Quitting this shard

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by prancer, Oct 16, 2012.

  1. prancer

    prancer New Member

    Oct 13, 2012
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    Hurr I'll have some spectators at all the good farm spots to keep on eye on everything
    Hurr I'll log onto my red and gank this noob. What a noob not macroing up a 7x GM before leaving town
    Hurr that didn't work, how about I recall in with my Macroed up thief and steal his stuff haha.
    Hurr he tried a different spot, good thing I have all these accounts to keep watch over some guy just trying to farm
    Hurr I'll abuse game mechanics to flag him grey
    Hurr I couldn't harass him anymore.
    Hurr he found my bard macroing provo on some Olords unreachable among these rocks
    Hurr I'll just log onto my other account and attack him with my leet PvP guy
  2. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Welcome to felucca.

    I never really understood the allure to become a pk... it isn't like they go around to pk each other, no they kill easy targets. It is not a challenge (except for Goon) to kill new players, bards, tamers or miners. So, it sucks you got murdered, stolen from or griefed but that is the risk we all take here. It takes way more balls to be a bard or miner than it does to be a pk. ;)
  3. Mikanele

    Mikanele New Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Sorry your leaving I hope bored pk doesn't turn away more new players our numbers haven't actually risen much since we stRted even though staff are doing an great job. I expect to get pk and have been pked. Numerous times but overly grieving on a brand new shard wont help our numbers grow.
  4. Seth Able

    Seth Able New Member

    Oct 3, 2012
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    New player here, as of last week! Murderers kill the innocent. It's a tradition in Ultima Online, but sadly, World of Warcraft has made gamers soft.

    That's why when I got tired of being fodder on my bard or tamer or crafter or farmer, I created a PK of my own to defend against such attacks on my old shards. And that is what I plan on doing here as well.

    I don't PK AFKers, and if I PK new players, I leave their stuff. If I PK established players, I usually just take what I need to continue PKing or any HOT items they may have on their corpses. If I PK other PKers, I generally offer them a gate to a shrine, allow them to ready their toon and PK them again because I want to PVP some more. I don't rez kill and rez kill and rez kill unless you're trash talking, because that does nothing useful. It isn't 1999 - 2000, we're lucky at all we get any type of player on this game, let alone this shard.

    That said, remove balls of pet summoning so I can boat Double Vision's bonded pets. Thanks!
  5. Mikanele

    Mikanele New Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    I have no problems with pks or being fully looted its why I play fel based shards I just hope the lame pking (pked while macroing afk) and grieving doesn't hurt the shards growth.
  6. Simon Swift

    Simon Swift New Member

    Sep 9, 2012
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    Sorry :]

    Try farming/training off of the beaten path...
  7. Zagyg

    Zagyg Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Aug 19, 2012
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    Sorry to hear that lameness has got you down. A lot of people move to new servers hoping that somehow things will be radically different there than anywhere else they've played, but it never is. The specific rules of the game are tweaked differently, but it's still basically the same game it has always been and mostly the same people playing it from one free server to the next, with a little new blood injected from time to time. You can't get away from it. I didn't expect to by coming here; I got away from a really bad set of rules is all. But hell.. even switching to a different game wouldn't help if the rules there still allowed griefing and such, so you might as well stick with the one that's otherwise most enjoyable.
  8. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    It encompasses all of multiplayer gaming, completely.
    If there is any way to cause grief to another player, rest assured, someone, somewhere, is doing it.

    In Call of Duty, they are the guys camping in a corner on an objective gametype, going 1:30 with 0 captures.

    In Minecraft, they are the randoms that come in and blow up your house/town/whatever.

    In UO, they are the ones who not only kill you, but do everything possible to make you as angry as possible.
    If you quit, they just won the game. If you laugh at them and get back to enjoying your game, you win.
    Losing some pixels that you didn't have when you started the game, should not matter so much.
    Sure, it's annoying but really, with no risk of loss, what the fuck are we playing for anyway?
    If you want no loss, download RunUO, launch your own shard and play PK free for life.
  9. Zagyg

    Zagyg Active Member
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    Aug 19, 2012
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    This doesn't change the fact that I mainly agree with you, but I think it's almost always more about losing time than pixels. When you go out of your way to make time to play for an hour and end up getting screwed out of that hour's worth of effort, you get so mad you start thinking crazy s***.
    Also, from what I've been told by freeshard owners, it ain't cheap to run one of these bad boys. Out of my price range anyway.
  10. Wise

    Wise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 21, 2012
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    Strength in numbers!
  11. Avery

    Avery Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 25, 2012
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    ^^What Wise said. Join a guild. We're a nice bunch, despite what DV says :)
  12. Duffrey

    Duffrey Member

    Aug 20, 2012
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    Be prepared and consider to lose something or even everything because thats a part of uo. It's also a part of ou to learn from it and do it better next time. Therefore I never walk around with something in my bag that I can't afford to replace. Carpe diem, uo is a sandbox. Take heart and give it another try.
  13. GONG

    GONG Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    I never understood why more people do not make and or join anti pk guilds. We had a lot on Lake Superior. Basically grief the pk with your group of blues. Pull the no skill ones out with a single avatar while waiting for them to pop up. They will pop up, and when they do smash their faces. After awhile they will be more wary of attacking people.

