SB 75K each BO 225K each BI 10K or more 12 hours from last bid! Gold only Please "The Boys" MAX STATS 825/825/105/475 Tito- 821/822/93/462 Carl- 800/823/103/473 Barry- 823/803/97/475 SOLD Stan- 822/823/86/449 SOLD Tom- 822/821/94/472 SOLD Lou- 823/824/89/453 SOLD Dave- 818/821/101/471 SOLD Jimbo- 821/820/103/457 SOLD Benson- 823/822/95/470 SOLD BoovE- 821/824/102/467 SOLD If you want to know what color I can pull them out and look for you Thanks for looking Krampus
I see so many people pulling shitty dragons out of stables!! Time to spend some coin people and UPGRADE!!!!!! Bump
Sorry about this. Have to retract my BO. Ended up getting a better dragon from a Friend. I have no Use for it. I will cover the 125k from Hammers bid that brings it to Buyout.