lol that was a good one. Im thinking of throwing in the rest of the bods i have collected lately. over 70 large and over 230 smalls all random and mostly colored ingot bods. Would anybody be interested in a small collection of that caliber? its been randomly collected and not sorted through until today when i counted them in preparation of selling
honestly dont know what this valorite bod is worth but its the only one i have pulled this entire time and my whole plan was to sell these bods so lets see what they will bring. there is no better time than the present
i damn near cried because it wasn't i started to gain so much excitement and when i seen it had everything but exceptional, i almost smashed my computer
Unfortunately, yeah. completed 20n val plate LBOD will bring you phoenix armor deed.. which is worth 300k+. also 20n val sbod will bring you shadow runic hammer, and it's worth almost 50gp or whatever(I have 2 full boxes of shadow hammer, but I never ever use em.). and as you've experienced, Val bods are pretty hard to pull out.. Rubbish reward +Quite rare chance = Almost no one will collect it = Low market price. Wish ya better luck next time!
Oh and If you feel that you are not an expert on bod price, make a 1gp bid post for your bod books in trading section, put your bod books on your own vendor, and Just let ppl freely observe it. That's how I've done bulky bod selling business(and ofc It worked perfectly, cuz enthusiastic bod runners are never let the money making chance fly away XD).
i know man, thats the worst part about all of this. i would rather pay you 25k to watch me trash barrel it than sell it for 200gp