014
  11. Lethius

    Lethius Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    This gave me another idea... what if these essences could be used to infuse a weapon with slayer properties?

    An alchemist could take a number of these essences (of a particular type) and create a slayer infusion.

    For weapon crafters, using the infusion with adequate blacksmithy or bowcraft or carpentry, allows you to craft a slayer of that type.

    Another idea... drinking infusions. For magery, consuming an infusion gives a slayer-spell ability for a period of time. Thus, any spells cast would have that slayer property. Going to hunt dragons? Drink a dragon slayer infusion, and all spells will cast double damage against the dragons.

    Infusion effects last for one hour.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2014
  12. Kochampftt

    Kochampftt Member

    Mar 19, 2014
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    Lethius, I like that your having ideas man, but some of your stuff definitely brings us into a crazy category that ventures into that grey line of "EA custom stuff". essences, weapon attributes, that stuff is stepping toe to line man.
  13. Lethius

    Lethius Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    I know, I know! :) I just can't turn off the idea engine. I work for a video game development company... it's in my bones to make stuff up!

    This kind of stuff is always bursting out me whether I want it or not :p
    [Mobolin], Fraggle and Jupiter like this.
  14. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    More spawns in T2A, sure, I hate going there anyway. Perhaps something might change my mind if it were fun to hunt.

    Pass on Silver Steeds. I see no point in their addition but if you add them, please add ethereal beetles and fire steeds so I know it's time to quit.
    Urza, ReZon and Wulver like this.
  15. [Mobolin]

    [Mobolin] Active Member

    Nov 25, 2012
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    What if they are all purple, then will you stay? :p

    But..yes, added spawn please!! (Also saddle bags!)
    Jupiter likes this.
  16. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 12, 2013
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    One of the screen shots of silver steeds in the wilds shows it in what could only have been Hoppers Bog which further supports the nightmare spawns as having been more wipespread. They spawned in the same general areas.
  17. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    I do think Nightmares should spawn all over, including in the old lands. I suppose I wouldn't be too miffed at seeing the silver steeds but it's a slippery slope.
  18. Godric Greycliff

    Godric Greycliff Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Oct 22, 2012
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    It would be nice to see a few of the unused corners of the lost lands get some attention. If we make a change, though, I'd like to see these areas used to give an alternate spawn for some of the rarer creatures in Britannia. Factioners sometimes complain about the ogre lords only spawning in one place (which is also completely overshadowed by having a champion spawn right on top of it.) While I don't recall hearing a complaint from tamers (OMG, right?), Ice East seems a natural place for second white wyrm spawn. Be nice to have another place to hunt succubi or an ancient lich. Or how about a consistant spawn of the mobs currently found only in champion spawns (the odd types of gargoyle and all the Lord Oaks minions.) I also miss Eamon the Ettin Hunter for what it's worth. . .

    As far as nightmare spawn locations go, I'm gunna have to disagree with Blaise. I'm all for making things more difficult (especially for bards and tamers) but not at the expense of player satisfaction. Personally, I'll take the challenge of competing for those few spawns over a frustratingly fruitless search (and the inevitable cries of new tamers) any day. If you spread the spawn area wide enough to require an extended search or the use of the tracking skill the challenge will outweigh the satisfaction of finally finding a nightmare to tame. New tamers already get overly frustrated at finding them as it is. If anything is to be changed I suggest that we further randomize the spawn timers. . . at least at first. I can't count the number of times I've found one nightmare and then proceeded to find two and even three more back to back. That's not fair or particularly fun but if I had to search the world over not even knowing if one was there at all then I'd just quit looking and so would most people. That's not something we need here.

    I don't see why we need silver steeds, kirin, or unicorns. Keep in mind that the unicorn and kirin had particular special abilities that might be burdensome to code. This would be particularly wasteful if people aren't going use them because they're less effective than nightmares anyway. I'm not really opposed to them, though. I'm all for new tameables. I'd just prefer to spend my time taming wyverns or phoenix or wisps or silver serpents. I'm too afraid to ask for tameable shadow wyrms or ancient wyrms (both of which could use an alternate spawn location, though.)
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2014
  19. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    I can see that but I guess I just find it boring like going to the store when there's literally only four places to find nightmares. There's no hunt about it or 'omg a nightmare!' feeling for me. Granted, I remember the first time I ever went and found a pure. It killed me if I recall correctly and someone else helped me tame it, but that was the last time I felt surprise and elation at 'finding' a mare.
  20. LudKrud

    LudKrud Active Member

    Dec 21, 2012
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    Yeah Id like to see it in random spots.....for some reason when I look for mares I end up running all around t2a anyways looking for frenzieds when I dont even need them....may as well just start out running around....lol

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