    I enjoyed griefing in retail UO and in WOW. However, I know when to stop. If your worried about the shard taking a hit, (I even noticed the numbers to drop a bit) do something about it! Hunt pks! Honestly, hunting pks is much more fun the pking anyways. I used to nude kill PKS and greys on LS with my dexer and my buddies lumberjacker. Made for some of the best times in my UO career.

    Another thing to keep in mind is that the pks do the economy a service. They keep it from being flooded by the mass farmers that just want pixel crack. Overall, it makes the sandbox more fun. It does suck to die, but that is part of UO, and without it makes for a crummy game.

    I would be more than willing to do some anti pk grouping. I just have not been playing enough to do anything. Also, this is a small community, so try to be friendly and treat each other with respect. All this coming from a griefer, how ironic, LOL!

  14. Zagyg

    Zagyg Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Aug 19, 2012
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    Good post, GONG :cool: I thought about why people really don't make more anti-pk guilds and I'd guess it's because anti-PKing is still PKing; you're just targeting a different group. It contains the same elements - you're rewarded with paltry loot that you don't need, and probably less on average than when a murderer kills a loaded bard (a murderer won't be carrying t-maps, gems, and multiple magic items that he isn't actually using). You'd also have to camp a house or PvM spot not doing anything until your victims come along, which makes killing monsters look like an adrenaline rush by comparison. The only possible difference would be the PvP ability of the intended victims, though I imagine anti-PK guilds would just run larger and gank 3-man gank squads in 8 on 3 combat so there'd still be no real competition there. In other words, if you find the usual PK life to be lame, you're probably not going to be an anti-PK because it's about the same thing. And if you enjoy all that mess, you're probably already a PK.
  15. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    We all have dreams :lol:

    I tolerate some of you and like a few of you but can't stand blaise, he's the only reason I pick on your guild. I actually Left BRK cause supposedly Cr3w & robbbb were griefing other members cause they didn't like me but blaise flat out said in irc he didn't care what I did to his guildies so that shows ya how much he cares... :roll:
  16. Robbbb

    Robbbb Member

    Aug 20, 2012
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    I love you!
  17. Vandyke

    Vandyke New Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    As far as not many anti-PK guilds out right now, many people are still trying to carve out a niche and a home. Farming money to get your toons going is the main focus of most.
    Once everybody gets comfortable and can spare the time to power up a decent pvp toon, I'm sure there will be more pvp groups out.(remember not everybody wants to be pigeonholed into the stun Mage and dexxers don't seem to be hittin correctly from what I've read from the majority of posters on the subject)
    I've heard cts events have been pretty fun. I am almost ready on my pvper to get out there and try it.
    For the non-elite pvpers such as myself, money is a big factor in piping as it is suicide to go out without trapped boxes, a sack of pots, and a GM set of armor of some type.
  18. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Nice attempt to slam me and how I treat my guild. I am completely honest with the guild and they all know me well enough to know how much I respect and care about them. I also know they aren't going to give two shits about some pathetic nerd on the net taking out his vengeance because of one person. They all know how to handle some heat, because they play UO. You and your non-army aren't going to make a damn bit of difference in our gameplay. Perhaps some feathers are ruffled, but they all know how to reach me and know I'm open to discussion about literally anything. The truth of the matter is, the vast majority (except Xevec apparently) agree that you are a piece of shit and really don't care how much I troll you, or you kill them. You think it was me that gathered that small party of non-PvPers to attack you while you were taming? Guess again.

    I'm sure it's nice and easy for you because I do make myself an easy target. Several guild members have actually thanked me for being the hated target in the public eye because they don't want to be, but they think it's funny that I troll you I guess...because it's so easy.
  19. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    Your a joke and even your guild doesn't understand why you act the way you do, but you said it in irc in front of everyone. I'm not wasting time arguing with you on different threads. Fact is I have proven that if the other party acts mature I can easily put stuff behind me , Your the ONLY one who wants to keep it going... So keep it up, you will not win anything or benefit from being a complete douche bag, It's like the saying goes. " Arguing is like the special olympics even if you win you are still retarded" Do you want a medal blaise? will that cheer your up? Grow the hell up.
  20. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    I'll take my medal as long as you can accept we are equally retarded for arguing on the internet.
    I'm not sure what it is I "said in IRC in front of everyone" but I assure you I don't care. I speak the truth, I speak honestly, and openly at all times. Unlike whatever nefarious character has been crying like a bitch to you about me, without being man enough to just say something to me about. Talk about weak.

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