You never know when chris could add in harder orc monster types in the future. Possible bosses, or something to that effect. A great weapon if that ever happens.
Question. (Probably mad stupid) Do Orc slaying weapons affect those who RP wearing masks of orcish kin and are allied with the orcs? (Effectively turning this into a repond) ?
I know how ya feel.. Got a +10 Silver Vanq Pickaxe a few weeks ago. I have had it in my pack since. Chill at banks and thieves don't even want to take it.
I asked that same question and I don' think it does. I do however think it would work well in the invasion events ect.
The worst part of this weapon is the black staff part, the orc slaying is awesome. For those that have never tried smashing through a fort full orcs with a decent Slayer should try it, it is quite relaxing! 50k!